Star Fox: An Unexpected Mission: Chapter 10
scale king asked. "heh. it's very simple. all you have to do is....."
A Dragons Love
A dragon is not only beautiful for its personality, but the color of the scales is as important as the actions. having silver scales is like snow; boring and cold and makes everyone think you are less than them. _everyone_ has colored scales, except me.
Twisted Night: Chapter 22
Axton placed a hand gently on her scales, she could even feel his warmth on his palm. but that would be crazy right? "send this demon to heck." axton? how could this?
Chapter Two
He inherited his ebony-black scales from his father, shiny and as dark as a moonless night sky. not many dragons had black scales in the city, so he and his father were somewhat special.
A Forest Fight
A peculiarly shaped scale was broken off, and was lying on the floor. it was pink, and in the shape of a heart.
6 : BlindSighted
"you have scales." "we have scales." elliot pointed to scilius as she spoke. for some reason, scilius read into what she said something far more._cecil had to go because elliot and i have scales.
City Sector Uplift part 3
The cream was edible food, after all, and dragons commonly licked their scales to clean them. licking another dragon's scales was a friendly gesture of grooming.
Striking Out: Part One
The mud clung to his scales, degrading their beauty, and he thought it fitting that his scales should be sullied. there was no beauty in what he had done that day and there should be no splendour in his appearance either.
Draconian Peril
Even more spines grew from under the scales on the back of his forearms. small ivory plates in the shape of ribs grew over his torso to cover the spaces between the ribs that lay under his scales.
At the Protector's Feet
Even at this scale his appearance was immaculate. the talon was flawlessly smooth. his scales were almost mirror-like. his every, tiny movement seemed to make the entire world quiver around me.
A Patient Death 07: King and Country
scale pulled his arms up in an effort to shield his face, and breeze hit him again without hesitation. the club connected with scale's wrist, and breeze grinned as he felt the joint crumple, the tiny bones crunching beneath his blow.
loving dragons
The red scaled dragon was staring dead at aquarios. "umm aquarios" he didnt look at his new "friend" he had major issues and he also is shy around people.