Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders

Ifrits are more on the hot-headed and sadistic sides, easily provoked and difficult to soothe.

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Survival, Chapter 1: Acorn Paste, Honey, and an Egg

It was frightening, because if hex's tribe could truly digest and live on plants and eggs, the only reasons for them to prey on the uplifted were willful naivety or sadistic glee.

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Off Leash Chapter 3

Further proof that the universe itself is a sadistic bastard. i flinched a little when she ran her fingertips over the crown of my head.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 1- Morning At The Guild

Regardless of the time of day, it was as if loudred had a sadistic fancy for bursting other pokémon's ear drums.

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Day 43 7:54 PM 1/5/2023-Chapter 13-Why?

A couple of days ago, we got stopped and turned around by a cult of sadistic women who were claiming to be protecting people from the violence of men. then, just this afternoon in fact, we came across a survivor colony, or what was left of one.

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Mental Break

Olivia cocked her head and the sadistic smile grew, "wh-what? i d-don't kn-ow why y-you're loo-looking like th-that." this was a psychiatric hospital, so she was here for a reason, "why are you here olivia?" "f-family ab-abuse."

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What is Reality?

"bloody mary, the most sadistic person in the world. rumor was that she gained immortality and special powers after bathing in the blood of a hundred virgins, drinking the blood of more virgins... lots of blood from virgins is the point.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 33

Could he really be that sadistic? "hey, darrow! come help me with this! i'd rather not take any chances. this is one tricky bastard."

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Love Is Surreal

This time he wasn't even trying to hide his sadism and the two foxes made their own merciless vulpine chuckles. the blood in my cheeks felt like it was boiling and the skin beneath my fur was burning like a grease fire.

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Descent Ch 2 Pt 2: Investigation

That voice, it sounded young and playful but something else about it suggested mischievous and possibly sadistic... it was enough to make my fur stand on end. i perked my ears as i heard the voice speak again, only this time it sounded sadder. "aww...

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Evil Genius Ch.3

He couldn't help but snort out, "you didn't really think i'm so sadistic a master that i enjoy bringing pain to my pets now do you?" he obviously found the situation quite humorous as he could barely contain his laughter.

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