Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 6

Kadai didn't give a damn about wardo's crazy talk. he was only listening with half an ear anyway. with the tree behind him, wardo would only be able to flee to the left or right.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 6

Kadai didn't give a damn about wardo's crazy talk. he was only listening with half an ear anyway. with the tree behind him, wardo would only be able to flee to the left or right.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 19

wardo scoffed. "you've got all our attention. what is so important you had to interrupt my _inauguration_, you damn brat!?" hezzi met wardo's gaze head-on.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 20

wardo scoffed. "you've got all our attention. what is so important you had to interrupt my _inauguration_, you damn brat!?" hezzi met wardo's gaze head-on.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 72

wardo turned around, his eyes wide and crazy, showing the whites all around.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 74

wardo turned around, his eyes wide and crazy, showing the whites all around.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 45

That was something he couldn't allow himself to do anymore, because, as wardo had said time and time again... he was different now. "everything you've said is true, wardo," dorin said.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 45

That was something he couldn't allow himself to do anymore, because, as wardo had said time and time again... he was different now. "everything you've said is true, wardo," dorin said.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 53

wardo massaged his forehead, perhaps to still a pounding headache.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 54

wardo massaged his forehead, perhaps to still a pounding headache.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 41

"and what do you want, wardo? what do you _really_ want?" wardo's eyes went comically wide. "what do i want? are you seriously asking me that?

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 41

"and what do you want, wardo? what do you _really_ want?" wardo's eyes went comically wide. "what do i want? are you seriously asking me that?

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