SPQR- Chapter 1

All of these soldiers had fought well for those principles to return home alive and those that did not return had paid the ultimate sacrifice in blood, enabling the victors to arrive home on this glorious day.

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Chapter 27: Lost and Confused

They caught him staring, and kayya took her paw from zeinara's face; zeinara returned to her meal. yeneneshe ignored everyone and returned to her own meal. motsumi cleared his throat.

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Family... (Arc 6.5 Final chapter)

She returned, a smile reforming on her face. "are minato and lashanne okay?" volcan asked, looking out toward the bay. "they aren't far behind." victor returned as he placed caulin back on his feet.

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Treter: Sources of Christmas

For sometimes i had wondered if they would just return to their homes and forget the whole ideal.

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Team Valiant Chapter 3: First Mission

Luke returned. "and volcan." hearing his name, the blaziken turned to luke, eying him curiously. "you did well today." he returned with a smile, then dashed off to collect carl.

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Sands of the West Chapter 5: Favours

I think i'll returned to my room now... but thank you for listening," she said gratefully, though was too nervous to look directly at him. "you're welcome." he returned, blushing slightly as he stepped back to let her leave the pier.

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Do Dogs Have Souls?

And then it is returned to them, and that which we forced upon them is returned to us - with all that our hatred imparted upon it.

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://www.deviantart.com/inmyarmsinmyarms/art/return-to-ulgrotha-balance-916205886 "return to ulgrotha: balance by inmyarmsinmyarms") [laira was a simple faerie.

The Outlander 3 38

Warriors and old friends returning after such a long time away from home. may i be the first of many to greet you all many happy returns to redwall abbey!"

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"Timeless Wars" Ch.3-4

"kay...hey after you win and killed cerberus, we'll be waiting to celebrate your victory when you return. just don't die on us." "got it kyle. i'll looking forward to it!" i teared in the video, know i won't be returning.

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