The world exists in a continuum, from past to present and beyond.
My roots are plunged into the past, into the land, into the flesh, into the blood and into the soul.
So many have come before me, be them people, great beasts or ancient trees, their marks shaping the soil where my roots ground themselves.
I want my roots to be blood vessels, to touch and connect to all those to came before.
Knowledge leads to love, and my love for those who came before is sparked whenever I see their handiwork.
Every animal, every culture, I want to understand, to feel deeply that continuum between past and present, between the world and myself.
Is this spirituality, to revere and respect and want to be a part?
All my life I have been distracted, but craving the connection is the truth.
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Laira was a simple faerie. A bit of sunshine, a warm welcome and the sound of rivulet waters echoing across the creek was enough to please her. Many of her kin lost themselves in Court politics, and that was fine. She wasn't a good argumentator nor ambitious enough to even try. She'd much rather do her duty out in the fields, watching over farmers and their children, keeping an eye out for danger and blessing the Summer harvests. She yawned, laying lazily on a branch on the outskirts of Kerselin. Underneath her the children of loggers played, occasionally stealing glimpses of their gracious protector but mostly ignoring her. A faerie's mystique can only last so long when she's a regular presence. Her rest was broken by an argument, laughter suddenly replaced by shouting and crying. Wasting no time, she unfurled her wings and fell from the branch, gliding down gently between her charges. "Now now, what's going on?" she asked, firmly but gently. "Zud won't stop hitting Tov!" a girl
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