To repent
#1 of poems i regret my actions, undoubtedly so i wish to repent but that is known my heart is heavy, full of regret and i don't expect forgiveness yet don't take this as a futile plea to encourage you to forgive me i just wish for a chance to
Also, hooray for my shortest poem~ anyway! this poem should be self explanatory and if it isn't, i'd like you to think about your own meaning!
Poem #10
#9 of my poems more poem goodness ^.^ time changes all, caressing along all the curves. upon waking up, energy i see everywhere, makes my body ache and burn, as my body grows old.
a whispering dark
#1 of poem fate a poem please comment when light as died.when time as lied.were do are lifes take there stand. for the darkness i hear tells of death ideal.
Fear - Revisited
#4 of poetry this actually used to be a poem that i wrote when i was younger. i read through my personal book and found it, edited it, and now like it! despite the sound of this poem, i'm not a depressive person!
Poem - Suicide
#1 of poems so, i want to try out everything this site has to offer! no, this didn't happen to me, but there are tons of people to who it happened, or still is happening.
Poem of a broken heart #2
#2 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart ?''
Blooming Love - short poem
This poem was written over the course of a few months. i began writing it just to practice creating imagery, but it turned into a love poem. i wrote it while inspired by how relationships are created and grow. this was finished on 5/20/2016.
Dancing Away the Human - A Poem
#1 of owletrons' scrap book a short poem about not caring if you're any good at moving your feet. best consumed slowly and while listening to a good song. i don't plan on sharing many poems, but i find they can be fun to write if an idea comes to you.
Hungry and Desperate
A poem that describes the foolishness of placing one's belief and ideal above action and purpose. one of three poems i made this afternoon i'll post.
Short Poetry Collection
These aren't "yay sunshine" poems either, i have never been a huge fan of humans and in one poem it shows. if you don't understand any of these that's fine, but if you get the t.s. eliot reference in one of these i will be very happy.
Twisted Purity
#14 of poems this is a follow up to the previous poem purest heart. while unicorns are often portrayed as graceful, pure, magnificent creatures they are far from perfect.