This has no title. But read it.

A total society has many interconnected value systems. all the values in the society have bridges of language to connect them for orderly working in the society.

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The Lion Has Landed

Because no matter what else has happened to us, we realize - eventually, at least - that we're so much more because of the 'us' that we created.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 35: The More You Look The Less You See (Places Both Known And Unknown Part IV)

"well this has been one hell of a day. i guess we better wait out the storm- we don't want to even travel back home under these conditions." "it wasn't that bad alex." "what do you mean?" i said staring at her. "look another obelisk."

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Part 4

The odd pair left the dimly lit bar behind them. They walked in silence for a few moments, wondering how best to proceed. "So, Mr. Silver," the taller began, "what do you think of violence?" It took a moment for a reply, "I try to minimize the...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 24: Challenges, Complications And Dangers

I hope and pray they survived but it has been a month now- they should have surfaced somewhere. say what time is it?" "about 7 am february 2nd." the rhino warrior said. "it has been a month since the change." i said. "and you all seem to be thriving."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 29: Changing The Game

"it has actually gotten worse." the teen said to everyone there. "the intendant's ambitions aren't exactly meeting his expectations and he is letting those under him know; all there are suffering like never before."

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Mudkip Has a Bad Dream

Mudkip kicked his leg, he whimpered, he was reliving the moment when it all happened. The river was rising, he was stranded on the bank, he called for his mother, his father. They were coming, but the rain was fierce, lightning pierced the sky. His...

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X3 ciao~ i thought the drugs would take away the pain instead, it took all i had and drove me insane, deep within, my freedom has forever been slain, oh how i long for it back, it's what i crave, all i am now is but a slave.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)

Winter it has not made a hostile move.\*** it was at that moment i was reminded that i was weapon-less and did not have a means to defend myself if personally attacked. but i wasn't sensing any danger.

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Nothing Feathered, Nothing Gained - Excerpt

A group of four clay brick houses surrounded a fifth building that served as store room and kitchen. Drasik's bordered one of the main city streets, which was perfect for business and tolerable for living. It was home, or close enough to it. A familiar...

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Corgi has Dinner (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Though her nose already was protesting, it was not until the corgi laid eyes on the sheer quantity and variety of peppers in the dish that despair truely took root behind her fascade of excitement and anticipation. It was like a casserole of flames...

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