*Rewrite* The Extraordinary Casebook of Dr. Exeter; Chapters 1 and 2
Even if r'kasha had left his piano to peek over my shoulder in jest, he did not know latin and would not know how to translate the words. "what else did you read through my eyes?"
Vespa is the latin word for wasps." padding softly away from the window, the lion took up his tiger lover in his arms and held him close.
Breaking Through
It was a simple shortpaw word, came from _copper,_ which had some origin somewhere in latin or french or something. darkstar would know, or he'd find out. i just felt it was disrespectful, cheapening.
A Single Candle, Part 3
"trust a scientist to know his latin." grinning, perhaps at himself, the firefox confessed, "i'm trying very hard not to deluge you with a thousand questions. i'm also trying to hold on to what is a new definition of 'reality,' at least for me.
Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)
"non hobo ideam quad iusti dick-runt" you say in broken latin. "dick runt?" jenny laughs. "i hope that's not the case, though what qualifies as a runt with real people?" she mumbles beneath her breath.
The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away
Even in the vacuum of space, and their society doesn't use gendered pronouns not because they don't have genders but because they have complicated sub-genders and sub-sub-genders and for each one to get its own prnoun the results would look like a chart of latin
A Child is Born in Bethlehem
"true, the latin church celebrates the birth of christ in december, but it was not always so. church scholars are torn between a date in late march or sometime in later april to early may for the birth of christ.
Collar 12 -- Pax Vo Biscum
_jesus flevit,_ in latin. it means, 'jesus wept'. the teachings say that jesus was god incarnate, in fleshly form. that means that god cries too." "is that what you believe?"
Dragon's Christmas Adventure
Puss interrupted in his rich latin accent, "i resent your crass remark donkey. if your were not a mere bumpkin i would challenge you to a duel".
Chapter 4: First Day (Part 2)
"it's latin, it means prepared for all or ready for anything. dead languages and quotes were a popular topic around the dinner table." milo said again, scratching the side of his head. "you talk about dead languages over dinner? with who?" faya asked.
R/7 The Deep
They needed to run it through a latin rosetta to read the original documentation. by the time everything was done, you had four versions of the book, and not one of them in a language spoken by the original penner."
Maxwell 2
My latin is almost non-existent, but i'm going to make a guess at _quis consolatur ipsos consolationem._" after a moment, the fox smiled softly. "close. i'm not entirely sure myself, but i think the reflexive is out of place.