No Shift- Intro
"dennis" is my first discovery, so watch and see how he lives his life. because all of my "stories" are interconnected. because it is the same in "my world". so join me. dream with me. love with me. hate with me.
The Book of Sins, Chapter 2. The Mad-Dog
How must those eyes have appeared, if one could have seen the fear, or fright, or seduction such a being felt at that discovery? could they be as a child, clinging to the familiar whilst struggling to grasp the new?
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 5: UNC
The alliance marine turned back to his discovery, reluctantly downloading the insignia and the writings to his omnitool. a few seconds later, and both were downloaded.
[Detective Thursdays] Egg on Your Face
I wonder how the department is going to handle my discovery. "so what's the plan with the ship?" "washington's sending a team. likely it'll be taken out of our hands, national security and all that." "oh."
Discovery - Chapter 2, Chamber of the Falling Stars
I jolted upright as I heard a loud, terrified screaming. I quickly got out of my tent and frantically looked around to see the others doing the same, except for Dexter, who was holding one of the waddling fish in his hands. "This stupid thing-" The...
Welcome to The Real World Chapter 1: Discovery
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Digimon or any of its related franchise. However, any OC's are my creation and you must ask me before you use them. Thank you very much. Jason Andersen sighed. He sighed because it hadn't been the first time his cards had been...
Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery
Deep in her thicket the young Therian leopardess sat scared and now alone, with her tribe gone. She cried, her heart heavy, weeping for her lost family. After seeing the devastation of her tribe obliterated and finding herself the only...
The Adventures of Nall Wolf: Ch.3: The Discovery
**the adventures of nall wolf** **chapter 3: the discovery** this morning, nall woke up to the song "i'm blue" by eifel 65 while feeling like crap.
The moth Chronicles #1: discovery chapter 1.
_Ten months later..._ It was morning time. A male Luna moth named actias had slept throughout the whole time until he hears a sudden ring of the morning bell. He jumps to a jolt out of his bed and falls. "Good morning, actias," yuppie says, walking...
Auramancer: The Beginning
Her mother called from downstairs a moment later, and she hurried down the stairs, keeping her discovery a secret for now. she would be back.
My Destiny: The Worries of my Life
My destiny the worries of my life several hours after the discovery, the wedding was to begin very soon. haku was still very upset over is mother's death.
It was at this point a few weeks since the discovery of what bases did to volitch. the two of them had both designed chemicals which they thought would have a good corrosive effect, and both had not.