Alrighty, well, finally got over a little bit of a stumbling block with plot work in this story. And yes, I am fully aware that I am being a tease with this story, but trust me, it will pay off in the end. Besides, this story is about dealing with...
Five Fingers on a Dusty Window
Capra and "cozmo" -a red panda with a trendy goatee who works as a photographer. cozmo circled around us, taking pictures with an old-fashioned camera while we talked.
Fit for to Serve as a Soldier
His enemies are strong and his allies are few: kajrazi, his servant, a red panda captured from the bandit tribes of the vigharka mountains. major atta-farash irzim, loyal native commander.
Let's Get Down to Business
The stream sloshed across the smooth river rocks, creating a soft melody of gurgling and splashing water. A cool breeze whistled through the boughs of the tall trees overhead, leaves only just beginning to lose their green tint as the air chilled for...
#2 of no-yiff when the most unfortunate red panda in a city of conflict and injustice has to decide everyone's fate, will he chose death and total destruction, or chose salvation?
Trials of Capacity
Six of them grinned at each other and rushed to the red panda, each throwing a ticket down and letting nik divvy up the plates.
Leon Priest
Only preacher was a red panda dire wolf hybrid. where was he was a regular panda and dire wolf. leon hated when anyone was right about him, but deep down the detective was stewing as he sat and thought about how right preacher was.
The beggar asked, as if not really believing that if the red panda that he believed to be the one that everyone else in the room was calling 'master shi-fu.'
"The Ontaro virus" Various TF story
Ethan's entire body was enveloped in pain, as he shrunk smaller, and smaller, until he was the size of a regular red panda. finally, he was finished. keith stared at the red panda on the floor in front of him, passed out...
Seashell Hunt - SHORT TREK
The red panda mermaid pushed ahead with another powerful thrust of her tail sending her coasting forward towards her destination.
Where I'll Be Waiting: The Cabin
Samuel, a red panda, runs for his life during a snow storm in an unfamiliar area, attempting to escape the raiders. he was supposed to be followed along by his younger brother, rudy, but they got separated in the storm, and lost each other.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 6: Aware And Terrified
Until we were about half a mile away from the distressed red pandas. "this is much worse than i could have ever thought."