Pacificaris: Tales of What Lies Below

As the safety was flicked off a targeting laser was aimed directly at mist's head, making him grin a bit. after the guard laughed he holstered his weapon.

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Search for Paradise

Author note: This story came to me from a dream I had recently. This will be a story series with yiff in it but in this beginnig part i just wanted to set the tone and environment the main character has wandered into. Yes it isn't the greatest but i...

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In the Moonlit Mist

In Latin, the moon is_luna,_ which is where we derive the term "lunatic." Originally, it meant to be "touched by the moon" or "moonstruck," because it was thought that the full moon affected people's minds, perhaps the way that it affects the tides....

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Mist and Memories

People's lives are made up of Mist and Memories. For, that is all anyone ever truly sees. We spend our lives walking through the mist. Never seeking to see what lies beyond our outstretched wrist. We spend our time looking at the memories we've...

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Mist's Day with Sam

Sam had stuck his tongue out to work on mist's soft belly he was developing as well. sam tilts his head back and swallows mist's chest. the dragon's belly and upper thighs got greeted by sam's tongue as well.

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Sinori's Story - Chapter Five

The branch seemed to tremble at the soft words, and a ripple ran through the mists still around me. "i see no one wicked here."

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Let's Get Down to Business

The stream sloshed across the smooth river rocks, creating a soft melody of gurgling and splashing water. A cool breeze whistled through the boughs of the tall trees overhead, leaves only just beginning to lose their green tint as the air chilled for...

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Mist-Chapter 1

This is my first chapter of a series. And I guess I got a put that warning thing to so... WARNING: ADULT you must be 18 yrs of age to view this (sometimes 21). Parents if you let your kids see this it is not my problem. THERE. Ok. So tell me if...

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Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

The two mists separated, and they could see in each other rainbows reflected through their very souls, the light hitting the water that made their bodies and separating.

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The Holy Mountain of Vengeance

I have not dared the mountain of the unforgiving glaciers, any further then the river roaring through the misted forest. (i will not speak of what i saw within that roaring forest.)

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The Caligo (part two)

The delight in his face quickly disappeared under the consideration of the creature of the valley of the mists. "m-master... caligo?"

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