What is The Lustful Melt Gag?

That's right she literally melts through his hands and to top it off she melts by splitting in half, that's right when she melts in his hands she melts and splits in half so one half goes one way melted into a puddle and the other goes the other way melting

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Melted Ice

melted ice location. saffron city high school at 2:45pm april 10th 2005. like every day crash sat alone at the corner of the school and the park just looking down at a photo he carried with him all of the time.


Mini Melty Missive (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)

Swiftly, slime slithered over the snake's scales below his torso, his companion's coils coming unglued as she literally melted with love for her man, coupled with her care for her friend.

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Cracking Ships

The head of the draconic sabrewolf had completely shiny and black, and as the suit crumpled and poured out the black goo that was inside as the rest of him melted into it.

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Goo TF

The blue goo pulled away from the dragon's body, or what was left of it, as it began to melt like metal, forming a giant purple puddle on the floor of the cave.

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Liquid Lunch

His vision melted into a universal dull green, the height of his ever-slumping form only distinguishable by the subtle changes in light and darkness he could still detect.

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Melts in Your Mouth

Not many people were willing to subject themselves to the whims of "Mad Scientists" and let them experiment with your body. But in today's economy, Mary didn't have much of a choice if she wanted to make ends meet. She could barely afford her favorite...

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Alex Skunk

The rainbow shades melt together into a nice, pleasing white, and i - we - flash our reverse-skunk tail for all the viewers to see. and then, it's time to scurry off to find somewhere good to rest.

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Liquid Love Letter (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)

I can't help but melt into a puddle, at the mere thought of getting to cuddle. i get all weak, watery and drippy, even though this is all kinda trippy. i hope you can see me in here, that you respond when i draw near.

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Clarity - Chapter 10: Melting Down

Business is a funny thing. Everything can be going well, deals and exchanges passing through without even a speed bump, yet we're swamped with work anyway. Partially BECAUSE of how well it's going, even. The deal was lucrative, but it demands a pretty...

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Cookie held tight until he was happy with how melted and bubbly they were, before digging his paws into his tail fur and flooding the pair with magic.

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The Chronicles of Jason Vann: The Case of the Melted Fox


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