Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (3)

"You're a sight for sore eyes." Luke turned to face his sister. "Leia," Luke was, surprisingly, stone faced as he walked up her and gave her a hug. He hadn't seen his sister for decades, but something kept him from showing that he was glad to see her....

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An Angel At Night - chapter 1

'What?!' He thought. 'Where am i?!' He opened his eyes but saw nothing, he couldnt even see his paw in front of his face. 'I need to get out of here!' At once he started tossing and turning. He pressed his fore paws against something and pushed, it...

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An Angel At Night - chapter 2

Chapter 2 "Ouch!" Night said as he tackled a tree. "Night, you have to follow through or youll get recoil damage" he heard Light say. "Oh... Okay... Uhm, how do i do that?" Night asked. "Just let your body go with the flow after you hit the...

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The Perfect Mating

"Close your eyes and envision the perfect mating..." I've lost count of how many times I've told myself that. It's a few weeks in and no luck. I closed my eyes. "What do you see?" "My large den.." "There's hesitation, what is it?" "The more I think...

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- Celesteon, the Apprentice of Light - Prologue Part 1

Okay, my first story series. I hope I did a good job, if not, sorry for scarring you. For those of you who had read my Character Bios and were eagerly awaiting for me to do some real writing, here you go. So sit back, relax, and enjoy another tale...

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Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror

First off, I do not own any chars on the Digimon Series or any other names that involve in this chapter. However, I do own Soul and Al. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or/and grammar errors, since my English is my second. For those who...

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The right to mate.

The right to mate. Cinder landed by the frozen lake, looking over the thick ice covered surface. His head hovered over it as he let lose a small controlled burst of flame to melt a small piece of the ice. He soon stopped and started drinking from...

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PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:4

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ventures of Beyond CH: 4 Shiro woke up in the medical wing of the guild. "When did I...?" he noticed something warm was beside him and he looked over curiously to find Aya sleeping soundly. "Ehhh!" he yelled as he jumped to...

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Non è Per Sempre: Opening

_Non_ _è_ _Per Sempre is a vaguely sequential series of shorts following the adventures of the main character and occasionally of side or secondary characters. Some of it is smut, some of it isn't. You don't have to read the smut to enjoy the story,...

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Silver Nights - Chapter 1

**Silver Nights - Chapter 1** -= The awakening =- She stepped into his room, and had a silver bowl full of steaming water in it. The boy yawned as he woke to the sound of the oncoming steps. "Not yet, mom..." - "You know I'm not your...

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Third Text: The Darkest Cloud

Third part up now. Now the pup finds her dear friend to find strong feelings again, not more a crush. Finding they could give their lifes for the other one. **_Part 3: The darkest...

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Tides that Turn

What should've been vocalizations were a sloppy, feral form of english. i didn't know i'd been talking any other way. it felt too natural. "i'm leaving, isthia. you should too. there are sharks on the way to finish him off."

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