Third Text: The Darkest Cloud
Third part up now. Now the pup finds her dear friend to find strong feelings again, not more a crush. Finding they could give their lifes for the other one.
Part 3: The darkest cloud
'Need some air'
Lucky went out from the barn. He walked through the empty place, it was cold, but he stayed there, he needed something to react.
Weird day, it was still afternoon, he calculated it was almost 5 o'clock. The sky was full of clouds, and into the distance, there was a line of light, lighted up by the sun that was hidden by the clouds.
It was a beautiful landscape again; Lucky thought that it was going to be better if he went to the hill, the hill where he met Angel. And he went there.
He was right, it was better, a lot better. Even with the clouds up there, he could see the sun, almost touching the hills, far from there, Lucky re-calculated, it was about 6 o'clock.
He was thankful to Angel; she taught him how to enjoy those kinds of things. He was there, looking at a giant mirror that was the snow reflecting the light of the sun. There was no wind, so he felt the sun touching him, making him felt some warm. Lucky sighed with a lightly smile, 'great!' he thought.
"So there you are you liar." That voice... that sweet voice, Lucky woke up, who else could be? it was unmistakable.
"A...Angel?" Slowly, he turned, and he saw that golden fur, those eyes, just like a lapis lazuli.
"You said you were going to say good bye to me, and... you weren't."
"Bu...but..." Lucky was confused; Angel smiled to him, that was funny for her.
"So" She walked closer to him. "What is your excuse?"
"I was tired after the last time we talked, so I woke up when it was almost noon... I'm sorry" Angel wasn't angry; on the contrary, she was kind of happy because she found Lucky.
"Beautiful isn't it?" She said while she was looking to the sunset.
"Yeah..." Silence, Angel leaned her head on Lucky's shoulder, Lucky asked.
"What happened? Why did you stay here?"
"My car is broken, and James is trying to repair it."
"So, you're going to stay here for a little while more right?"
"That depends of James; He's not a good mechanic, so I think we have some days to be together."
"Well I don't have anything to say except yaih!" Angel smiled again.
"So, you thought I was gone."
"Yes, and I felt terrible when I woke up, knowing that I had broken my promise."
"And... Did you miss me?" She asked changing the tone of her voice; Lucky didn't know how to answer that one. His tongue moved, preparing the lie he was going to say, but, somehow, the truth ran down outside of his mouth,
"Yes... a lot." The sun had already touched the floor, only half of it could be seen by them.
"I had you on my mind too. I'm going to miss this pup' I said to myself." Lucky saw the bracelet, she was still wearing it.
"Thank you Angel."
"You're welcome." Angel closed her eyes, feeling the warm sun, and the warm Lucky's body.
"You come here very often, Don't you?"
"Well you know the reason."
"Yes, to enjoy the landscape."
"To be with you..." His heart was beating fast, 'to be with me?' Yes, he needed to see her again too. But, he has to be careful, 'Please control it, you can' he said into his mind. "Nothing to say huh?"
"You look good today."
"Smart move Lucky."
"Where's... Scamp? Angel looked sadly the sunset after that question.
"I don't know, maybe into your house, doing something"
"I see he liked my videogames."
"Yeah, he did" Angel said with a deep sigh.
"Are you ok Angel?"
"Yes I am"
"Do you... have still those...?"
"We'll be fine when we're back home, everything will be ok."
"If you say it..."
"Why do you suddenly ask me for Scamp?"
"I just wanted to know where he was; I think you should be with him." Angel walked away from Lucky's shoulder.
"Why do you think that?"
"Well...I... You're his girlfriend."
"Then you don't want me here."
"No, no" Lucky said, nervously, "That's not what I meant."
"if you want me out from here just tell me that, I will understand."
"Oh please don't say that"
"I'll see you later Lucky, good bye" Angel turned and ran to the Dearly's house.
'Great" He thought 'You did it again you damn idiot'
Angel stopped when she saw the house; she didn't want to enter in the house. She decided to walk a little around the farm, at least until the night were completely dark.
The night was going to be very dark, the clouds covered whole the farm. There was not the moon up there, and not a single star.
Angel was confused, 'Why did I react like that?' She was asking to herself, 'he was just asking me something, and despite of that, he was right at all' She continued walking 'I should apologize, that wasn't good.'
"Hi beautiful" She heard a strange voice behind her "What are you doing here? It's late, and there's guys like me around" Angel turned to see who was talking to her; she could see a dog, with gray fur, and a big nose.
"What do you want?" She said walking away from that strange dog.
"What's the problem little girl? Can't I just say hello?"
"well... you already did that, now please go."
"But I don't even know your name" The strange dog started to walk around her, Angel was starting to feel very uncomfortable with that dog.
"My... My name is Angel."
"Oh, beautiful name, it fits totally with you."
"um... thanks" Angel wanted to go from there, so she walked slowly, the strange dog quickly moved behind of her.
"Why are you leaving so soon?" Angel passed from uncomfortable, to frightened. "Can't we stay here for a few minutes?"
"No... really... I have to go."
"Stay here please" The strange dog trapped her by holding her tail with a paw, Angel was angry.
"Get away."
"I think I want you to stay here, I insist." He came closer to her.
"Don't even touch me you idiot." He didn't hear that, and he made her fall to the ground with a quick movement, she didn't know what happened.
"No little Girl, I must say no, You won't go." He tried to kiss her chest, but immediately he received a painful hit on his face, he lost his control.
"Ok little Angel, I tried to be nice with you but if you don't..." He was interrupted by some words that sounded somewhere.
"I would stay away if I were you Mooch" It was Lucky.
His whole body was shaking by the fear he was feeling, Mooch was not someone easy to fight against, he had his own strength and on the other hand he was just a cheater. Lucky could see into his eyes too an assassin's instinct, he was mad, very mad.
"You" Mooch said growling "You must desire death a lot to come here to interrupt us" His red eyes, he looked like a demon, Lucky was afraid, very scared, but he saw Angel still tamed by Mooch's paw, Lucky was afraid that is true, but he was not going to run, if it was necessary, he was going to fight.
"Let her go Mooch, anyway I already ruined your intentions" Mooch laughed.
"Lucky, I consider you my friend don't ruin it"
"Let her go" Lucky said paused, to make him understand what he was meaning.
Lucky never saw it coming, never thought that dog could be so fast. He just saw a shadow appearing in front of him, and then, a hard hit on his nose, Mooch hit him with his head. Lucky felt down holding his nose because of the pain of the unexpected action that the grey dog took.
Mooch showed his teeth, and then they came down Mooch was guiding them to Lucky's neck. Lucky moved quickly, if Mooch can bite his neck then he will be doomed.
"Come on! You wanted this! Now Fight!" Mooch yelled.
Lucky got up from the grass, and stared at Mooch, waiting for any movement, this was useless. Very fast Mooch was on Lucky again, trying again to bite Lucky somewhere. Lucky knew some of his movements, they have fought before, and so he could move seeing some of his moves before they happen. But this was did not help much; Lucky received a hard hit again, now on his chest. That made him lose the whole air in his lungs, and he fell down, unable to move for a while, trying desperate to take a breath.
Lucky was taken by surprise when Mooch suddenly fell down to the ground. Angel attacked the mutt, Mooch placed his paw on her neck, and with this he avoided a bite, he easily could make Angel fell down, placing his both paws on her neck, Angel saw the mutt, tried to scream, but her voice didn't come out, the grey dog was holding her words.
"Idiot, don't expect me to show mercy." But fortunately they were two, now Mooch had Lucky on him again.
Lucky tackled Mooch, and he in attempt to stabilize, the mutt jumped. It was a terrifying image, both dogs on the air, holding each other, looking each other, about to fall, Lucky made a mistake, and his back crashed against the ground first. They rolled down the hill. And now Lucky had Mooch down of him, but this dog had a lot of experience, and he just kicked, directly on Lucky's stomach. Lucky flown away and fell again, he tried to get up fast, but Mooch finally got his neck.
That was the worst pain, couldn't breathe, and couldn't move. Lucky tried everything, but he was just hurting himself. And into the darkness, he saw the silhouette of the chew tower, enduring the pain of those teeth pressing on his neck, Lucky moved and with his last effort, he moved and made Mooch's body crash against the wall of the tower. The teeth released his neck, and he turned, an unconscious body fell down, without making any other move.
Lucky was breathing heavily, looking down at his opponent. He defeated Mooch, that was not really an easy thing to do, that mutt can be very violent sometimes. A soft wind touched his ears; Lucky calmed down, and walked away. Now he was feeling the effects of that short battle, his stomach, his neck, his back, everything started to hurt really bad. Lucky just decided not to move more, and he sat where he was, looking down, trying to recover himself.
"Are you ok?" Silly question, but yet, very accepted.
"I don't think so." Lucky answered with weak voice, and his eyes moved up, looking for Angel's blues eyes, she looked worried, and gently, she placed one paw on Lucky's muzzle, it was hurting too.
"You're bleeding..." Lucky realized about that, he felt the blood flavor into his mouth, that bleeding was from the first hit he received.
"I'll be ok" Lucky said cleaning the wound with his tongue.
"Thank you..." What else to say? Lucky protected her, and yet... How to feel about that? What to think? Angel was confused, about what happened. Lucky walked some steps and then turned to see Angel, he was smiling.
"No need to thanks Angel, what kind of friend I would be if I weren't there to help you?" Angel walked to Lucky, still with worried expression, and then she looked to the unconscious dog, lying next to the chow tower.
"Should we help him?"
"I'm sure he will find his way back to his place." Lucky walked away, followed by Angel.
Angel had the paper of a nurse that night. That nice soft touch she had was being used to examine Lucky. The worried girl wanted to be sure that his savior was completely good, and in one piece. Now those princess paws were trying to cure Lucky.
"Does your back hurt?" Angel asked moving right in his back, placing her paw on it.
"Ou...! Yeah" Lucky could say barely "It hurts" Angel removed her paw from the damaged pup.
"That was the worst hit you received" Her words were coming out with a lot of tender and care, Lucky felt safe by her side, he was enjoying to be with her very much.
"Yes, but I'm ok Angel, I'm sure my bones are all in their places and only my back hurts a little" Lucky got up and walked some steps to show Angel that he was ok. "You see?" Lucky was happy that moment, so from his mouth came a soft smile.
"Yes" Angel sat down looking to her left side, avoiding the other eyes that were looking to her; Lucky could notice a blush on her face.
"Angel..." Lucky sighed wanting to say some words, his soul was screaming to him, his soul was demanding him; to recognize that his essence was really trying to find Angel, that he really liked her.
"What?" Angel asked without knowing what was Lucky going to say.
"I..." He looked up; the darkness was down again, a sky full of clouds, clouds that were blowing soft winds, that was touching his face, like a caress, the nature was being so gentle, even after that crazy fight, Lucky felt a great relief, not only for the weather, it was because the beautiful Angel was there with him.
But the words never achieved to sound in his throat, Lucky thought carefully about everything he was living next to the golden pup. She became a precious light to him, maybe, the one who made him know peace and happiness, the one who made him grow as a good essence in himself.
But her way was already taken next to the one she loved, and for first time, Lucky did not feel envy, or maybe anger against Scamp. Lucky just recognized that she loved someone else, and that was a new thing in him, he used to claim he would never surrender until he gets what he wanted; well, now it was different. Lucky just smiled, and said the common phrase:
Their conversation was very pleasant, each one telling their own stories. Some anecdotes some funny, some just like a stuff to pass the time; it was another nice night between them. They were laughing at some moments, playing some others.
"... and that's why I promised I would never try to climb the chow tower again" Angel giggled after she heard another anecdote from Lucky.
"You and your friends fell from there?" Angel looked to the chow tower; in that moment it was just a silhouette.
"We were almost on the top" Lucky laughed softly remembering. "I'm glad the grass is soft here.
"It is" Angel confirmed. "oh Lucky I really loved this place"
"I'm sure Jim will have the car repaired for tomorrow"
"Lucky, maybe this is my last night here" Angel turned on quickly to see Lucky, she was smiling, she had an idea in mind. "What about...?" Angel thought about it, and then she just decided to let it go out. "I want to sleep in the barn tonight!" She said with a wide smile on her face.
"In the barn?" Lucky asked staring at her.
"Yes" She was happy with the idea, really happy "I would like to know how it is."
"Well... you're right, it's your last night here, come with me, I'll give you a place" Lucky started to walk right to the barn.
"Next to you?" Lucky stopped and his face was immediately invaded by a blush.
"Wha... Next to me?" Angel just smiled lightly and with a soft giggle she said:
"Yeah Lucky, It's a new place; I would have some nightmares if I sleep there without someone I know." Angel was speaking in a funny way, Lucky understood the joke and he just said.
"Ok Angel, I'll protect you in there" Angel walked to him with slow steps and then she just nuzzled his cheek with a giggle.
"Thank you Lucky" And they just walked the barn, in a peaceful night, just the two of them.
And then, they were into the barn, Angel didn't see it, but looking it from the inside, it was a lot bigger. 'Silly' She just thought 'I should have figured it, knowing it has the enough space for almost one hundred pups' the golden pup was looking all around it was a warm place, with soft hey everywhere, there were some ladders to go to through the different level of the barn, they were just two levels, up there, some boxes, made of wood, some tools for a farmer. Also in the front there was a TV, everyone were looking to it.
"There" Said lucky looking to the second level. "That's a nice place to sleep" Angel looked to the direction that Lucky was looking, it was a place next to a box of hey, it seemed very warm.
"Ah, looks nice"
"Yeah, that is your place" Angel looked at Lucky with tender eyes and she just said with a wide smile.
"Our place" Lucky just shrugged and blushed.
"Whatever you say Angel" Angel really seemed so happy, and excited, and then Lucky smiled with her, 'It's Okay if she sleeps here tonight, it's going to be fun'.
"So..." She immediately jumped to the ladder, climbing to the second level, when she was there she looked to Lucky who was just amazed looking to that happy pup that was talking to him. "...are you coming?" A chuckle came out from the mouth of her funny friend, and she just saw him climbing the ladder very fast, being next to her very quickly.
"I'm already here" then Lucky walked in front to the window that was in that level.
"Hey Lucky..." Angel walked with slow steps towards Lucky he was just seeing everything out there. "Are you all right?" She asked just wanting to know the known answer.
"Better than anytime Angel" Angel just smiled at his comment, and then, silence, the silence they enjoyed, next to the other one, watching maybe nothing, maybe everything.
Lucky was still awake when Angel and every pup into the barn were already sleeping. His eyes were in the direction of the golden pup, which was lying covering her face with her tail, Lucky could barely see her, but even into the darkness, she looked beautiful.
Lucky got up; he was not going to sleep that night. He was looking through the window. There was almost nothing out there, just darkness. He started to worry for no apparent reason, and a thought came to his mind, "something bad is going to happen".
Rebecca Anilson