Thoughts (Jo)

And as i suspected, the brown bear is on the building opposite the parade square, but his image is _sooooooo_ tiny from here!! typh's eyes are that sharp?! i face typh again and sigh before unfolding my arms and start doing work.

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Lost & Found

Then, i saw those around him, a broad brown bear and a brawny black bull, all similarly dressed, all standing around my shins, watching from a patch of concrete beside a small pathway running just below ground level.

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Let The Third Race Commence

Team #5 is cal (brown bear) & ren (black fox)- an engaged couple. "you'd think that just because i'm chubby, i wouldn't do well in a race, but trust me, i'm pretty quick on my feet," cal says with confidence.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 136

There were no more words from her, but there was a song, an old song, sung by a different voice in a different tongue, a song he hadn't heard since he was a very small boy, wrapped together with his mother and sister in a big brown bear pelt, slowly being

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Dennis and Charlie - Cubbing Out

Princess stephanie was a light brown bear with long, golden hair that was kept in place with a jeweled tiara. princess stephanie's only other defining feature was the long, pink, silk gown that covered her from her neck to her knees.

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An Oil Painting

"i just had a little bet with forest is all," the brown bear murmured as he set his glass down, "i said you'd come in through the front gate, forest said you would never do that," as the bear stood up kaed frowned, he had a long black and white skunk's tail

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Coon Fandango 3: A fate worse than...

"in the blink of an eye," the smith, a brown bear states. then he puts his large paws onto the raccoon's shoulders and pushes him down until his head is just above an anvil. "don't move," he mutters, "or i get docked for damageing the masters property!"

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned

The brown bear was silent. "you don't have another monster expert do you?" the badger asked goading her friend. "well there is rhinox." my pregnant she beast commented cutting her eyes. "you wouldn't dare!"

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Capacity Test

The brown bear had been drinking a little too much the night before with his friends out on their farm, and as a result, he didn't quite want to open his eyes just yet; he could still feel a little bit of the booze flowing through his system.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 17)

I turned my head to look at my captors: they were both heavyset brown bears, but their faces were hidden by elaborate masks covered in cut foliage. 'there you are.' said one of the bears.

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But i didn't give up there; eventually i managed to persuade the panda to leave an online message to the brown bear (with his raised eyebrow, but he never said anything).

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