Cuddles to Go
Percy and james' singing bounced off the walls of their busted up old sedan as it idled in the drive-through at a local sandwich shop, their deharmonised vocals in tones that would sound off to anyone else but which were perfect to them.
Kaiju on Macro Action
Both of them growled loudly as their eyes met in an epic, city-spanning stare down, their vocals rumbling the windows of every building between them.
A Visit From My Brother
He _enabled_ me to pursue that perfectionism when i saw fit, in one instance going so far as to stand up to a resident mischief-maker he befriended, allured by tales of my "adventures" only to be vocally disappointed when i turned down his invitation for a
All Too Well
I strum the chords, then hum the vocals before halfheartedly singing it. it's been a while since i've actually sung, too. i used to do it all the time. people say that i have a decent singing voice, and that's about it.
Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Into the Light
What your vocal tract is turning into a series of huffs punctuated by growls clearly bears the emotional pattern of amusement.
Unto the Rising Sun
His throat felt sore, and he fingered the small holes in his flesh that lead towards his vocal cords that were ever so taunt from the continual stretching.
Karaoke Night - Chapter 1: Drink For Her
Supposedly, he could cover drums and backup vocals, but i really didn't want him to cover either. i didn't want to be here. "woot! go carbine!" there were several catcalls and whistles from the audience, and a microphone was set up before me.
Eternal walt: Chapter 2
The fox asked, her voice still raspy from the lack of vocal healing. her pupils were still dilated, while her eyes shuddered within their sockets. apparently she had some cranial trauma as well. "i am captain johnathon d.
040 - Proxime Pt.08
Ideas' scoffs to themselves a little, a lingering horse-esqe vocal quirk she had. -it's not just that, it was you braining that cop too. ideas' explains. -well okay, not gonna apologise too much for that he was gonna do who knows what to me.
A Werewolf in Lewisham - 1, ??? Anonymous
Any one of us could have ripped the man in two without even breaking a sweat, but none of would have dared for fear of incurring the wrath of his 120db vocal chords and military-grade halitosis.
The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward
However, his body managed to continue quivering in its stead as a high-pitched whine emanated from the boy's constricted vocal cords.
The Mountain
The mountains in the distance called, and the trees backed up the vocals for that. the fur-tree covered hills turned white higher up.