For the good of the village. for the horned runners. the village didn't need more warriors, but it needed some smelly onions that grew in the mud.

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Dragons wrath part 1

Unknown to him billy didn't go to the village instead he went around the woods and is waiting up a tree for him to come out. as he walks by billy jumps silently down to the ground and follows him to the next village, which is a human village.

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Thrown Back: Chapter 5

Our village is strong because we have many different members. we have fighters and scholars and artists and gatherers. many villages are more limited." "so you're a cull village. does your village have a name?"

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Becoming A Dragon Slayer

We ran towards the village and my father hugged me and kept running and my head rested on his left shoulder and i could see the dragon going past us. we weren't far from the village, but saw that the dragon landed, facing us.

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

It took two days of ceasless running to return to the village. mat was in the lead and didn't show any signs of stopping. they arrived at night stopping at a fifteen foot wall that surrounded the village.

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Brother's Quest - Chapter Four: A "Small" Helping Hand

I was away from the village back then, and when i got back, i found out that my parents, along with almost half of the village, were killed. since then, i've been after those two. i want to kill them and avenge my fallen family."

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Chapter Two

After a while, the watcher turned her head to look at the village set a short distance away. built in the grassy plains of splithoof valley, the tarous village was composed of a series of huts of varying size.

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Invane: Like a plague

In front of me, thousands of villages were up in flames. villagers were running and screaming; their arms and hands rose over their heads. eyes widened as screams filled the daylit skies with the sun being in the apex.

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TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue

He slunk around the hut and looked around the village from the shadow cast by the hut. the embers of the village's huge communal fire smoldered in the center of town.

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Lost with Life Chapter 3

The villagers just assumed that he was going to kill her, so they cheered him on, and waited til the sun went down. the villagers quickly went back into their homes and locked their doors, while link headed back up to that house.

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 3

"the dark type, it's either been to this village before or he's originally from this village." "what do you mean?"

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