That Darn Dragon!

Here, was the professor's den- filled with super costumes, gigantic tvs like the ones in spy movies, and the greatest super vehicle of all time- the rojo estrella, a gigantic flying machine in the shape of an owl, painted black and red.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 2 (2nd half) (an excerpt)

#11 of patreon tiranis is a world of humans and furries, of super science and super powers, of ordinary people and extraordinary ones.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 15 - Safario

The super effective hit causes aerodactyl to recoil backwards. aerodactyl tries to use a super sonic attack on larion but the attack bounces harmlessly off of the iron pokémon's hard shell.

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Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Shimmer 1

While super crashbug is on the field, it makes the attack and defense stats of all monsters on the field swap!

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Drako Tygon- chapter 5

Blade cat's was "super ninjas," and had a ninja on fire. scorpio's was "berserkers," and had a werewolf for an emblem. stone-man's was "bully boys," having a boxer. berserk-beast's was "super elves," having the head of an elf for an emblem.

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Secret Agent Bolt.

super speed, super strength, super bark... he was blessed. the girl shifted on his side, and he blinked, looking at her with his soft brown eyes. she had lost so much because of doctor calico.

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A Destroyer's Heart: Chapter 2

"now tell me nene, do you know anything about a super saiyan god?" nene looked straight into beerus' eyes as he began answering his questions. "no. i only know of the super saiyan, super saiyan 2, and super saiyan 3 transformations.


Zootopia: Brave New World - Jeff

"up until a few days ago, when a cougar with super powers appeared." he said, and he pulled his hood more over his own face, wishing that the thing could actually make him invisible.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Two

Street was still holding the flask of the second super-katalyst, while murdoch still has super-katalyst 566. "now to switch the labels," street said. bam! the doors flew inward. the two enforcers leaped in, guns aimed at the eleven ci-kat-a.

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(Bitter)sweet Sixteen

#2 of russell and kyle yeah, yeah, it's super sappy and dumb, but it also shows some of the feelings i've been having lately. it's super short because i can't really think of anything to add to it, it's kinda just me venting my feelings.

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Raven Wolf - Book 06 - Chapter 01

"she's a super soldier an't she? he said that any soldier with a number in their ear was a super soldier." tahki and mort look to one another before mort nods his head in response. "what do you know about super soldiers?"

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 13

"you play a super hero in a tv series?" naida nods her head yes. "a princess that changes into a super hero actually." eve's father walks ahead of them, he's tired and wants to go to bed.

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