Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 13
#76 of Raven Wolf - Novel
Note: As announced in this journal entry https://www.sofurry.com/view/508365 my writing is on hold, this is the last chapter I will be uploading for a while. (It had finished being written before I made that decision, but was still in the process of being read over and checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by a friend of mine)
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Chapter Thirteen
Eve stretches out her arms as she gets out of the taxi that she had been in, she looks up at the museum she calls home, her and her father finally have been released and are allowed to go back home. "It's good to be out of that place and back in the open!"
Her father soon exits the cab after her. "I had a lot of fun."
Eve frowns at the comment, she have been miserable throughout the entire ordeal. "Are you kidding me!? I hated it there! I can't believe that they were able to keep us there as long as they did."
"They gave us blankets and sleeping bags! It was like camping!" Eve sighs as her father continues while the two make their way to museum, it's already late at night with the building being locked up and closed for the day. "We got free food and there are so many people to talk to!"
Eve shakes her head. "Well it's nice to see you were able to see the good that might have possibly existed during that." She looks to the side, though she is without a doubt happy to be out of that place the reason why they were let go is of course a big concern to her, it means that the military has very likely found the target that they are looking for.
Eve's father moves ahead of her as he calls out to a figure that is wandering near the museum's entrance, it looks as if they are looking for a way inside. "Excuse me young lady, but the museum is closed for the day, you will have to come back another time."
Eve looks over towards the figure that her father is yelling out to, spotting a gorgeous female white horse with blonde mane and tail standing near the museum. The filly looks back towards them when she hears Eve's father call out to her, she responds to what he has said. "I won't take up much of your time I promise. I only need to talk to a friend of mine that's staying here for a moment."
Eve looks her over with a frown, there is only one other she can think of that anyone knows to live here at the moment. "White fur, of course, you're just Fitz's type. You know he's not supposed to be inviting his girlfriends here, you're going to have to run along and come back to see him later."
Nadia shakes her head. "Oh, no, no, I don't know a Fitz. I'm here for Shiya."
Eve is surprised to hear that name. "Shiya!?"
Her father speaks up not recognizing the name. "No Shiya lives here."
Nadia tries to explain. "Well, I might be pronouncing his name wrong... or he goes by another... I've never met him before to be honest, only saw him from afar once. My boyfriend Aither sent me here to return something of his."
Eve quickly speaks up, recognizing that name. "YOU'RE the girlfriend that Aither was talking about? How did someone like him end up with someone as gorgeous as you!?"
Nadia looks to the side. "Well... I-"
Eve speaks up again. "Though I guess that's more plausible than you being Fitz's girlfriend, I mean Aither has that whole accent going on for him, while Fitz is absolutely agonizing to listen to."
Nadia tries to get back on topic. "Um... about Shiya."
Eve quickly speaks up again. "Aither sent you here with something!? It doesn't happen to be that crystal that Shiya's been looking for is it? Please say that it is."
Nadia doesn't even try to speak up this time for fear that Eve would interrupt her again, she simply gives Eve a nod yes. Eve lets out a squeal of delight as she holds her hand out towards the woman. "He's going to be so pleased to have that back! The first thing I'll do when I get in the museum is give it to him!"
Nadia shakes her head no as she takes a step back from Eve. "Actually... I would rather not hand Shiya's crystal to anyone but him... this is something very precious to him... and I don't even know you..."
Eve frowns. "Oh come on, Aither gave it to you didn't he?"
Nadia nods his head. "Yes, but that's because he knows who I am and trusts me."
Eve looks to the side. "I suppose you have a point." She looks down to her father who is staring at the both of them. "Daddy, this is a friend of Snow."
Eve's father seems enlightened, having been lost through out that entire conversation. "Oh! Snow! I like Snow he has such a nice personality, and is a hard worker too!"
Eve nods her head yes. "She would like to come inside and visit him for a few minutes if that's alright."
Eve's father is more than happy to accommodate this request. "Any friend of Snow's is a friend of mine, unless it's that wolf that works in the gift shop... I don't like her she's bad with costumers, and I think she steals from me!"
Eve lets out a sigh, Dolly is one of the last people he would have to worry about being a thief. "Oh give her a break daddy she's never stolen anything, besides the last time someone stole something from you, you adopted him and made him your protégée."
"Fitz was different."
"Oh he's different alright..."
She looks away from her father as he makes his way to the museum doors to unlock them. She stares back at Naida. "So... do you know much about Aither and Shiya?"
Naida stares at Eve a little confused at first, it eventually sinks in what she is referring to. "Oh, you mean do I know that they're sources. Of course I know all about that." She stops talking a moment, looking away from Eve and out into the parking lot behind them, looking it over and searching for something, she had thought to have heard a sound.
Eve notices that Naida has come to a stop, questioning her. "Is something wrong?"
Naida gingerly looks back to her. "You must excuse me... I thought that I heard something and it scared me a bit... I was expecting to find that the Captain had tracked me down and was now standing behind me or something."
"Yes... Captain Louis Mort. He was assigned to keep watch over me while I am staying in this city. I had to slip away so that I could come here, he's probably looking for me as we speak, so the sooner I give this to Shiya and go back the better."
Eve's father opens the door to the museum, holding the door open for the two girls and calling out to them. "Come inside, you can finish up you're talking in here."
Naida looks to him with a smile. "Oh I don't plan on staying very long, I don't want to take up any more of your time than I need to."
"Oh you came all the way, why not stay for a bit?"
Naida smiles at him. "I'm flattered by the offer but I have work in the morning, I can't be out too late it would cause trouble for a lot of people.
An unseen figure walks through the door that is being held open, making his way past Mr. Cadrey while the two take their time entering whilst casually conversing with one another unaware of the threat that has just entered the building, the cloaking device that Levi uses keeps him invisible to anyone around him.
Levi looks through the large building, the lights have been dimmed for the night, he walks over to the a large display that shows the map and layout of the museum near the entrance, the map details where all the exhibits and rooms in the museum where, he eventually locates the security room, this room is the one he is most likely to find Lumia in.
He looks back to the entrance, the three figures that have been conversing in front of the museum are now inside, Mr. Cadrey locks the door behind him before making his way forward, leading his guest through the museum. "Snow and the others should be done cleaning up after today's customers by now. They're probably all up in their rooms taking it easy."
General Levi waits until they are gone before making his way back to the entrance of the museum. He uses a communicator he has on him to contact Professor Geneses. "I need you to send me the image we have on file of the Water Source. I think she may have just walked through the door."
"Lumia, a Super Soldier and a Source are there?"
"From the conversation I overheard I believe that there are two Sources here."
"You should leave, you don't have the man power to handle that situation."
"You underestimate me. I have the supplies on me and the skills I need to take control of this situation."
"The Commander General did not want you to engage in combat with the Super Soldier."
"This situation is too good to pass up, and is also not one that will still be around the next time I come back. I need to act while I still have the chance, don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He takes a small device from his pocket, pressing against it to active it, a small device that had been placed upon the doors before he had entered flashes red to signal that it is now turned on. Levi places the controller back in his pocket as he turns away heading down the halls of the museum.
Alistair stands near the city entrance, making his way through the city and following the route he thought the True Bloods that had entered had most likely took, the child that is known by the name of Zero haunts him throughout this task.
Alistair stops at a fork in the road, he looks down either path before settling on one of the routes and following it. Zero questions his decision. "How are you so sure this is the way they went?"
Alistair begins to explain despite the fact that he is talking to a hallucination that only exists in his head. "The True Bloods can make themselves invisible to the naked eye but they still need to be cautious, taking roads with less people and less things that might be capable of exposing their camouflage would be the natural route they would have taken."
"Not something that was taught to us. You learned that from being taken away to fight every night didn't you?"
Alistair quickly continues forward as he goes through road after road, he looks over the buildings they pass by. "They would need a safe house, they would prefer a large building with observation security that they could use to their advantage. They're sending out some kind of signal as to make you harass me all day, so it would have to be somewhere high, and around the middle of the city."
He turns a corner, his search comes to an abrupt halt as he stares ahead of him, the scenery has changed, the tall buildings of the domestic city no longer fill his gaze, instead an iron road with iron buildings and an iron sky are what he sees. Alistair turns back around to face the direction he has come from, the same iron scenery is all he can see. "The iron fortress."
"Is this what it looked like outside of the labs? I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're the only one of our batch that ever got to leave."_He looks the surroundings over. _"Doesn't seem much different from the inside of the labs does it."
Alistair looks around him, he is not sure of which direction to go in now. "Change it back..."
Zero lets out a laugh. "That's amusing, you think I have control over this? Sorry to tell you but this is not my fault."
Alistair jumps at the sound of a metal door creaking open, a True Blood walks past him not giving him as much of a glance as he makes his way down the street.
"It must be horrible to be trapped here again, of course I'd never know what it was like to be free of the labs, you made sure of that by turning us into defects."
Alistair lets out and angry yell as he holds either side of his head. "It wasn't my fault!"
Several Domestics stop and look towards Alistair, they pass one another with confused glances not sure of what he is so upset about.
"You know that our destruction was all your fault, if you didn't think that I wouldn't be here reminding you of the fact. In your heart you know that it was because of you, and it will rip you apart until there is nothing left of you."
_ _
"It doesn't seem fair, that the one who caused our defect was the one that survived our execution. Even you agree, I mean, how many times have you cried yourself to sleep asking that question?"
Alistair turns away from him as he begins moving forward, he is lost, how everything looks around him has changed, the Super Soldier does not know where he is or where to go anymore.
He takes a deep breath knowing that as difficult as things are getting he has to keep focused, the roads and streets had to all be the same, even the True Bloods he is seeing had to be domestics from the way that they were talking, everything just looks different right now. His path is still the same, a secluded route that few people would be found on.
_ _
"You really are diligent aren't you?"
Alistair lets out a growl. "I'm going to find the True Blood that is doing this to me, and I'm going to kill him."
Zero begins to laugh at the idea. "I doubt you of all people can pull something like that off."
Alistair continues on his way, ignoring the mocking laugh of the shadow that follows him everywhere he goes.
Eve walks through the dark halls of the museum's private floor leading Naida behind her, this floor houses the living quarters that her and her current guests are living in.
Eve's father looks to Naida with a smile. "Are you a super hero?"
Eve seems confused by the question, that's one of the odder ones that she has heard him ask. "Father you should get some sleep."
Naida laughs at the question. "Shera Pegasus of Power to be exact, have you seen the show?"
"The children that come to visit the museum talk about you all the time."
Eve looks over to Naida. "You play a super hero in a TV series?"
Naida nods her head yes. "A princess that changes into a super hero actually."
Eve's father walks ahead of them, he's tired and wants to go to bed. "Give Snow my regards when you see him, I would do it myself but I'm afraid that I must go to bed, old foxes like me should be sleeping by now."
"Good night daddy, I'll see you in the morning."
"Don't stay up too late."
"Have pleasant dreams." She moves to the side directing Naida to follow her, Eve knocks on the door to get the attention of those inside. "Tahki, are you two in?"
Naida seems a little confused by the name, that's not who she had come to visit at all. "Tahki?"
Eve looks back to Naida while waiting for an answer. "Tahki prefers to share Shiya's room with him. She is the first warrior of their tribe after all, it's her job to protect him from harm."
The door to the room opens, Tahki answers it. "Eve! You've returned!"
Eve nods her head. "Yeah, I guess the military finally let us all go."
Naida looks to the side, she has a sinking suspicion as to why that might be, she shakes her head putting that worry to the side for now, she after all has very important business to attend to. "I need to speak to Shiya please."
Tahki looks to Naida, suspicious of the unfamiliar face. "And you are?"
Shiya's voice speaks up to answer Tahki's question. "The Water Source." He gets to his feet making his way towards the door while Tahki and Eve both stare and Naida in silence.
Tahki questions Naida on what she has just heard. "You're one of the sources?"
Eve doesn't seem to find this easy to believe. "Wait, wait, wait, I thought you guys were supposed to be living in hiding! You're a television star!"
Naida glances back towards Eve. "It's not like I'm a movie star..."
"Still! That's a pretty public figure!"
Tahki also questions her. "How did Shiya remember you when he has forgotten so many important people from his past?"
Shiya speaks up to correct her. "We've never met. It's not a memory that belongs to me, it's one that belongs to the Ice Source.
Naida walks past Eve and Tahki as she approaches Shiya. "Speaking of your memory, I have something for you that should help you stop forgetting things, and regain the precious memories you have lost." She holds her hands out to Shiya offering the crystal out for him to take.
Shiya places his hands with hers, taking the crystal and holding it up in front of his face smiling as he stares at it. "Thank you."
Eve gives a nod of her head as she walks over to Shiya looking into the crystal that he is holding. "Well it's about time things finally started going right for us."
The relief is short lived when the lights in the museum suddenly turn off, the power has been cut leaving everyone in darkness.
Shiya's voice raises as he questions this event. "What happened to the power?"
Eve lets out a sigh as she turns on her phone, using its screen to light her way. "I'll see if Fitz can do anything about it."
Nadia watches her leave before looking back towards Shiya. "Your sister Shanira wants me and Aither to get you out of here. You've come too close to being caught too many times, at this point it's more than just her that's concerned. We're all worried about you."
Shiya lowers his head. "I understand her concerns, even I can't deny how close I have come to either being found or killed these past weeks, I have important obligations that I must fill though before I do something like that. Dolly needs my help getting her brother back from the True Bloods, and I still need to teach Iuana's suitor how to take my place as my tribe's leader."
Tahki clears her throats to get Shiya's attention. "Teddy is Iuana's suitor."
Shiya looks over to her. "Oh... that's right... all the more reason to get him back I guess..."
Tahki turns towards Naida. "Are you sure that crystal is working like it should."
Nadia nods her head yes, she is certain that Shiya's memories will be just fine now that he has that in his possession once again. "Yes, just give him some more time, he'll remember everything eventually."
She looks back to Shiya as she continues to try and convince him to take the safer route. "Your diligence towards your friends is commendable, but you can't continue to put yourself at risk like this. You understand what will happen to the world if you are caught or worse yet killed don't you? You can't prioritize the lives of a few individuals over the lives of this plant's entire population."
Shiya thinks over what Naida is saying. "It is true that we much watch over this planet as a whole, but that does not mean that each individual is not important. If we can do something to help them than why not do it? Teddy is important to many people that need him back."
Naida shakes his head. "Normally I would agree, but the situation had gotten out of control! We are being hunted and those tracking us are getting closer and closer. We need to cut ties before we are caught."
Shiya looks to the side reluctant to do such a thing, even if it is the best option for their survival.
Tahki stares at Shiya for a moment, she looks from him and over to Naida. "Actually, Teddy should be important to you as well, getting him back should also be your priority."
Naida sighs to herself as she looks over to Tahki. "I know he is your friend and that you want to help him, but as Sources Shiya and the rest of us must-"
Tahki interrupts Naida before she can continue explaining. "Teddy is the one that hosts the Lightening Source."
Naida falls silent upon hearing this, a sad look now fills her face. "Lightening has been trapped inside a host as well...?"
Shiya quickly turns his attention to Tahki. "What are you talking about? How could you possibly know such a thing?"
Tahki looks back to Shiya. "Your son has a vision in relation to it, it is what he concluded his vision to mean. He had Achak wrote a letter to you explaining this."
Shiya frowns. "I never received a letter like that."
Tahki nods her head well aware of that. "I know... that's because I burned it." She looks to the side. "It was fragile information that you were not ready for, not in the state you were in. You were forgetting things quickly, important things, things you would think you would never forget." She sighs to herself. "Dolly is worried sick over her brother, if you were to let that slip such news by accident she would be even worse off, she might have tried to rush things and acted before the moment was right, resulting in all of us getting caught. Not only are we in the middle of a heavily fortified Domestic city but the True Bloods are the ones that currently have Teddy, and they are a foe that can't be taken down easily."
Naida is concerned, her voice holds a frightened tone to it. "The True Bloods..." She looks back to Shiya questioning him about this. "You were planning on attacking the True Bloods?"
Shiya nods his head yes. "I don't see what other choice I would have if I'm intending to get Teddy back."
Naida shakes her head no. "No Shiya, you can't do that, even the Sources cower from their sight. If we're found by them we'll be caught and turned into weapons once more. I cannot have that happen... not again..."
Shiya stares back at her. "I understand your concern, it is not an encounter that I am looking forward to, but it is one that I must face if I intend to help both my people and my friends. My life is much more complicated than just being a Source. I am a mortal, one who many people depend upon, I have a responsibility towards them."
Naida lets out a tried sigh. "Why is your head so hard!? You need to listen to reason Shiya!" She takes a deep breath as she prepares to repeat herself, unwilling to leave until Shiya became more reasonable.
Eve hovers behind Fitz pointing a flashlight towards him as he checks out the power box for the museum, the fox grows impatient as the problem continues to go unresolved. "Come on Fitz how hard could it be for you to flip a switch?"
Fitz lets out a groan as he turns back to look at Eve. "Do you remember when you were all taken away under military care? I kind of wish you were still there."
"Just fix the power Fitz!"
"While you were gone this was one of the things that I didn't miss." He frowns to himself as he continues to flip switch after switch, nothing happens. "Is the power grid we're on out? You may have to call the city on this one."
Eve shakes her head no. "The street lights are still on, it has to be something with this building."
Fitz takes the flashlight from Eve as he starts to look at the wires around the power box. "Your dad is pretty keen on keeping the electrical system up to date. It's hard to believe that we would run into problems of this sort." His search stops when he finds the wires he had been following completely cut through. "I think I found the problem."
Eve stares at the wires, she looks from them for a moment before turning away from them and walking over to a control system that is in the basement. The panels that lead to the wires within it are open, everything on the inside is a mess, someone has deliberately torn the system apart. "Who could have done this?"
"Those Super Soldiers you have here better not have gone rouge on us!"
Eve crosses her arms pretty certain that is not the case. "Why are the Super Soldiers always the first ones you blame for everything? Have they honestly done anything while they were here to warrant your accusations?"
Both Eve and Fitz jump when they hear the wire door to the fence that locked off the power room from the public slam shut. The two of them quickly turn from what they had been looking at and run back towards the gate, Fitz is about to push it back open when one of the large obscure museum exhibits that are stored in the basement moves in front of the door, keeping him from pushing it open.
Fitz slowly backs away as he watches large object after object move itself to barricade them inside the fenced off power room. "Since when was this building haunted!?"
Eve shakes her head there no way. "It's not haunted! It's just too dark for us to see who it is!" She takes her flashlight back from Fitz and runs up next to the chain link fence as she shines the light out to try and catch a glimpse of what is moving everything, her light is unable to spot anything, footsteps quickly make their way from them informing her that she has missed whoever is causing her and Fitz this trouble.
Fitz looks past Eve at the areas she is shinning the light in. "Did you see anyone?"
Eve shakes her head. "No, they got away before I could catch a glimpse..."
"Like they were invisible?"
Eve sighs as she turns back to towards the raccoon. "Fitz it's not a ghost!"
Fitz seems more concerned than usual. "I never said it was a ghost! I just asked if they were invisible! Cause if this was all caused by an invisible person, then we have a lot more trouble on our hands than a ghost or even a Super Soldier!!"
Eve shakes her head as she turns away from him and tries to look for a way that her and Fitz might be able to get out. "What are you talking about?"
Fitz answers her flat out. "True Bloods!! I'm talking about True Bloods!!"
Eve glances back at him. "I thought True Bloods were supposed to look like humans, not look... invisible."
Fitz nods head. "They do look like humans, but their military specializes in cloaking devices. Remember how Tahki explained the attack on the trials? They were invisible from sight until they attacked!" He looks out past the plies of junk that have been moved in front of them out into the large basement of the museum. "They're in the city and we're keeping their targets here! It's no surprise that they finally showed up!"
"You're being paranoid." She walks past him moving the light of her flashlight around the area. "Come on let's find a way out of here."
Fitz seems reluctant to do that. "Actually... I kind of want to stay here... not only is there a True Blood out there, but there's gonna be crazy Super Soldiers that I don't want to encounter."
"You were just going on about how this was done by a True Blood."
Fitz shakes his head. "I'm talking about Tahki and Chase, that signal Lumia has up that is blocking out that frequency thing magigy that was making those two crazy is using the power provided by this museum to run, but that's gone now!"
"What are you talking about?"
Fitz sighs to himself, remembering that Eve didn't know about that, or anything else that had happened while her and her father had been locked away. "There are True Bloods in the city, and when they got here they put up some kind of signal that makes the Super Soldiers go a little crazy. Lumia blocked out that sound, and now that I think about it her doing that is probably what gave our position away."
Eve is of course concerned to hear this. "All the more reason to get out of here and find the others!"
Fitz looks back out. "You know how heavy all that stuff out there is? That guy is packing some serious power! We're lucky he trapped us here and didn't snap our backs in half!"
Eve crosses her arms. "I didn't know treasure hunters were so cowardly."
An offended look fills Fitz's face. "What? Me? Cowardly?" He points to himself. "I'm not cowardly, I'm just smart. I don't go picking fights with or bothering people I know that I'm going to lose against."
"I never said you had to fight them. You just have to get us away from them, or at least warn the others that there is someone else here! There are plenty of people here that could fight him you know, that's probably why your so-called True Blood is sticking to the shadows and trying to keep from getting seen, cause he knows that he'll lose if he attacked everyone here outright."
Fitz thinks this over, Eve does indeed has a point. "Alright fine, you stay here and try to keep from getting hurt, I'll go enlist the aid of the soldiers we have hiding out here." He walks over to large ventilation system that is also located in this room, climbing on top of it to reach the duct attached to it, this air duct runs through the entire museum.
Eve watches Fitz as he takes a pocket knife from his pocket and uses it to start unscrewing the cover that lead to the vent. "Are you kidding? You can't fit in there."
Fitz finishes with the screws putting the pocketknife back in his pocket and opening the small cover. "Oh yes I can, where do you think I disappear to when we need to strip and wax the floors? Of all the things Mr. Cadrey wants us to do around here that is the one I absolutely hate the most."
"What!? I thought you were always out on another of your little adventures!!"
"Oh most of the time I was, but not always."
Eve is furious with this information. "I always had to do all of that myself!! For the whole museum!! Do you know how much work that is!?"
Fitz looks back to her. "Uh, yeah, I know it's a lot of work. Why do you think I hide in the vents?"
"Fitz I'm on the verge of throttling you to death!!"
Fitz shrugs his shoulders. "You pretty much always are aren't you?" He grabs onto either side of the vent pulling himself inside of it, he coughs loudly upon entering. "How long has it been since we got these things cleaned!?"
Eve watches as Fitz's tail disappears in the vent, now making his way through them to get around the museum. Eve sighes as she turns her flashlight away from the vent and back towards the barricaded entrance to this area, there is no way she would be able to or willingly go through the dusty vents like the raccoon is able to, she is still stuck down here until she can find another way out.
Lumia sits on the floor of the security room she likes to keep herself locked away in, she holds a flashlight up as she tries or organize the robot parts that she would normally be tinkering with, the young girl has tripped and put them all out of order in the dark.
The small robot that always accompanies her circles around her. "-Honestly Lumia there must be something else you can do with your time then bother with that stuff all the time-"
Lumia stops her organizing to look back at the robot for a moment. "I don't see why you're complaining, you're a program, you should like upgrades that improve you or fix old glitches." She stops her work when she hears the door to the security room creak open. Lumia shines her light back towards it only to find no one standing in the entrance.
Lumia begins to scan the room with the flashlight, not spotting anyone there. "Fitz is that you? I don't know what happened to the power I swear that it wasn't me."
She gets no response the young girl a little confused, it seems as if no one is there at all even though the door has opened. "Are one of you trying to scare me while it's dark like this? Come on I thought everyone here was more mature than that."
Lumia jumps when her small robot companion is forcefully kicked to the side by an unseen force, the little droid hits the wall, the force causes some of its parts to break off of it. Lumia gets to her feet attempting to run over to it to see if it is alright. "Dad!"
She lets out a surprised gasp when someone grabs onto her wrist, forcing her to a stop and holding her in place, a voice belonging to an unseen figure begins to address her. "Miss. Masters you have been quite the troublemaker since you ran away from home."
Lumia tries to pull her arm free, the grip Levi has on her is tight, she's unable to pry him off. "Let go of me!!"
Lumia lets out a surprised scream when she feels herself being lifted into the air by her arm, Levi holds her up off of the ground. "Although I suppose you were useful when it came to finding out where are targets were hiding." He swings his arm to the right slamming her small body into the wall of the room, Levi kneels down to her fallen form and places one hand upon her mouth to keep her from screaming, he then places his other hand against her back before she can get up, the lightweight battle armour that he has on lets out an electronic hum as electricity runs from the glove of his suit, Lumia letting out muffled screams of pain as electricity courses through her body until she passes out.
Levi takes his hands from her and gets back to his feet, his form is now visible once again, it is not able to maintain its cloaking while shocking her at the same time."That's one of them dealt with."
He walks over to the small robot that is trying to recover after one of its wheels had been broken. Levi picks it up and looks it over while using his radio to contact Professor Genesis again. "I found your missing Half Blood and subdued her. Do you want the parental droid of hers or am I free to destroy it."
"I only need you to secure the program and data files."
Levi opens the hatch that holds the connectors that Lumia would use to transfer the program and other data through, he takes the small card that holds the advanced program that helps and cares for Lumia, he then throws the small robot away from him. "Alright then, data secured."
"I found the blueprints to the building you're in and uploaded them to your computer."
Levi holds his left arm up, a holographic computer screen flickers over it, a map with several indication markers appears on it. "Having the layout is a lot more useful than having just the heat signatures to go by."
"You still don't know which marker belong to who, so use caution."
"So far I've only run into two Domestics and your Half Blood. Aside from them there looks to be seven others occupying this building. At least three of those signatures are my targets, the others I have yet to determine."
"Try not to get yourself killed."
"It's not something I'm worried about to be honest."
Alistair falls back upon the ground, his body leans against the wall of a building behind him as he holds his head, the voice belonging to the figure that accompanies him grows louder while the illusion that changes his surroundings grows ever more real to him.
Alistair slowly opens his eyes, the figure is no longer alone anymore, the other members from his batch all start to appear around him as they all speak to him in a tone that is a mix of hatred and disappointment. "You were one of the top six, we looked up to you."
_ _
"You were supposed to protect us."
_ _
"We were killed because of you."
_ _
"Why didn't you help us?"
_ _
"It was your fault."
_ _
"Our deaths are on your hands."
_ _
"We would still be alive if it weren't for you!"
_ _
"How can you live with yourself?"
_ _
"How can you even look at yourself?"
_ _
"You don't deserve to be alive."
_ _
"You don't deserve anything."
A figure that moves unseen by the Domestics that live in the city approaches Alistair as the coyote sits on spot trying to ignore the voices he can hear. "I'm impressed that you made it all the way here."
Alistair lets out a threatening growl as he tries to look past the figures that are surrounding him, he is unable to see who it is the voice belongs to. "I'll rip you limb from limb."
The professor lets out a chuckle. "I doubt that." He begins to question Alistair while watching as he struggles to get to his feet. "So why did you head straight towards me? You should have caught on from your hallucinations that the closer you got the stronger the signal would get and the worse you visions would become."
Alistair grinds his teeth as he tries to keep from answering the question, though he provides Genesis with an answer despite his will not to. "General Dmitri gave me orders to track down the kid that got taken and kill those responsible."
The professor seems to understand. "I see... so this is how the Earth Source chooses to respond to this? By sending you."
Alistair is confused by what the True Blood had said. "Earth Source?" He lets out a gasp when he feels a sharp pain in his stomach, Alistair looks down to see a blade having been run through him, blood begins to soak into the jacket of his uniform.
He reaches towards the blade, grabbing onto it to try and pull it from his body, Genesis forces it in deeper and causing him to let out a scream of pain. The professor reaches around Alistair and pulls him close to him causing him to disappear from sight before the Domestics that he had alerted with his cry of pain could see him.
Genesis tries to hush Alistair from making any more noise. "It'll be over soon, you're regeneration skills will require a lot of energy to repair a wound as serious as this, you'll pass out soon as a result. When you wake up the wound should be gone, almost as if you never had it, and everything will be in order."
Alistair's eyes begin to close, his vision begins to blur until everything around him goes black.