
The lights in the cavern flickered, slowly burning out one by one, casting shadows as the timeless room grew darker, the last burning torch, coincidentally, the one closest to kam's rocky grave, begin to flicker as well, slowly smoldering into nothing.

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Coughing and sputtering as her eyes filled with tears, kami wrapped her fingers around the flaming end of the stick, the cherry scent mixing with the odor of smoldering fur as she doused the flame and threw the sucker to the side.

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The Fairy's World

His clothing was burning off without any flames or smoke, just smoldering light. letting out a cry he smacked his hands on the embers, trying to put them out, but the fire just kept burning! in another few moments he was bare other than his scales.

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Cahpter 4-Flashback

I could see what used to be my howitzer laying a few feet away from me,now little more than a smoldering,twisted pile of scrap. i glanced down at myself. my body had been burned to charcoal.

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Dark Void-Chapter 1

Wraith, not knowing what else he could do, ripped the survival kit out of ruined, smoldering ruin of a pod along with his weapon and started towards the closest crash site.

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Not So Retired Any More XXVIII

She looked like she was carefully concealing anger, if the smoldering in her eyes was any indicator. the girl fixed tamra with a glower, before speaking in a hushed tone.

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The Bridge Of Cologne prt. 2

Vandal shot right the front of the carriage and peered over, seeing a smoldering tanker farther up. "cover me!" is all he said before running to the side and leaping down. the trio simply watched as the wolf hurried into a sprint.

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Tales of The Thief King: Chapter 5: The Path Ahead.

As i land, i turn to go to where the ruins of jadespire were still smoldering. i managed to find his parents, but, they were not in any state for the cub to see. i ran back home, and started digging a large hole inside the fence.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 33)

Though she didn't understand this sudden cosmic rearrangement when it suddenly churned, stabbed, seethed, hiccuped, flaunted, exploded, smoldered, and pirouetted inside her for the first time, she did know that it was something fundamentally different from

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Ragnarok - XV

He watched them long, in silence, where they stood like men stricken with sleep upon their feet, and at length, without turning, he spoke, "when the wind shifts round, i can not only smell their inward rot smoldering, i can hear their sizzling, like the

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Leader - (Kreet 96)

They already had a pit of smoldering wood dug in a clearing nearby.

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Clash of the Guardians IV

The winged warrior flew down at his opponent and crashed straight into him, and they disappeared behind a smoldering section of the airship. rai stood up and ran over, his fear and anguish temporarily stifled by curiosity and anger.

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