My Pen, And My Choice
Gave up the few things that gave him joy, gave him sanctuary against the dark, so he could build a new life with her. and all the pain in that horrible garden was locked away to fester.
The Guardian Chapter 1: The Forest
A home, a sanctuary. the forest is called by many names, but for me, it's more like a prison. i am bigz, protector of the forest, slave to my own world.
Angel Morna
I live in sector a of "heaven" as you call, in the castle known as heaven's sanctuary. i look like an anthro arctic fox with wings, i'm 10 feet tall which is pretty short for my race.
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 4 ~ Conflicting Intents
When we returned to the ark, i retreated to my personal sanctuary, the central laboratory. maria and i used to look down at the earth and wonder what it was like down there.
An Imp's Advice
It was his last sanctuary, and the only place he could truely find it was within death itself. _why?_ he scanned the bountiful flowers and cherry blossoms, the emerald grass.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Two years since rose and himself had run into that trainer--hiro matsumoto--when they'd wandered too far from the shrinking borders of the sanctuary. "hey! runt!" "shut _up_, jerome!" crowe snapped, snarling over his shoulder at him.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Nine
"the slayers did more than destroy a sanctuary at jellaska kob lertan," she said, her voice quivering. "they have finally broken our leader." "the gryphon?" porter asked. lowatai nodded.
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Three: From Tree To Tree
I spend the night at the sanctuary. i wanted to let the cubs know that i will be there for them. so, i see how far ghaliya has progressed in her sword fighting. she has learnt well how to handle a naginata.
Burdens - Chapter 99: Oasis
It was truly that island in the sea that they had gathered upon, the sanctuary in the otherwise chaos wrought world that they lived, the summit of the tallest mountain where only they climbed. he felt weak, but the wolf supported him.
Chapter Six - When Blood Spills, Hatred Grows
Ace frowned, this house used to be a sanctuary of sorts. all the time he spent here with the others, king, jack, toroko... arthur... he sighed loudly, arthur's death had affected everyone. more than he ever imagined.
Dark Night Storm
"sanctuary," he whispered, hoping she understood. she blinked, seemingly trying to remember the word. then a slow smile, icy. apparently, this will cost him.
STI- Teresa's Discovery
#4 of the squirrel tree inn hector finds his sanctuary. the skunk screamed, muzzle stretched into a wide gap and pink tongue curling around the single, terrified syllable.