Contest Entry: Tron Skates (Gluepaw)
Instead of a wrist-mounted multipurpose tool (which was my initial supposition before unraveled the prototype notes), it was a set of mauve and burgundy inline skates - strapped to the stitching with cutting edge technology - most of which still in the alpha
Code Drop: Reception
" ~ ~ ~ smoothing a final strip of duct tape, erik stepped back to admire the prototype. sure, it looked like a diving helmet made of aluminum foil and chicken wire, but it had plenty of bill clearance.
Receiving End
I give the order for what's left of the third to fall back and merge with the fourth and to deploy prototype energy shields, with any luck that'll stop him.
The Giant Firestarter
It was a prototype, having been built in secret over 10 years. the beast was given its instructions and began digging its way to the big apple. * * * charlie was sitting alone on the middle of central park, sulking to herself for what she did.
The Shadow Under The Moon, Preface
These "wolfmen" were not true guardens, merely the prototypes, if such an ugly word could be used for them.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 18
I think it's still a first stage prototype back in 2085." "of course they have done it. 200 years is a long time to make augmentation technology being used and accepted.
Ultra Heavy Black
"general pezargan is just really needing this prototype up and running soon-" "which is the same thing you said about the_last_ one." the allosaurus almost snapped at him.
Seekers: Prologue
2032: the gun, or 'globally united nations', agree to establish a prototype city as a refuge against the radiation that covered the planet.
The Machine | Chapter 1 [Comm]
I don't care if you need images to reference for your prototype. i am not going to be photographed through this."
Chapter One
When character a is asked to test a new android prototype (character b), character a is amazed at how advanced character b is.
Future Vision: Chapter 9
The engines were a prototype which did not feed directly off the reactor, rather a large energy storage array, when then converted the energy it needed with the gas to ignite the engines.
Crusader Part 7
Magnum says "to help face the potential threat, i'm going to focus most of my attention on upgrades and the prototypes i've been working on, we're going to have to pull out all the stops just in case."