Lessons In Happiness - Part Four
#5 of lessons in happiness lessons in happiness - part four my dreams were peaceful, for once, but still not very comforting.
Lessons In Happiness - Part Three
#4 of lessons in happiness lessons in happiness - part three this chapter was going to be a bit longer, but i decided to just upload what i had now and get the rest later.
Lessons In Happiness - Part Two
#3 of lessons in happiness this definitely isn't one of my favorite chapters. to start, there is a substantial time gap of a few hours between the first and second chapter, so i'm sorry about that.
Lessons In Happiness - Chapter One
#2 of lessons in happiness next part of this; i won't really be having organized parts, they'll just start and stop when i feel that it helps the overall flow of the story.
Happy Endings and Black Roses
-lady gaga happy endings and black roses-end
Happy New Years Mikey
"happy new year." he kissed foxy on the muzzle. foxy pulled mike into him and they spent a few seconds lost in passion. "let me guess, this is your 34th new year?" mike asked, pulling away. foxy nodded and pulled mike into another hug.
Lessons In Happiness - Part 6
Hopefully the formatting isn't all jacked lessons in happiness - part 6 the next day, pinkie pie was hosting a party in the afternoon as a celebration that sugar cube corner was still standing. not surprisingly, she had me as the guest of honor.
Chapter 10: A Moment of Happiness
"i'm glad you were happy, zaldy," joli said, smiling at her son. "even if it was just for a moment, as you say."
The all-too happy wolf
Once upon a time there was a wolf living in the forest his life only contained hunting, eating, sleeping and so forth. Also in that time a youngish goat was moving into that forest. That goat was not a usual one, it was a very perky one and...
Happy Birthday Puppy-Dog.
Inside just simply had the words 'happy birthday' printed in black bold text, and the message his mother had written. with a small smile crossing his muzzle, tzu placed the card delicately on his windowsill.
His Only Happy Ending
They certainly didn't understand him now; they were just too blinded by their illusory happiness. grimly, he rolled back his sleeve and looked at his watch, 5:30, dinner would be soon.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry christmas, happy holidays © n'sync. yes, really. they made a christmas album. sleep well tonight knowing that.