Orbital dive
The two geroo drifted away from the plank, staring at each other's eyes as their boots detached, the magnets no longer active. they held each other. they dared not breathe.
Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 16
He felt detached from everything around him, except for those two words, repeating themselves over and over in his mind: burn her... burn her... _burn her_... \* ... burn her? this... this _thing_ with the dead eyes can't possibly be serious?
How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 5
I said with gratitude as i detached myself from him as i composed myself. i looked at him, not with suspicion, but with appreciation. " you are welcome."
Just Living Chapter 3
His words were basic and his sentences were off by just a bit, but no one could really notice, because frey just seemed like his normal nervous self on the outside, if a bit more detached.
An Old Friend
He gasped softly these bullet wounds new and terrible to him activating his left hidden blade then swiveling to a to a vertical position before detaching it and using it to dig the bullet out of his leg with a growl then cutting the lower part of his digi
Song of the Space Finch part 3 of 4
"_fleeting minnow_, detach in 3...2...1... mark." the ship shifted as it detached from the station. i could feel the mobility thrusters maneuvering us away. i could see nothing from the deck. i panted more, then managed to right myself on the decking.
Survival: Part Three
Moira nodded, watching with a detached sense of being as the massive man beast confidently sauntered into the room, what looked like a security center, a row of four office chairs in front of an extended desk with an entire wall dedicated to monitor
Shock to the System
Shows you're not the sort of detached, deranged lunatic shreck is. the jews are animals, savages.
[TF] Fluffy Machinations of Order
Instead, each of the seven sensors throws itself towards the vulpix, slithering in the air as if they each wished to detach from synapsis and swim up to fluffy.
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 16
''once the hope's blade has detached from the ranger, i want everyone in the wardroom and the psynet in place.''
Daemon - Chapter 21 (The Ritual)
So this was a full detachment of tyrokian minotaurs! rumours of the strength was far reaching. they were the main force which guarded the borders between the tribal lands and gir.
The Dark Forest
Though i can feel the sensation of touch on the arm it feels detached, the same way one feels if touching someone through an article of clothing.