Dog Eat Dog
\* \* \* wall street, the bustling financial center of new york city (and for all intents and purposes the rest of the system itself) was a flurry of shouting, crying, laughing and electronic din.
Silent Inquisition (Act1, Book2, Chapter2)
'_chance - new york city - wednesday, june 2, 1999. marcus howard_. _auto accident with father six months prior. telepathy could have stopped attacks in 2023._' nathan saved his file, withdrew the usb drive, and put it into his pocket.
Jayden, Chapter 9
// // it was the wee hours of the morning in new york city, and already she was abustle with activity. several people were walking in the cool morning air, coats pulled around them as they went.
Le Paciscor, Chapter 1
A rather large cat said, a new york city accent thick in his voice, as he walked forward with clipboard in hand. a step behind him two large, burly looking, wolves walked, both of them with muscles hardened by heavy manual labor.
Paragon Part 1
Terrell jr. aka nightmask to one not used to it the crush of bodies and clash of sounds generated by the teaming sea of humanity packed within the confines of new york city
The Demon and the Dragon
Compared to a human city it would be similar to tokyo if it were set both on land and on an island, like new york city.
Chapter V: Burn, Part One
People looked surprised and screamed another explosion engulfed new york city, the manhole landed next to car and spun around as the dust settled.
Morgana the vampiress
That dark night in new york city, he rescued me from my own life. at the edge of death he came to me like an angel. i had decided i could not bare my life any longer.
Empty Basket
The rabbit stared disinterested through the windshield as she rumbled over the uneven dirt, already missing the smooth streets of new york city, even with their chaotic traffic.
Fatal Radiance - Chapter 18
new york city, in its district of manhattan, during what humans at that time would call the 21stof november in the year 2291. in this time, the world had forgotten about magic, as their technology made it all obsolete.
The Luck of Finding a Warm Fire in the Woods
The thing is i'm not even that far from home, this forest grows on the edge of new york city, plenty of forests in the world exist this way just growing around outside big cities and all i needed was to take one of those special amtrak style trains to go a
A Bridge Paved in Colour
She had been in high school in september 2001, when they (proto-they, perhaps) attacked new york city and the memories of that lingered--but she was just pregnant with alice when the regular bombings had begun. and the missiles--god, the missiles.