Jayden, Chapter 9

Story by Alex Kitsune on SoFurry

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#9 of The Halfblood

So here is the next installment,

As always, comments are amazing ^.^

votes are cool, favs are nice....

please enjoy.....

(Author's Note)

=Character thought=

"Human Speech"

'Telepathy between characters'

-Computer Writing, or on Screen Text-

{Pokemon Speech}

example: "Ni nine tai tails ninetails ine?" is what a human would hear.

{What do you mean you can't understand me?} is what other Pokemon, and certain humans would hear.

|| * * * | | | * * * || = End Chapter

* * * = Scene Change

// // = Major Scene/Time Change

Chapter 9:

Quiet country music was playing over the radio in the small diner, the smell of coffee in the air. A man with red hair was sitting at a booth, an azure Lucario sitting across from him, and a cup of coffee sitting in front of him. He had his hands wrapped around the cup as he looked over the few other patrons in the diner.

There were only three other people in the 24-hour diner, all of them decked out in hunting gear. Two were sitting side-by-side at the diner's bar, both drinking from cups of coffee, and both with a large hunting-knife by their side. The third was sitting in a booth, staring out the window and into the still raging blizzard, a hunting rifle laying next to him on the booth's bench.

A middle-aged waitress, dressed in a dull-green uniform, came up to the Irishman and Aura, a pot of coffee in her hand, the other sticking into her apron. "More coffee?" She asked as she stood next to the table, lifting the pot slightly. The Irishman looked up, and nodded, pushing his cup out a touch. After refilling his, she looked at the Lucario, "Want a top off?"

Aura looked, and gave a weak smile, accompanied by a nod. The waitress gave a cheery grin, pouring some more coffee into her cup. She turned away from the two, walking over to the hunter at the booth, asking him if he wanted some more coffee. He tipped his cup, looking at it, before setting it back and nodding an affirmative.

The Irishman continued to survey the blowing storm, taking a deep drink of the steaming, bitter brew before setting his cup back on the table. "Don't think we'll make it to New York anytime soon. Especially if this storm keeps up like this," the Irishman was lightly tapping the cup around with his finger, still staring into the dark. He gave a deep sigh, leaning back as he looked at Aura. "What I don't get is why they'd come to my house, or how in hell's name they found it."

Aura looked up at him, taking her gaze off the black liquid in her cup. She also took a look out the window, thinking deeply about how to answer. 'Who were they?' Speaking with her Aura-powers, so as to not startle the other patrons, or reveal to much of their conversation.

The Irishman took a glance at the waitress, who was shouting into the kitchen for the meal's he and Aura had ordered. "I'll tell ya once we get our food," he said quietly, pointing with his head at the waitress. Aura nodded in understanding, picking up her cup with both hands and taking a sip.

Soon Aura was looking out the window again, lost in thought, while the Irishman started studying the three hunters again. His attention perked slightly when he saw one pull out a weather radio, and listened closely as the forecast came over. "...with a chance of another twelve inches by 9:00, this is a bad night to be out on the roads. Most of the highways are either shut down, due to whiteout conditions, or have caution signs out."

One of the men gave a huff, talking even as the forecast continued. "Damn snowstorm. So much for hunting tomorrow," he clapped his friend on the shoulder, shaking his head. "Looks like we'll have ta head to the hotel out back. Least until this storm slows down." With a disgusted sigh, he clicked the radio off, and leaned into the counter, arms crossed.

The guy next to him laughed, standing up. "Well if that's the case, you get the bill and I'll get the truck started." The first grunted, holding up his coffee cup, making the other laugh. He put on his forrest-camo colored cap, sliding his thumb along its brim, as he strode out the door and into the blizzard.

A blast of the cold air whispered into the diner, making the others, including the Irishman and Aura, shiver. The man came in a few seconds later, patting his gloves together and stamping his boots. "Damn it's cold out there" he walked back up to the counter, picking up his coffee and taking a last drink from it.

Just as the hunter was sitting down, the waitress brought two plates over to Aura and the Irishman. One was a salad, covered with different vegetables and a couple of Pecha berries, which the waitress set in front of Aura. The other, a hamburger with a side of fries, she set in front of the Irishman. Asking if there was anything else they needed, which both said now to, the waitress walked away.

Aura picked up one of the Pecha berries, popping it into her mouth, savoring the sweet taste as she chewed it slowly. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the Irishman slowly picked at his food, only taking a bit or two. With a sigh, he put down a fry he'd picked up and pushed the tray away.

Aura set down the fork she'd picked up, looking at him questioningly. The Irishman simply shook his head, saying "I'm not all that hungry. Tired, more then anything." The Lucario nodded at that, knowing that they'd been driving for a long while. She continued to eat her salad, until only a few leaves were left.

With a small grin, she picked up the last piece of romaine, and crunched it down. With a satisfied sigh, she leaned back in the booth's bench, closing her eyes. 'Do you think Spike and Tina will wake up soon?' She asked, opening her crimson eyes a crack.

With a laugh, the Irishman leaned his elbows against the table. "They'll not wake up for anything." He glanced out the window, letting out a yawn, "I think we'll drive for another hour or so, then I need to sleep."

Aura nodded, looking out the window as well. The waitress came back over, check in hand, "Anything else for you two?" Both shook their heads negative, and the waitress ripped the check off, "Then here's your check, you can pay at the front." She turned on her heel, walking away as she slipped the small checkbook back into her apron.

The Irishman sighed, pulling a wallet out while Aura looked at the price. Holding his hand out, Aura gave him the check, and he gave a nod as he read it over. Pulling out a couple of bills, he set a cup on them and stood up.

Giving a stretch, he looked at Aura, "You ready?" The Lucario nodded, "Good, then we should get amoving." He stepped out the door, giving a wave to the waitress as he was about to walk out. " 'Night," he called.

The waitress waved back, "Drive safe out there." She said in way of a goodbye.

The two stepped out the door, and the Irishman pulled his coat tight around him while Aura simply felt a shiver run up her spin. Both gave a light jog as they moved across the parking lot, the whipping wind tearing at the Irishman's coat. Getting to the car, they ripped open the doors and jumped in, slamming their doors hard.

"God damn!" the Irishman said, holding his hands to the blowers, which were pushing out heat from the running engine. "God, I'm glad I left this running!" A light rustle in the back drew his attention, and he looked over his shoulder to see the cause of it.

Out of a bundle of blankets popped a Houndoom's head, her horns rolling back as she let out a deep yawn. She mumbled something, then tucked herself under the blanket again, her deep, regular breathing resuming.

The Irishman just blinked, shaking his head slightly. Working the automatic transmission, he backed out of his spot, and started down the road. Aura leaned her head against the window, watching as the shadows of trees passed by. The low rumble of the truck's engine, the rocking motion of the road both lulled Aura into sleep, calling her. Closing her crimson eyes, she felt the gentle arms of sleep take her away.

// //

It was the wee hours of the morning in New York City, and already she was abustle with activity. Several people were walking in the cool morning air, coats pulled around them as they went. The hotel, with its large overhang in front of its door, stood bright and cheery, a contrast to the sleepy attitude that seemed to hang over the street.

Suddenly, several news crews started swarming a black government car as it pulled up to a hotel, microphones and cameras being shoved towards the door. Several men in black suits stepped out and around, pushing the throng of people back. The door opened, and the shouting from the news crews intensified, cameras flashing as pictures were taken.

A brown-haired politician stepped out, straightening his tie as he got out of the car. With a shadow of a smile, he answered "no comment," or "that has yet to be determined," to the questions being shouted at him by the reporters. The two bodyguards helped him push through the crowd, and into the building.

The security guards, along with a couple of Machokes, stood in front of the door, blocking the reporters access inside. Many of the reporters held their cameras up, clicking away as they tried to get more pictures of the Senator. The clamor slowly died away, although the news crews didn't leave.

Watching from across the street, a man, dressed in a Navy-blue hoodie, took a sip from his coffee-cup as he leaned against the wall. A few minutes after the clamor died away, he stood up straight, holding the cup by its lid. He exhaled, his breath visible in the cold air, before dropping the cup into a trash-bin as he walked down the sidewalk. As he walked away from the bin, he slipped his hands into the pockets.

With his hands in his pockets, the man slipped through the crowds. He found his way to a parking garage, walking up the stairs to the upper levels. Getting out of the stairwell on the sixth level, he stepped out, heading towards a black Humvee. He slipped out a keychain from his pocket, slipping the key into lock to open the door.

His eyes burned blue for a moment when he turned around, looking over the parking garage. Satisfied, he opened the driver side door, and stepped in. He shut the door behind him, locking it when it latched shut.

Jayden looked at the time on the dashboard, sighing as he did so. He still had an hour before the opening he had found came up, but he was only going to need five minutes to get in. Giving a small sniff, Jayden pulled down the center console and opened it. He casually pulled out a .45 semi-auto pistol, followed by a clip.

Snapping the clip into place, he tugged on the slide so that a round was chambered. Clicking the safety on, he tossed the pistol onto the passenger side seat, then he pulled out a suppressor. He slowly turned it in his hands as he looked at it, lost deep in thought. Blinking to clear his thoughts, he leaned over to grab the pistol, and screwed the suppressor onto the end.

Resting the gun in between his legs, he reached into the back seat. He undid the strap of his duffle-bag, pulling out a halter. Leaning forward, he slipped it over his shoulder, clipping the straps so that the gun-holster was under his left arm. Taking the pistol, the silencer still on the end, he slipped it into the holster and clicked it in.

Reaching back into the center armrest, he pulled out three clips. These he slipped into slots near the waist strap of the halter, giving them a light tap to make sure they wouldn't accidentally slip out. When that was done, he grabbed a coat that was sitting on the back seat, and got out of the Humvee.

Jayden stepped out of the Humvee, throwing on his long overcoat. The tan-grey coat hung down to just above his boots, and he took ahold of it, closing it around him. Looking around again, he opened the trunk, then lifted up one of the suitcases Zada had given him, taking a bunched piece of cloth out and stuffing it into one of his pockets.

He reached up, slamming the trunk closed, and went back to the driver-side door. Giving the handle a few tugs to make sure it was locked, Jayden twisted his head to stretch his neck. Turning on his heel, he walked away from the Humvee, back towards the stairs.

His boots clacked quietly as he walked back down the the concrete stairs. The empty stairway echoed as he walked down them, the dull-amber of the lights casting an eerie glow over it. He lightly jumped the last few steps at the bottom, his body already preparing itself for what might happen in the next hour.

The early morning sun had still not risen, although there were more people on the street. With his hands still in the coat's pockets, Jayden turned to walk down the street, determined to not let his emotions overtake him. This gave him a foreboding air, and people unconsciously gave him a wider berth as he walked past.

He spent several minutes, simply walking around the block, running over his plan as he did so. When he came back around to the hotel block though, he saw a stand that hadn't been there the last time he'd come around. He didn't pay it much mind though, thinking it was just a simple "find the marble" scam.

As he went by though, one of the figures, who was dressed in a heavy coat that covered her entire form leaned towards the other. The other lady, dressed in a gypsy looking outfit, held up a hand, smiling "Hello sir. A cheerful morning, isn't it?"

Jayden was caught off guard a touch, and he paused. Looking at the lady, he slowly said "Yes," he blinked, "I suppose it is." He trailed off, making to walk off when the lady spoke up again.

"Would you like a reading?" She said, gesturing to the heavily dressed figure next to her. "Aiesha would be more than happy to oblige."

Jayden paused, looking at the figure again. "An Alakazam," the lady grinned, "thank you, but no. The power of foresight is only accurate to a few minutes ahead, at most."

This only made the woman smile wider, still setting up her counter. "Someone who is well-versed in the ways of Pokemon," she set a deck of cards on the bench, "rare to see that." With a flick of her wrist, the fifty-two cards in the deck spread out perfectly. "Then allow us to see your past," she gave Jayden a wink, "I can assure you that we can tell your past, without looking into your mind."

Jayden thought for a moment, looking at the watch on his wrist. "fifteen minutes," he muttered to himself, and he let his hand fall to his side. He stepped up to the counter, grinning, "Allright, let's see what you have." He pointed a finger at her, "And believe me when I say I'll know if she," he moved the finger to point at the cloaked Alakazam, "tries to enter my mind."

The lady gave an amused "hmph," before stepping to the side. "Aiesha, if you'd please." The lady held her hand to the cards that lay strewn over the counter.

A pleased chuckle left the Alakazam as she stepped into place behind the table. Lifting a hand, her eyes glowed briefly under the hood of her cowl, and the cards floated into the air. Reaching forward, her tri-fingered hand took hold of the deck, and she started shuffling the cards.

Several times she took the deck, cut it, then flushed the cards back together. With one last shuffle of the deck, she set it down. The Alakazam looked at Jayden, then at the cards. Jayden lifted an eyebrow before reaching forward to cut the deck. Taking about half the cards, he set them to the right of the deck, placing the bottom half on top.

Once again the Alakazam's eyes glowed, and five cards were dealt out from the top of the deck. They landed in two rows, one of three and one of two, all face-down. Jayden could see the mustache on the Pokemon move as she smiled. She looked down at the cards, her hand moving over them as she seemed to ponder which card to turn first.

She made her choice, flipping over the middle card of the row with three in it, to reveal the three of clubs. The Alakazam grinned, "The first card, rarely, has true meaning to it. But," Aiesha's hand moved to the card to the left, "when the second card is revealed, then a picture starts to be seen." She turned her hand over, revealing the two of diamonds. Another smile graced her face, "And yet not even two reveal the picture, but three..." she trailed off, turning the third card in the row over.

"The ace of spades," the Alakazam said. "When combined with the two of diamonds and three of clubs, your life starts to become clear." She picked up the three of clubs, "Three moments in your life, pivotal, life-changing." She set it down, and picked up the ace of spades, "One a truly life-changing moment, and not for the better." Putting it back into place, she picked up the two of diamonds, "Yet two that have changed your life for the better."

Jayden smiled to himself. He knew exactly which two she was talking about. Trying to keep an air of incredulity, "I'm sure that you take most any person, and you'll find a combination like that."

The Alakazam chuckled at that, "Indeed," she said as she set the card back onto the table. "And yet," her hand moved over one of the two cards as yet unflipped, "one can wonder what this next card means." With a twitch of her finger, the card turned over. Tilting her head, "The five of hearts?" She said in a pondering tone.

Using her psychic powers, she lifted the card into the air. "I do not know what this means," with the card still floating in the air, she reached out to turn the final card. She gave a small gasp at the last card to be turned, the queen of spades. "Oh my," she said quietly. She cleared her throat, and swallowed before telling what the cards meant. "The queen of spades is a card of betrayal, the jealous knife in the dark. The five of hearts means that there were only five who know your heart."

Jayden stood there the whole time, chuckling quietly to himself. Looking at his watch, he had ten minutes left before his chance came. "Well," he started, "that was very interesting, but I have to be going now." He reached his right hand into his coat, "How much was the reading?"

Before the gypsy looking lady could respond, the Alakazam spoke again. "Free, if you'll allow one more card." The Alakazam gave the lady a look, then turned her gaze back to Jayden. Her hand rested on top of the deck, ready to deal out the next card.

With a tiny "huh," Jayden pulled his hand out of the pocket. "Sure," he agreed, still not believing that she could tell his past.

The Alakazam nodded, taking the next card off the top of the deck. Slowly, she slipped the card onto the table, turning it face-up as she did so. "The uncolored joker," she said in a sad tone. Looking up at Jayden, she handed the card to him, "I would recommend you take care in your...endeavors, today." Aieysha started to gather the cards, reshuffling the deck, while still looking at Jayden.

Jayden reached to the card, which she had set on the table, and picked it up. Blinking a few times, he pondered the card. "Thanks," he said in a low tone, turning away.

With one hand in his pocket, the other holding the card, Jayden crossed the street and walked towards the hotel. As he neared, he slipped the card into his other pocket, continuing towards the door. When the security guards made to stop him, Jayden held up a keycard to the hotel, and they moved aside to let him pass.

He took another glance at his watch as he walked into the high-end hotel lobby, making his way to the front desk. The receptionist was typing into his computer, and did not see or hear Jayden as he walked up. Jayden cleared his throat to get the clerk's attention, and looking up from his screen "Sorry about that." he finished typing, and turned his full attention to Jayden, "How can I help you, sir?"

Jayden held up his keycard with two fingers, then set it on the countertop. "I saw that politician pulled up not that long ago, and I want to make sure my room is still in the same spot."

"Of course, if you'll give me a second," the clerk said, picking up the card. Inserting the card into the scanner, he waited until a small beep sounded, and then started clacking away at the keyboard. He took a breath, then looked up from the screen at Jayden. "I'm sorry, but due to security reasons, your room has been moved from 19-52 to room 15-41. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Jayden made an exaggerated sigh of frustration. Taking the keycard, he jammed it into his coat pocket, turning away. With long, purposeful strides, he walked to the elevator, and hit the call button. Tapping his foot with impatience, he waited close to a minute for the doors to open. With a quiet ding they opened, and he strode in, turned, and hit the button for the twentieth floor.

As soon as the doors closed, he checked his watch again. Nodding to himself, he undid the buttons of his overcoat. "Now or never," he whispered, just as the camera's light, that told it was on, shut off. With a roll of his shoulders, the coat came off, and he turned it inside-out so that the black leather side, rather than the tan-grey, was facing out. Grabbing the bunch of cloth out of the now-inside pocket, he pulled out a black ski-mask, and slipped it partway on.

With his coat still hanging open, he hit the buttons for floors 14, 15, 19, and 20 knowing that the security couldn't cover all of them. Taking another glance at his watch, he nodded to himself. "Another five minutes 'till cameras come back, fifteen until the first of the room-service get going." The elevator dinged at the 14th floor, the doors opening, making Jayden move to the side out of instinct.

The doors closed a few seconds later, the soft lurch of the elevator moving making Jayden jump a touch. With a breath, he waited for the next stop to come, the elevator coming to a stop as it reached the next floor. Once again the doors opened, Jayden still waiting out of sight, to the side.

This time, when the doors closed, Jayden stepped to the middle of the elevator. He reached up, grasping the edge of the mask to pull it down over his face, adjusting it over his nose so that it didn't pinch him. Then he reached to the holstered pistol, clicking the straps holding it in, and pulling it out.

With a flick of his thumb, he flipped the safety lever from -safe- to -fire-, and let it hang in his right hand. The floor change dinged, making him glance up. "Three more floors," and he knelt down, slipping his knife out of its sheath in his boot. Holding it backhanded in his left, he adjusted the grip on the pistol in his right so that he could bring it up quickly.

A few seconds later, and another ding sounded as the elevator passed the 17th floor. Then the 18th floor passed.

Tightening his grip on the pistol, he held it so that the barrel was pointing towards the middle of the elevator door. He took a deep breath through the ski-mask, and slowly let it out as the elevator dinged again, a slow lurch going through as it came to a stop.

The doors started to open, and a man dressed in a black suit and tie, with sunglasses and the earpiece, stepped forward, holding up a hand. "Sir, this floor is re..OMPH!!!" Was all he got out as Jayden charged forward, slamming the butt of the knife into the man's chest. As Jayden turned to face back into the hallway, he brought the butt of his pistol down on the man's neck, sending him crashing into the floor.

The two men further down the hall both went for their guns, the one on the left bringing up his wrist and taking a breath to shout into it. Jayden, turning around to face them, vanished in a wisp of air, reappearing in front of the man trying to get a warning out, and slamming the butt of his knife into this man's gut as well.

As the second keeled over, Jayden kicked out at the third, catching him in the knee, a harsh crack sounding out as bone refused to bend, breaking instead. Spinning, Jayden kicked up, catching the man with the now-broken knee under the chin, and bringing the butt of his pistol down on the neck of the one he'd hit in the gut. Both fell to the ground, never having gotten a shout out, much less getting their pistols drawn.

Jayden settled himself in the hallway, his overcoat fluttering down to his ankles, and he looked over the three men. He blinked twice, making sure that they were alive, but unconscious. Bending down, he retrieved a keycard from one, and looked at the room number on it before dropping it back on the ground as he stood up. With long strides, he moved down the hallway, glancing at the room numbers as he passed.

About halfway down the hall, he paused, looking at the number on the door. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and the world took on a blue tinge. Using his aura-sight, he could see that there were three figures in the room on the other side of the door. There were two humans and a Blaziken, one of the humans sitting behind a desk, another leaning by a doorway.

=The one sitting behind the desk must be him, which leaves two targets,= Jayden thought, formulating a plan of entry. When one came to him, he smiled, and prepared to break down the door. He could see that the Blaziken was alerted that something was wrong, and knew he would have to take him down after the breach.

Taking a step back, Jayden braced his left leg against the floor, and kicked at the door with all his might with his other leg. It instantly shattered, making the Blaziken lean back to avoid the shards of wood, and the human bodyguard fell to one knee as he went for his gun. Jayden barreled through the shattered doorframe, charging at the human bodyguard.

Jumping, Jayden kneed the man in the face, making him fly backwards and smash into and through the drywall. With a deft kick as Jayden came around, the pistol the bodyguard dropped went across the room, past the feet of a battle-ready Blaziken. Now in a slightly crouched position, knife still held backhanded in his left, Jayden stared the Blaze-Pokemon.

The Blaziken stared back as he stood into a battle-pose of his own. Wrists engulfed in flame, the Pokemon held his arms up, claws clenched into fists. He slowly watched Jayden stand up, and slip his pistol into the holster under his arm. Then Jayden, with an expert toss, buried the blade of the knife several inches into the wooden floor, never taking his gaze of the Blaziken.

Tilting his head to the left and then to the right, Jayden cracked his neck. Without any more preparation, the two charged each-other, the Blaziken crying out a battle-cry, Jayden eerily silent.

With a shout, the Blaziken planted his right foot as he charged, swinging his burning left leg in a roundhouse kick. Jayden ducked under, bringing a fist forward. The Blaziken used an arm to deflect the hit to the side, pushing off to knee Jayden at the same time. With a grunt, Jayden practically bent in half leaning back, planting his hands as he did a backflip, grinning under his ski-mask as his foot connected with the Blaziken's chin.

Both flipped back, landing on opposite sides of the room, neither blinking as they waited for the other to move.

Both were almost completely motionless, except for the rise and fall of their chests. The Blaziken's foot moved, less than an inch, and Jayden charged. With only a heartbeat to react, the Blaziken launched a flamethrower to stop Jayden. He simply leaped through it, open palm connecting with the Pokemon's chest, a cry of pain leaving the Blaziken's beak.

Jayden grunted when he was suddenly grabbed by the strong arms of the Blaziken, and pulled into a tight embrace. The heat coming from within the Blaziken intensified, Jayden struggling against the vice-like grip that was holding him. With a shout, he arched his back, using his legs to throw the Blaiken off balance.

As they started to fall down, Jayden set to be on the bottom, Jayden smashed his head forward, an audible crack sounding as the Blaziken's head snapped back. Twisting in the loosening grasp, Jayden brought an arm around the Pokemon's neck, spinning him around so that he was on the fire type's back. With a tightening of his arm, he shut off the Blaziken's airway, leaning close as he did so.

The Blaziken, still reeling from the smack to his head and his throbbing beak, could only weakly claw at Jayden. He continued to struggle for a few moments, until his red-feathered arms fell limply to his side. Holding for another moment to ensure that the Blaziken was truly out-cold, Jayden slowly let his grip off.

Standing up, letting the unconscious Pokemon fall to the ground, Jayden turned to face the man sitting behind the desk. The brown-haired politician had a hand in an open drawer, looking down. He was frantically digging through the open drawer, oblivious to Jayden standing just on the other side of his desk, until he heard the soft thud of the Blaziken hitting the ground.

Looking up, and into the face of the still-masked Jayden, he was quietly panting. With a hand still in the drawer, he swallowed. "So, who hired you? Crannson? Braddok? No, it was Thompson, wasn't it?" He let a disbelieving chuckle out, "That bastard never did know when to leave well enough alone."

Jayden just stood there blinking through the eye-slits in his mask. The Senator huffed, "Not going to tell? Well," Jayden saw the arm that was in the drawer tighten, "YEH!!" The Senator shouted as he pulled his hand out, a pistol in hand. Simply leaning over the desk, Jayden took ahold of the Senator's head, and slammed him into the desk's top.

The pistol dropped onto the desk, and Jayden swept his arm to knock it onto the ground, well away from the Senator's grasp. Letting his grasp up, Jayden stood in front of the desk again, arms by his side. The Senator leaned back, his face buried in the crux of his elbow, and he coughed as blood entered the back of his throat.

Coughing again, the Senator glared at the still-masked Jayden from over his arm. "It was Greyson, wasn't it?" The Senator coughed again and he let his arm fall to the desk. "He decided to turn on me?" He leaned his head back, a weak chuckle escaping him, "Guess betraying his own wasn't enough. Now he's turning on his employer." Tilting his head down to look at Jayden again, "So, which of his croons did he send to kill me?" He laughed again, "not that it really maters, though."

Jayden blinked again, silent the whole time. Without saying a word, he bent his head, grasping the bottom of the ski-mask. With a slight shake of his head, he bunched the mask on top of his head, and looked the Senator in the eye, his own having a light blue swirling in their depths.

The Senator recoiled in his chair, his nose still bleeding, the crux of his arm covered in blood. "Dear god!" He said quietly, swallowing hard.

Jayden shook his head, "Not god, just a man." Looking him in the eye again, "You and I have some unfinished business, Senator Rossi." The Senator swallowed again, beads of sweat running down his forehead as he sat there, watching Jayden.

|| * * * | | | * * * ||

So what's going to happen now? Guess you'll have to wait until next time ^.^

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legal: Pokemon isn't mine, it belongs to those that own it,

original characters (Aura, Jayden, the Irishman and others) are mine, please ask me before using them.