Sea Song (Clean)

He couldn't quite make out any individual words or meaning, but he certainly felt it. his brain seeming to vibrate as the tapestry that was him slowly wove back into wholeness.

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Growvember Day 18

But it was true, i couldn't even make out the military personnel. the fact just hit me so hard. i couldn't make out normal furs anymore. they were less than ant size to me. just how disconnected was i to a normal life now?

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 15-Remmy

I could only make out one scent, a males, inside. from the smell, he was 20 something and seemed to not be under too much stress. i could also make out the smell of fresh tea, baked bread and cooking meat.

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The Fall of Clyde

He can still make out clyde's prints, but he sprints before the wind comes back, his stomach sloshing back and forth with the husky inside as he waddles behind a house. "please, i've paid the fee this month. don't do this!"

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Forest Shade: A loner's tale

This led him straight into the forest, with little light left to let him make out where he was running off to.

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The runt didn't see anything different, but from this distance, she could actually make out some of tallow's words.

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Unstable Future - Chapter 3

A while later we were able to make out bits and pieces of bodies. there was not much left of anyone since things left for dead in the jungle tended to get consumed awfully fast.

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The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:26

Distant echoes that were hard to make out, as if she were outside some sort of concert hall. occasionally the ewe could catch some word, and even recognize some of the voices. vernon's was the first she had recognized fairly early on.

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Chapter 4: The Voice

Its name was covered by the maker in such a way that ali could not make out the letters.

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Mornings in the Dark (Otherwise Untitled)

The ceiling was a soft blue-ish glow, and he could faintly make out the shadows cast in moonlight on his far wall. the otter looked to the clock. one in the morning.

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An Early Discovery - poetic story

Now, engulfed in the shadow of the structure, i begin to make out dark green vines. awe strikes with such ferocity, that i stand with mouth agape, remembering every inch. the massive temple seeps an eerie energy.

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Somewhere Out There Act 19 - Ghost Beach

Getting stuck in the heavy armor, and forcing her to take cover before removing it and trying to make out its shape. leaving a small wound, but nothing fatal.

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