Growvember Day 18
#18 of Growvember Series
A new plan is formed to try and help more people across the world. But will it work?
November 18th
The next day, Shawn called us together for another meeting. It was that hard really, with the growth kicking in faster and faster, there wasn't much land to travel to get to one another.
"So, the military has been getting on my case now." He sighed looking over everyone, but falling on me.
"They know they can't really control us now. Our sizes are increasing faster and faster every day."
"Has there been any word of a cure yet?" Craig spoke up.
"No. Nothing. Now-"
"Why not? Its been eighteen days! Eighteen! I want to sleep in my own bed again!" He whined, stamping a foot.
"Craig. We know. We all want to. But again, what I wanted to say-"
"Actually, can I say something first?" I spoke up, everyone looked at me. I took a deep breath. "Look, I know I've been acting up lately. I'm sorry. But I think I know where this is going. I endangered people leaving the area. I could've killed someone merely stepping on them, and I'm scared that I may have." I couldn't help but shutter at the thought.
"But, if I hadn't, those furs would've died. And that's going on outside of here. Those rogue macros are doing whatever they want to normal folk. Forcing them into some sick worship, or killing them for fun. And I'm not going to sit here anymore and let them do it. So damn the military scorning us. Least we can do something."
I didn't even notice my hands were in fists at the end. But it was true. I had thought about it all last night, and how worthless we were staying here.
"That's great bud. NOW, IF I CAN FINISH...!" He looked around, waiting to be interrupted again.
"That is actually what I wanted to talk about." He rubbed his head and sighed.
"Oh..." I felt my ears go red.
"While they build that new command center to hook back up to the satellites, since apparently the rogue giants went and attacked the cities with connections to them, they want us to scout out nearby cities to see what is going on. Not to engage, but to just see." Again his eyes fell on me.
"If we find a city in trouble, we report back, and we work with the military for an evac. No more carrying smaller folk. They can't understand us at this size, and you can't see them. I bet you didn't even notice the two by Mary's feet." Chris pointed down towards her, the shrew was barely taller than our one of our paws. But it was true, I couldn't even make out the military personnel.
The fact just hit me so hard. I couldn't make out normal furs anymore. They were less than ant size to me. Just how disconnected was I to a normal life now?
"-which is why we will be splitting up into teams of two and going off in different directions."
My mind snapped back to what Chris had just finished saying. I looked around a bit, trying to figure it out, but he was already going off into names.
"Craig and Sherry, you two will be heading towards Baskerville to the east. Jeff and I will head north to check on Scnidnersburg. Chris and Bryant, you are gonna go by Hanolver again, but continue on to Hamfton. Remember, do NOT engage, just observe. If the city is intact, don't get any closer. Just come back and tell Mary so she can tell the Military. Everyone else will stay here, meaning you too Nicolas, but sorry, you being so big makes it hard to try and stay hidden. Though, truth be told, its going to be hard for all of us at this rate."
"Then why not sending the smaller giants?" Chris spoke up. Shawn looked back at Mary, seeming to exchange some kind of unspoken word before he looked back at all of us.
"As I said, they can't understand us now because we are so big, our voices are just massive booms to them, they even have to wear headgear to not have their eardrums blown. So I can say this; if you see a giant actively attacking normal furs like Bryant did. Stop them if you can. If you are out numbered, don't engage. Our numbers are small and we can't go losing anyone. That's why we don't want to send the smaller giants. They'll be helpless." He said sternly. We all nodded.
"Okay then. Everyone head out, try to be back before sun down. If you aren't we're going to fear the worse. And please, be careful." His tone was way different than any I heard before. He sounded, afraid, concerned. Not the light heartedness I usually felt. This was really getting to him.
It also didn't help that I was with Chris, and I still wasn't sure he had forgiven me. But there would be time to figure that out during the walk.
I was wrong. The only thing that was said between us at the start was me saying I would keep a look out at our feet, to make sure we didn't step on anyone or anything. Chris only gave a grunt in reply. I felt horrible the whole time, but I knew I deserved this. I had hurt someone who I considered my best friend now.
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.
"Chris I-"
"I get it. You were going through a rough time. Probably still are." He cut me off coldly.
"Yeah but-"
"Just tell me one thing, did the kiss mean anything?"
We both stopped, and I wasn't sure how to answer that.
"Chris...I was pumped with adrenaline and wasn't thinking. I just...did what I wanted. I'm not gay, and I'm not bi. I'm not saying there isn't anything wrong with that, but you are an attractive guy and-not that I'm coming on to you or anything! Its just...argh it was so stupid of me to do it!" I hit my forehead. It was the truth, but how could I explain it better?
"No, I get it. Its okay. I'm not gay either. Its just...again stuff I read on the internet I thought one of them was about to happen there as well, ya know?" He blushed. I started to feel like we were getting back on track.
"Chris, I swear I didn't tell anyone about your fetishes or what we did that night." I almost pleaded, wanting to hear him believe me.
"I know man, I know. I believe you. I'm not fully over the way you acted, but I at least forgive you for now, okay?" He gave me a weak smile. I nodded and sighed, feeling a bit better.
It was then we heard a very small honking somewhere and immediately stopped. We both looked down in time to barely see a bullet train going along the tracks, and us having almost stepped on them.
"Holy shit that was close!" I phewed, taking a cautious step back. We both watched as it sped on by, and couldn't help but crouch down to watch it. It was like a tiny toy train going along the tracks, with real life tiny passengers. They were probably getting the view of their lives, and probably a panic, thinking we were going to crush them. We gave slowly waves to show we were friendly, and waited for it to be a safe enough distance our footfalls wouldn't disturb them, before stepping over where the tracks should have been.
"Is it weird to you being this huge and seeing everything from a new perspective?" Chris asked.
"You have no idea..."
We went around Hanolver, not wanting to really look at the left overs of what we did. I couldn't say we missed every building underneath us, but if most of the homes were evacuated when the skunk too over, then I hoped they still were.
As we got closer to Hamfton, we slowed our pace enough more and crouch, trying to be extra careful, despite only having hills to try and hide behind. But we couldn't see any macros our size from outside the city, so that was a plus, but that didn't mean there weren't any smaller ones hiding in. If so, Chris and I could easily take them on.
"Try to get closer?" Chris whispered. I looked down at the homes outside the city. They looked like game pieces at this size. But I slowly nodded my head. We had to be sure.
Taking a few more slow and careful steps, we got closer to the city. That's when a tiny siren seemed to go off, barely audible to our ears.
"Well, that can't be good." I muttered.
"Are they going to try and blow us up?" Chris turned to me, starting to panic.
"H-hey! You g-giants! Leave this city alone!" A tiny voice spoke somewhere to us. We looked at each other before looking down at are paws, seeing a very "tiny" serval at my toes.
"Are you the protector of this city?" I whispered as I lowered my head towards the feline. She took a step back, I could see she was shaking to her core.
"Y-yes! I'm the biggest here, so that makes me its protector! I don't care how big you are, you won't hurt these people!" She hissed, baring her fangs.
"You're mistaken, we aren't here to attack. We came from Kragsten to the north of here. We were sent to scout out other cities to see if they needed aid." I explained.
"How can I trust that?"
"Well, call them?" I perked a brow wondering why the city hadn't tried to contact others.
"Our people can't! With all you bigger giants roaming around, power lines have been going out, towers, you name it. We're cut off from the world!" She glared. Thinking on the trip here, I could see what she meant. How many power lines did we ruin or even smaller dishes we didn't notice?
"We're sorry bout that. But we were sent here from the military stationed at Kragsten. We're trying to see if any cities need aid or help." Chris joined me and explained.
"Ha! What are they gonna do? I've seen those rogue giants pass by before, and I heard what they did to Hanolver." She spat.
"Look, we can go back and tell them this city is safe. We can then try to form a network so we can protect more cities." I explained. The serval looked hesitant at first, trying to see if we were lying or not.
"Can you get these people out now?" She finally spoke. Chris and I looked at each other. We couldn't see normal folk well enough anymore, carrying would be too dangerous.
"No. We're too big for that. But we can go back and get the military. They would be here tomorrow." I explained.
"That won't be enough time. I saw one of the rogue giants walking close to here, seeming to be scouting. He was about your guys size, and will probably level this place tomorrow." The tough act had finally fallen, and she seemed to be pleading.
"My family lives in this city. You have to save them."
I looked at Chris, realizing there was only one thing we could do.
"Chris, go back and tell our military what's going on. We need an immediate evac. I'll stay behind and try to help protect them till you get here."
"Bryant, you're going to be causing massive damage no matter what. Especially if he turns up tomorrow and you're both even bigger." Chris warned. I sighed, trying to think of something.
"Okay, um....what's your name?" I asked the serval.
"Katie. But you can call me Kat." She answered up.
"Okay Katie. Tell the city to load up all the buses they can. Women and children first. It wont be a smooth ride, but I think you can carefully put them in my friend's hands and he can take all that he can back to Kragsten." I formulated. Chris would have to be extra careful, but this was the best I could think of.
"Thank you! I'll go tell them right now!" She quickly turned, heading back towards the city.
"Dude, are you sure about this? Let me stay." Chris looked at me, worried.
"I've fought before, I can do this." I assured him.
"Yeah, against foes smaller than you. She said same height. What if they are a lot stronger than you to? Built like Nicolas?"
"Then I'd try to hold out for you guys to show up. If anything, bring Shawn too, just in case." I nodded.
"Well...okay..." He finally relented, sighing. "Just promise me you won't die."
"Don't worry, I'm not scared." I smirked.
I was terrified.