The Fall of Clyde

Story by Aren19 on SoFurry

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It's been three years since Clyde rose to the duty of deputy, but rumors surround the horse. Are they true?

The second and final part for Clyde over on Twitter featuring himself.

Story, Boss, Tony, and Ron © Me

Clyde © @/Clyde_Stiles on Twitter

It has been three years since Leo made Clyde his deputy. Clyde may have stepped in and saved the town from Rand, but things have gone from getting better to gradually worse. There have been reports that Clyde abuses his power of authority: stealing money from victims, taking bribes from criminals to avoid jail time, and even eating random, innocent civilians!

While the rumors do concern Leo, he hadn't seen Clyde behave as such. The horse always walks into the office, massive gut in tow and proof of the occupant inside whether that's a neckerchief or a signature gun. The increase in rumors causes Leo to suspect. He sits at his desk, rubbing his swollen gut from a bank robber earlier today, a husky that was trying to feed his family. He resisted arrest and pulled a gun on the lion. Leo had no choice but to eat him. It's quite an ironic ending for the dog.

As the lion ponders the rumors surrounding Clyde by playing with his stomach, the horse strolls in with another big belly. "A small group of raccoons today, chief." Clyde chuckles and slaps his belly, causing it to rumble. He tosses two whips and two guns, both of which had half a heart on the handle.

"The Mask Clan? Impressive." Leo looks over the weapons and travels to Clyde's stomach. He makes out the bulges pressed against the flesh as best he can. He can definitely see three maybe four faces in there, but can't really tell if they're truly raccoons. He has doubts, but no proof of anything.

"Something wrong, Leo?" Clyde tilts his head in confusion. Leo snaps out of his gaze from the horse's stomach.

The lion smiles and shakes his head. "Oh no, just admiring your work. You work hard, makes keeping the villains out of town easier."

"Come on, Leo, you know that's not true." Clyde walks around the office and points to their jail cells. "We eat criminals, sure, but these are big-time ones. Little criminals just don't bother anymore and our jail cells prove it." While the two did eat criminals, it's only for high-end offenders like robbers with real guns and murderers. Small time criminals that steal bread for their family spend the day in jail to reflect on what they did.

"Maybe they're too threatened by the big guys to act. We have been busy lately, more so you than me, of course." Leo pats his stomach as he twirls pen in his paw. "I'll go ahead and write your report down. Why don't you take my route around Watering Hole?"

"Sounds good!" Clyde strolls out of the office, holding his stomach and smiling as he does.

After five minutes of playing with his pen, Leo tosses it on his desk and hefts himself up. He opens the door and shifts his eyes from side to side. He doesn't spot the horse in the vicinity, but he looks down and follows the hoofprints embedded in the sand, possible due to Clyde's massive form.

Instead of the usual route, which is just a back and forth between the office and Thirsty Bitches, Clyde's hoof prints head down a back alley. Leo follows them and sees slight drag marks before a gust of wind covers them. He can still make out Clyde's prints, but he sprints before the wind comes back, his stomach sloshing back and forth with the husky inside as he waddles behind a house.

"Please, I've paid the fee this month. Don't do this!" Hearing the pleas, Leo presses his back to the wall of the house and peers over. He sees a mouse on her knees in front of Clyde. She presses her head into the ground and kisses his hooves.

"That may be, but I'm hungry and I've got to keep well fed." Despite his three feet wide stomach, the horse's belly lets out a tremendous rumble. Clyde reaches down and picks the mouse up by the scruff of her neck. She flails and beats on the horse's chest to no avail. Clyde licks his lips and opens his mouth wide.

"Clyde, stop!" Leo emerges from the wall and runs towards the horse. Clyde closes his mouth and turns around, eyes widen in shock as he sees his boss running towards him. He drops the mouse, who scampers away. Leo tackles Clyde to the ground, pinning his arm against the horse's neck. "Why! I trusted ya to uphold the laws of our here town!"

Clyde struggles against the lion's weight, their stomachs pressing against each other. "Well, when you get paid in protection money and get to eat anyone you want, it's a pretty good deal!"

Leo hits the ground next to the chuckling horse. "So the rumors are true! You've been eating civilians!"

Clyde smirks and chortles. "Some of them would have been criminals. Just not big ones like we're used to." Leo stands up and turns his back to Clyde, dusting his clothes off and stomps off. "You're letting me go after all that?"

Leo turns around, his eyes shooting daggers at the horse. "No, we're gonna meet at sundown when our bellies are empty and have ourselves an honest duel."

Clyde raises his paw like a good boy scout. "I swear!"

Leo walks over to Clyde and grabs him by his neckerchief. "I mean it, no tricks, no extra bodies, just you and me. The winner gets the town." Leo extends his paw and Clyde shakes it. Leo releases Clyde and stomps back to his office.

Clyde smiles and grabs his gun, dusting it off and putting in a couple of darts. "I'll see you at sundown."


A few hours later, the sun sets fully in the west, giving the desert town a nice shade of orange. On one end of the strip stands Leo, sheriff of Watering Hole, and on the other is Clyde, his deputy. The two walk towards each other and meet in the middle of town where a small group of what remained of the town's citizens gathered.

Leo and Clyde pull their guns out. "See?" Clyde, using his hands and arms, moves them around the dusty lane, "No one around other than the townspeople."

"They're probably just here against their will." Leo turns to the crowd. There are eight in total. Leo suspects some are hiding; too scared to come out. Most of the crowd here is shaking in fear for what might happen. The lion turns back to the horse, puffing his chest out. "I'm surprised you didn't bring in your so-called friends."

"You wanted a fair fight. I held up my end." Clyde glances to the alleyways and Leo follows his gaze. He sees no criminals in the vicinity. Leo points his gun up.

"Then let's start." Leo turns his back to Clyde and the horse does the same, raising his gun to the sky. Leo takes his first step as does Clyde. The lion counts out loud. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" Leo and Clyde turn towards each other and pull the trigger. Leo's shot misses Clyde by the skin of his teeth and the horse's shot grazes the lion's cheek, but ultimately missing. Leo smirks, but his legs wobble and he falls to the ground, catching himself with his paws. Leo's paws lose feeling as well and he falls to the ground on his belly. He glances down, his eyes filled with fear, and sees a dart sticking out of his leg.

Clyde runs down towards Leo, watching his sheriff lie in the sand, paralyzed by a dart that wasn't his. He glances at the nearby alley and sees Boss saluting him. The rat is accompanied by two others, one with a blonde mohawk and the other with short black hair and a lip piercing. The rats disappeared in the darkness and Clyde returns his attention to the sheriff.

"You liar! You said you wouldn't bring anyone." Leo tries to struggle, his body giving slight twitches, but otherwise, the lion wasn't going anywhere.

Clyde kneels down to his boss and grins. "I didn't, but criminals have their own agendas and minds, you know." The horse licks his lips as he looks over Leo.

Leo attempts to struggle again, but his whole body refused to move, not even a twitch. "Clyde, you don't have to do this."

Clyde lifts the lion up by the scruff of his neck. "You'll eat me if I don't." He licks the lion's cheeks. "And quite frankly, being bad is so good." The horse opens his mouth, the pink flesh drooling in anticipation as Clyde shoves Leo's head inside. The lion closes his eyes as Clyde licks over his meal. The horse brought in more of Leo until his head touches the back of the horse's mouth and Clyde swallows.

Leo could feel the tight, wet muscles surround him in Clyde's throat. He's eaten countless criminals who all suffered the same fate he is. To think he'd let someone like Clyde, a horse who ate one of the worst criminals three years ago, become his deputy and is now eating him. Leo moves further down the tight tube as Clyde swallows his shoulders down, licking over the lion's firm pecs. Leo couldn't help but meow inside Clyde as he was teased with the horse's tongue.

Clyde reaches for the lump in his throat and strokes over his former boss's face. The horse chuckles as he can barely hear Leo's little meow. He gulps down the lion's pecs and gets to work on the muscle gut that held so many criminals. Clyde wonders to himself how many of them were able to form this belly. He traces over the orb with his tongue, getting a feel over every nook and cranny of it. If Leo could wiggle around, he would. His belly became quite sensitive after it bloated out when he first took the job.

Clyde swallows down the lion's gut, bulging out his throat about the same distance as his chest. The horse lifted his face up to let gravity do the rest of the work for him. Leo's head presses against the opening to Clyde's stomach. The flesh opens up and the lion is greeted to the compartment meant for criminals in Watering Hole. He frowns, thinking about some of the townsfolk who ended up in here when some of the bandits roaming the city right now could have been in either one of their stomachs.

Clyde strokes his growing gut as Leo fills it out more with the lion's shoulders soon joining the head. Clyde licks over Leo's thighs and calves as they disappear into the horse's gullet and bulge his throat out. His stomach stretches out as Leo presses against the slick stomach wall and his chest slides on in. The lion curls up inside, not getting the chance to get comfortable. The lion's body falls where it pleases; he expresses his anger with a growl inside.

Clyde licks over the lion's boots as they pass through his closing mouth. One last swallow seals the former sheriff of Watering Hole inside the horse's gullet. Clyde rubs over his mass as it fills out. "Wow, chief, this is the biggest I've ever been! Must be about seven feet around?"

Leo growls grow, sounding like Clyde's stomach is growling twice over. Clyde smiles and gropes his stomach, getting the lion ready for what's to come. He glances over to where the crowd was, but they have since dispersed. Clyde turns on his heel and snaps his fingers. People dressed with bandanas on and wearing black clothes emerge from the shadows, forming a dark cloud behind Clyde as he faces Thirsty Bitches. "The town is ours. Let's have some fun!"