The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1

From train to black hole, huh? well, not that this was an uncommon dreamscape to me, or transition for that matter; but really, after experiencing armageddon first hand, didn't i deserve something a little bit more pleasantly stimulating?

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His mother said he was a growing puppy; his father called him a black hole because he seemed to have an infinite capacity to consume food. his siblings called him a garbage incinerator).

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 3

Then, with a bit of magical help from the amulets we had on, what looked to be a small black hole formed between us and expanded to engulf both us and the princess. i couldn't remember anything else beyond that.

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New in Town

There was nothing to do but mimic his passenger, letting go of the steering wheel, throwing his arms up over his face as that grinning black hole enveloped them... ~\*~ ted pulled back the sleeve of his city worker's uniform and looked at his wristwatch

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Careful, very long and may bore some Made this years ago no one has ever appreciated it Its about my first Lover THe Snake

Suddenly a shadow fell over the workers and what looked like a super massive black hole above them and it was coming down and suddenly, he was inside it!

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The Digital Chronicles, Journal 1

Another black hole opened in the center of the color, and i felt myself start to stretch and warp. surprisingly, it wasn't painful.

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Isolation-Excerpt 16-Hetawave

"every so often we get these holes in micro space", tyler said, "micro space is an area of the universe that is infinitely hot and has more gravity than a black hole due to the nature of all the superheated oxygen and plasma state water stored there.

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A friendly visit

Adam, this is my old friend gurges ater, it's latin for black hole. he was given that name because he loves to eat and just can't get enough." "your not exactly that thin either, tubby." he defended. "yeah yeah, whatever." layrius chuckled.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 34

James looked at the gaping black hole his front door had become, like a mouth ready to swallow him whole. his children were in there somewhere, waiting for their mother to come home. "prayers won't help me where i'm going."

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A Milky Delight

The drool within clung to the roof and bottom of the maw, huge splotches of it falling in splashes from the pointed teeth, and the back of the great maw ranged from pink to black towards the gaping black hole that lead down to the titan's gullet.

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Finally Unfrozen

Her black spots seemed to be like black holes. don't start at her fur ... or you'd get hypnotized. "this morning." "i didn't authorize you to brew anything yet ... " "i wanted it ready for you." "why?"

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Keeping Secrets

He's a black hole, and everything around him is gonna get sucked down with him." max finished, staring at his date quietly. "and i take it oliver knows you don't like him much?" brady said quietly. max nodded. "yeah." he said softly. "asshole."

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