Chaos Chapter 14: Break (True Epilogue this time)

At this point i might even go for sushi, just to have something fresh." ~~~~~ moments later, the airship finally stopped its descent, and everyone was free to disembark at their leisure.

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No somos esclavos

"oh estar absolutamente raden estás quien me hizo comer ese mal sushi" moderen dijo riendo abet.

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Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter

"with how ravenous i was i'd probably even have eaten that sushi we tried a while back," the blaziken returned jokingly. luke laughed slightly. "i can't believe you still remember that." he commented with a nudge. "perfect muscle memory, remember?"

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Slaves we are not.

"oh be quite raden you're the one who had me eat that bad sushi" leaven said laughing abet.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.6 - The Empire Strikes Back

Jim nibbled some sushi. "byul-ga's new job is going great!" "yeah?!" obara flapped his ears. "ina-han treatin' ya well?"

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Corner of the Sky (M to Anthro Dragon TF)

He ate some bad sushi. massive stomach cramps. major diarrhea. he's looking pretty _green_ right now." arthur was turning red, at least on the inside. he wished he could blast fireballs in her face. "oh no, i was wondering if he was okay.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.5 - End of the Year

He loved soccer, he hated sushi, more of a sweetbreads guy, he had a way with words even when he was young, always able to speak exactly what he wanted. made him a good journalist, and an uncle to the kid i adopted."

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Starfox: Bowser Jr's Toybox

"you want more sushi breath, huh!? you wanna-" " **shut it.**" a snarl crept through his ear that made him stop as he turned. he gasped with his beak agape as he reached for his gun. "move one finger and i rip off your wings."

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