Adira Clawhauser Chapter 15
The bear shouldered her gun and was about to shoot benjamin when she saw adira bandaging her friend. she hesitated. 'thank you for helping my friend.' the bear tried to smile at her friend's savior.
Unstable Future - Chapter 5
I could tell the difference between who was shooting just by listening. the troops from caressee were firing short controlled bursts while the ones from dalga did not seem to stop shooting until their weapons ran out of ammunition.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 6
The cards return, draco-equiste firing for every spell, as well as absorbing shooting star dragon's energy. rose: i use shooting star's effect, checking the top five cards of my deck.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 5
Suddenly, a beam of blue and purple shoot from her wand and hit surskit which caused an explosion and a cloud. as the cloud broke up, surskit was lying on the field with circles as eyes.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.10: Mall Brawl - Ep03
shoot the nearest target with an electrical charge," seif instructed her and sasuga nodded readily, eying her target and lifting her right hand in front of her.
Aftermath - The Quiet Life
I'm seeing a lot of improvement in everyone's shooting. challenges will continue through tuesday, but that is the last chance to get on the completion team before thursday's match.
Behind Locked Doors | Finale
I was never going to shoot john." john looked up at me and i returned the look. "i would have died before i'd shoot you." john nodded at me. i turned my gaze towards franz. he started to stir and open his eyes a little.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 52
"don't you shoot my son!" she screamed. "don't you dare shoot my ensa!" but there were more of those sounds, those stretchy, leathery sounds of tightened strings and bending bows, reaching the limit. she couldn't stop them, not all at once.
Love is Only Love
Don't look for shooting stars for love is only love you touch and still you touch the ground don't listen for those bells for love is only love and if it's love you've found your heart won't hear a sound and you hold his hand you only hold
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 6, "Don't Die Frozen Over" - Part 1
"wait, it's not over... what comes next is a 9-kilometre trail hike on a 500 metre climb, leading you to a shooting range where each of you will have to fire five rounds at targets using a shooting rifle.
The Good Days-Prophecey
It was shooting water out of its hooves. "hello master ive been waiting"it said in a childlike telecinetic voice. erin pulled put her pokedex and pointed it towards the colt. "keledo the colt pokemon".the animatronic voice beppec.
W.O.L.F. Shadow of Chernobyl Pilot
He screamed loud enough for the damn zombies to hear us and they started shooting. he kept saying 'get out of my head!' and then finally shot himself. scary as hell no one expected that the emissions could do that to one person.