Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 14
Even those shields can't hold much hits before a bullet makes a hole in them.
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 8: Crossing the Swamps
"before you cross, can you levitate my shield to the other side?
Chapter 4 - The Collective
Djynn stared down at the console in surprise, he had said that blackfire's idea about the shields was a terrible idea and would collapse immediately. "shields are... holding?"
03 - R&R
"no," blue shield shook his head. "something's about to happen ... something big." quiet fell upon the others as their sergeant's words sank in.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 25
Snowy was about to stab down when sage heart charged in, a longsword in his right hand and a shield on his left. snowy turned at the last second and tried to stab his ice dagger into him but struck his shield instead.
"shield of fire!" trace said as the front of her shield glowed in a bright yellow aura, the drones bullets would burn as they attempt hit at trace's shield, and the wolf panicked in fear jumping back towards her partner.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 17
Let knew how to use the shield, but he warned them to cover him while he tried to go through the dangerous particle room and subsequent corridor.
Wanderlust Chapter 2: Planetfall
If he just skipped the craft, the shields would hold and he could still bleed off speed. could he do this without shield failure and still slow the craft that it could renter within the limits of his oxygen. the computer went through simulations.
Last Stand of The Frej [Prologue]
"divert power to the port-side shields! all excess power needs to be directed to the missile bays and lasers! on the double!"
CyberPIgeon X Script (Rough Draft)
Our shields can't take much more." the different variations of the new virus swarm in and continue attacking cyberpigeon and it's comrades. all frozen in place. rocks and fire bouncing off their shields. spiked enemies are charging at them.
MLP: The Griffin Wars
Again his shield was struck with a great force. lunar knew he could not stay here for long. but even if that were the case, he had to deal with these two first. "die human." the pole axe struck his shield once more and shattered it.
Chapter One
#2 of uprising chapter 1 of uprising: volume one of the wolfcaller chronicles the clash of sword to shield was music to the old bull's ears.