Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight

A very simple, and never chosen, example of this type of role purpose would be better health for the toy.

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D.E1 Chapter 36 The Hive

But they knew that if titan had a purpose for keeping this monster, it was for a good cause. "i know how you feel. and i promise that we will destroy this machine as soon as it has served its purpose." silver promised.

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Wereness 6. The Migration

The three groupings do have names, which are rarely used beyond the purpose of information exchange."


Hunting Death- Mischief

The main purpose of that spell, or rather the reason i was taught it was to make it so that i or someone i could visibly see would be able to grip something better.

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Iridescent - Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (1)

Why else would he purposely cover my tab? lucky me, my usually filled schedule is free. won't pass a good free meal! but, how come i completely forget what day is today. when did i become so forgetful? first i forgot to bring my flash drive to work.

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Dreamless Nights

Here i am, so it must serve some purpose. what lies beyond what i can see? no one can say, but they seem so confident. maybe a chapter or two of sureluck will clear my mind. it'll be 7am before i know it.


The Breeder

Their were two forms of being a breeder, breeding pokemon for indirect or direct purposes. a direct purpose was that of like that of the mareeps wool or a milktanks milk, the indirect was that for battles.


The Helix Ion - Epilogue

Its purpose was to see the evolution of your race, the current religious situation." the vietnamese host creased his face and shook his head slightly. "i was not pleased with what i could see.

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Beauty and the Beast Within (Teaser/Preview)

The purpose of this 'trailer' (i'm calling it that because it's going to be written in a style similar to a script, at least for this snippet) is to see what the reception will be like. comments, questions, concerns, and advice are always welcome!

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Rangertale, Ch.2: Tull, the Conqueror

With that he rolled backwards into the tent wall, ripping through a patch of fabric that seemed weakened for this purpose. he yelled for the guards. mels cut rumelis' bindings, and then rushed him over to another tent.

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