The legend of Tigersight Chapter 6
He was in a new land with new rules tigersight shook his head to rid himself of his morbid thoughts it was not all bad he decided vincent, mark, and dinzo were nice and there was tricia.
The Fuse to My Bomb
Bodies littered the thin little street, lying face up and face down in a myriad of positions like a morbid gangster exhibition. at first it made me sick, but now i understand that it was necessary--essential, even.
Walking Streets
I sigh and pull out my camera, snapping pics like some morbid paparazzi. the first thing i notice is footprints in the blood pool, size twelve by the looks of it. "whose footprints are these?" i ask. "mine," says brack.
Skinwalkers, Chapter One
Fear, revulsion, and a strange, morbid excitement flashed across his face in equal measure. the horde growled. they knew the butler was off limits, and they would sooner eat their own hands than lay them on the old man. the boy, though?
Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans
Carl asked out of morbid curiosity. ''like petrol.'' captain michaels smiled and ambled off, leaving carl gobsmacked with a whole new view of the local firemen unfurling in his mind's eye.
POV vore - you and Swift the tigress
You turn away, but some morbid impulse makes you look down before you do. you freeze at the sight. it's a steaming hunk of wet hair, a long mass as wide as a man's head and tapered at each end.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 64
In a very morbid sense, he had gotten exactly what he had asked for. another job to do. "valery, look at me." "'s dark." "look at me anyway!" he felt around until he found the tip of her nose and he gently, but forcefully, turned her head to face him.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (6/??) -- {They're Nothing Like Us}
It's like waiting for the slaughter to happen." the warden sighed, his brows narrowing at the morbid situation. takizawa's eyes then narrowed onto the two protectors of these people. "there's only so much these two can handle one day."
Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Prologue
Alistair could only blink at the image of prime minister ibrahim nejem doing handstands given the iguana was morbidly obese. getting serious the bear only sighed and stared right at the wolf.
A Long, Dark Road (Part 11)
Kath and varg approached the crow slowly, keeping a modest distance from him as he fought for breath, the pair disgusted and horrified by the display, their fear matched only by the morbid
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 6
And so the rest of Lent continued for Buttercup, rest and happy times with Bambii on Sundays, and lots of unceasing agony and screaming the other six days of the week. It was everything Buttercup had always dreamed, but it was also even more so. She...
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 5
Buttercup continued to lay egg after excruciating egg all through that day and into the next, it didn't let up, Buttercup was trapped in a state of nonstop torture, she must of laid thousands if not millions of eggs by now. Her body was begging for it...