No Time For Caution
An idea formed in her mind, as she watched the missiles make their approach, and as the sensor officer spoke out for a relay, the plan hatched and a smile crept across the vixen's muzzle.
True Mettle
The pilot jerked the stick causing the plane to rotate while losing some altitude making the missile miss by a bare inch. the plane rumbled in the wake of the supersonic missile.
[Detective Thursdays] The Overnight Shift
"it looks like a missile brought it down. guess regan's insistence for a anti-missile defense system wasn't just rumors if they could take something like this out..."
The War
As the rounds and missiles hit around teufel 18 it stopped and let out a loud roar.
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 18
At one fifty meters from the tomcat's hull a lone missile raced into the group of torpedoes and exploded violently.
The Banished Wars - Volume Three
Sky had targeted the nuclear plantation and fired upon it until the facility shell was ripped open and gave sky an opening to launch a couple missiles into the core of the facility.
The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache
Of the 6 cruisers the enemy sent against us, two are already destroyed by the time i order the missiles launched. 3 survive the first salve and i order the kiss (kinetic strike system) to fire.
Chapter Eight - Bai Umbra System Part 1
They were basically giant space suits with an engine strapped on the back, and a few blasters and missiles mounted as well.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 21
In the silence, redding watched hundreds of missiles destroy thousands of creepers but it did little to slow their advance. the counterattack halted for a second.
The End of Days
People dared not sleep, with fear of that one of the missiles would suddenly fall from the skies and down towards them, destroying them without a chance for them to say goodbye to each other.
Planetary Warfare
As for stealth coatings, not used, as even modern-level guided missiles were used by both powers in the far more important interstellar navies.
Teams, and auxiliary units respond now, primary priority is the trident missiles."