The Banished Wars - Volume Three

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#36 of Legacy of the Veiled Stars

The Third Installment that focuses mostly on one character.

With all communication terminated with the Velmarians, the Canideran and Lutrachan populations thrived in peace. However the devastation of the Banished War had taught them that they had to be prepared for the war, so many military academies and installments were built after the second Banished War. New generations were eager to sign up to help protect their home worlds that their parents and later generations had fought so hard to protect. One individual that had signed up was named Sky Sterling, an arctic fox that had grown up on Fellorian. His excellence in the military academy on Fellorian had landed Sky Sterling into one of the most prized military academies on Lutracha.

On a late spring day, when winter had faded and summer had started to grow, both worlds of Lutracha and Canidera had started their day as normal while a third of the population still slept. Young cadets in the academies were following their routine, military officers were watching the skies vigilantly, and civilians went along their business or of often spending time with their family and loved ones. However, a new concept to war had been introduced and the Velmarians had returned using technology they developed surrounding stealth.

With calm across the Huli System, all that changed in a matter of minutes. Three separate Velmarian fleets had used a form of stealth technology to place themselves within the defenses of the Huli systems. In a well-coordinated attack, they fired upon all defense platforms, ship yards and warships effectively destroying the entire military might of Lutracha and Canidera in a matter of minutes. Nearly all military personnel were killed or incapacitated, and any ship that attempted to offer resistance was immediately targeted and destroyed by the Velmarian fleets. This single decisive action had proven more effective than all military strategies that the Velmarians had employed in the previous wars and it was their greatest achievement.

With the standing military power destroyed, two of the Velmarian fleet's focused on pinpointing and destroying the military academies that held the cadets still being trained while the third fleet focused on deploying its most devastating war weapon on the civilian cities of Lutracha: nuclear warheads. These bombs fell on some of the most populated cities across Lutracha, destroying its prized cities, its prized military facilities and its prized facilities. Within a matter of a single hour, the death toll had rose far beyond that of the previous wars.

Witnessing this on the other end, Sky Sterling had watched his academy be attacked, his friends become victims of the Velmarian onslaught. He had just ended a flight training of a single fighter course and was in the hangar when he watched debris burning in the atmosphere and the first missiles strike his military academy. Acting primarily on instinct, Sky stole a single fighter-class vessel with the squadron he was training with and immediately counterattacked.

Overconfident on their outstanding success, the Velmarians didn't take Sky's counterattack seriously and kept their focus on devastating Lutracha. Sky and his squadron's natural instinct effectively destroyed the enemy squadrons that intercepted them. Sky's cool instinct never wavered as he moved to and targeted the fleet that was was deploying nukes. The fleet didn't expect for a small squadron to get in that close, and when Sky had destroyed the engines and weapons' ports of one the flagship, the fleet overcompensated and opened their artillery to fire on the small and nimble single fighters. In their rash reaction, and skill of of Sky, the Velmarians had accidentally hit their own ships. Targeting those wounds, Sky took the advantage and managed to incapacitate several warships. During Sky's retaliation, he discovered a fatal flaw in their ships that would cut power to the majority of the systems, and in one case even caused the ship to overload and explode, ripping the ship in half and damaging nearby ships.

With the nuclear fleet mostly destroyed or incapacitated, the other two fleets hesitated and were confused as their main fleet was incapacitated. This allowed enough time for the surviving fleets of Canidera to rendezvous and begin defending themselves against the third fleet. Sky and his squadron rendezvoused with that surviving fleet, and collectively destroyed the third fleet. The second fleet fled but Sky had already come to the aggressive conclusion that the Velmarian threat has to end that day, and he pursued the second fleet using the knowledge of the vulnerable weak point in the Velmarian ships to incapacitate and in a couple cases, destroy, the enemy fleets.

In their small victory in comparison to all the life that was lost earlier in the day, the majority of survivors redirected their attention to saving those who fell victim to the attack. Sky Sterling had earned the loyalty of his squadron and that of one of the few remaining operational destroyers. Docking on the destroyer, they moved to engage Velmaria itself. With the advanced engines, the trip took less than a few hours, Sky launched an offensive against Velmaria and targeted the reserves. The reserves had little warning due to the slow communication between the systems, allowing for the counterattack to be initially affective. This was the first time any Canideran or Lutrachan had been to Velmaria and they did not anticipate that the entire planet had been transformed into a large military planetary body. While Sky focused on targeting the active military vessels, the destroyer targeted the facilities.

Sky went down to the planet and targeted one of the production facilities of the nuclear weapons and met fierce resistance. Sky had targeted the nuclear plantation and fired upon it until the facility shell was ripped open and gave Sky an opening to launch a couple missiles into the core of the facility. The facility reacted in a nuclear way, which effectively destroyed the last threat of the Velmarians. However when Sky attempted to flee from the explosion, his ship was caught in the blast. Sky was killed in the blast, after having given the Caniderans and Lutrachans the key to victory and surviving the sudden attack. Sky was eleven Canideran years old.

With the death of Sky Sterling, the Third Banished War was over in one day. Hardly could the war be considered a win due to the amount of life that was lost, and the total loss of Lutracha that was severely nuked. The affects of the war could be felt for generations to come, and is still remembered hundreds of years later. One memory of all that remains strong is that Sky Sterling had given them all the opportunity to continue to exist.