A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 28

lives were lost. men. women. children. fathers. mothers. sons and daughters. homes and livelihoods. all lost under my watch.

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 21

#25 of a beast learns to live vilkas awakens. everyone knows his (current) identity. seppo and the chief bring a present. vilkas and shari share a moment together. the following is the intellectual property of willem tobey (nom de plume).

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All For You #7-2 (SFW Inflation-based, for Any)

I can't say it's really 'romantic' but sometimes you just want a living fluffy toy to hug.

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Deep Space - Chapter 6, A Living World

At first, crossing the plains in front of the strange, living fortress was easy. we saw the wave of sand-like bacteria flowing across the plains, but what was really unsettling was that it was a bright blue bacteria.


Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 48 - Worth to live for..

I never really was the one for sharing my love live, let alone my sexual experiences. nevertheless, we had a good talk...

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Savior Chapter 1: complex lives intertwined

"Ughh, my head", I sat up slowly as if rising from the dead my head pounding and my body weak. I scanned my bedroom unable to comprehend why I was on the floor. I heard a noise and without any warning a figure slammed my door...

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A Dolphins Crush: A Reason To Live On pt 5

Refuse and die as well as her, or accept and live with your sorrow so that you both have a life to live. she'll understand that you had to sacrifice the bond of love for sara so you could raise a daughter, so you could be a father to her.

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Chapter 1: The Start of our Lives Together.

This is my first story on Sofurry. Both the main characters in this story are gay so if you don't like that, don't read it. If you do, read on and i hope you enjoy it. Dashing about feverishly, I grabbed my wallet and keys from the table and...

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Lives Lost and Found: Chapter 1- Betrayal

My name is Gespent Wolf. The story I am about to tell you is full of betrayal and violence, revenge and redemption, loyalty and love. But to hear this story, we must go back in time, hundreds of years from now. Violence was rampant, and few could be...

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spiritual world bs the world of the living {THE TRUTH}

{morning soon reached as Nina began to slowly wake up to see her body was fully healed and Bamut sitting against a tree with his arms crossed with his chained katana flouting in mid-air, its handle inches from Bamuts arms, the wind hollowing as both...

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spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BATTLE}

Through the last war.....the war of both the humans and the demons.....my race beat the demons but in return only very few of us lived......i want to see this war through....."

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spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BEGINNING}

As both sides were at a standstill but event so they continued to fight one another wasting countless lives, the humans being those of the world of the living weilded their weapons of machines, guns, and numbers while the spiritual world which were the animals

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