Lives Lost and Found: Chapter 1- Betrayal

Story by GespentWolf on SoFurry

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As a forewarning, there are a few curse words and a bit of violence, for those who don't like it.

This is my first attempt at writing a full chapter. I have a few more chapters planned out, but not much written. It would be much appreciated if you could tell me what I could improve on, any grammar errors, and other idea's for stories.

My name is Gespent Wolf. The story I am about to tell you is full of betrayal and violence, revenge and redemption, loyalty and love. But to hear this story, we must go back in time, hundreds of years from now. Violence was rampant, and few could be trusted, but amidst all of this, love can be found.

"Hey, Gespent, let's start going." I heard a voice say in front of me. I snapped out of my trance to look at the German Shepherd, Dominic, sitting in front of me. He is my "brother". I was never told about my real parents, though I have always wondered my lineage. "Let's go over the plans one more time" I replied. "Okay. So the target is currently at his house, which is just over that hill." he said pointing at the hill down the road. "We are going to get in through the cellar, which is located just under the kitchen. From there we will..." My attention span ended there as he continued rambling on. I gazed down into a puddle, my reflection staring back. My black fur turned silver in the light of the full moon. Twin blue and red lines mirrored each other as they wrapped around my eyebrow, down my muzzle, and back down my throat and my arms. "Hey! If you want to go over the plans again, pay attention, now let's go." He said with a hint of feigned annoyance. I shifted my 180 pounds forward onto my digitigrade feet and stood up to my full height of 6'2". We started the rest of the journey to the targets house, which took about a half hour. The "house" came into view, and my jaw dropped. What was before me was castle. Even though it was rather small, it still looked rather formidable. "This is his house?" I asked in mild confusion. "Well, I may have understated it a little." Dominic replied "But we still have a job to do." We started off again towards the castle again. When we were within 200 meters of it Dominic suddenly stopped, and so did I next to him. He started to look around the outside of the castle, and then pointed to a barley visible lantern. "That is where we are going to get into the cellar. "He said. " Do we have someone on the inside?" I asked, looking at the lantern. "I guess" he said sounding unsure. We started off once again towards the light. I was a few feet away when I saw a patch of grass that didn't quite look right. I dug my claws into it and pulled back. As expected, it gave way and I pulled it up to reveal a pair of wooden doors. I gripped the handle and opened the door to see a dark set of dirt stairs. By now Dominic was looking over my shoulder, waiting for me to take the first step into the dark abyss. I let out a small sigh (No one really likes dark stairs, right?) and started down the stairs. A few stairs later my footpads hit the cold ground. I looked around, only able to see outlines of shelves since my eyes haven't adjusted yet. I slowly walked forward, trying to make the least amount of sound possible. I grabbed an apple of a shelf and started to eat it as I made my way around, looking for an exit. Out of the darkness came the ladder, which I almost ran into. "Hey, Dom" I whispered. A second later he appeared beside me. I climbed up the first few steps, with a few groans of protest from them, and pushed my ear up against the floor/ceiling. I didn't hear any movement for a minute, so I put my paws against the floor and pushed. The floor slowly gave way. I lifted it up and placed it on the floor next to the opening. I slowly climbed up the steps, scanning my surroundings for any sign of movement. I saw none, so I got out of the hole and waited for Dom. His head popped out, looking almost comic like, and he climbed out. "Do you know where to go from here?" I quietly asked. "General direction" He replied. "I think it's this way." I headed for the hallway he pointed at, and poked my head around the corner. Nothing was there so I gave the go ahead to Dominic that it was O.K. and I stealthily made my way down the hall. I soon came to another one, with adjoining hallways on each side. I did the same as last time, but with a different result. At the end of the hall was a lion, leaning against a wall next to a door. I quickly recoiled back behind the wall, not sure if he saw me. I waited a few seconds, then peeked back around my cover, seeing the lion in the same position. I turned to Dom and whispered " Lion sleeping at the end of the hall. Should I take him out?" I got a nod in response. I unsheathed my blade, a 6 inch dagger with a slightly curved blade, and slowly turned the corner. My footpads noiselessly moved down the hall towards the lion, still leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. With each step my heart seemed to beat louder, as if trying to warn the lion of his impending doom. I sneaked up to within inches of him, able to feel his breath on my muzzle, and I raised my free paw to hover right in front of his muzzle. I placed my daggered hand right in front of his heart. I was starting to push forward when the lion's eyes shot open, and before I could think he knocked the dagger out of my hand, and head butted me, then everything went blurry, and after a few seconds everything else went black.

I awoke to a blinding headache, but a moonlight night. I attempted to raise my paw to my forehead to dull the pain, but they refused to move from behind my back. I surveyed my surroundings, and all there was to see was a wide open field spanning around me, a small castle in the distance, and a lone tree just behind me. I slowly sat up, and using my legs which were also tied with rope to scoot over to rest against the tree. I thought back to earlier that night, of what happened to the contract, and how I got here. The scenes of last night played back through my head. The approach, in and through the cellar, and the unusually clear directions. "It couldn't have been Dom, could it?" I replayed the final scene that I remembered. The lion's eyes bolted open, he knocked the dagger out of my hand, and then head butted me. I concluded that I couldn't conclude anything, but a sick feeling seeped into my stomach. "It was almost like he knew I was there." I thought. I went back to surveying, but this time I saw an extra detail. Three blurred furs were slowly approaching with one on point. My heartbeat started to speed up, and I knew that under these circumstances, those figures weren't a good sign. I started to squirm, trying in vain to cut through the ropes with my claws. Before I knew it, they were no more than 50 feet from me, and I gave up my efforts on the rope. I looked towards the figures, and now I could make out their faces. Dom was on point. I bared my fangs in a growl, but before it came out I saw that there was cloth tied around his muzzle, and his hands were behind his back. The sickness in my stomach intensified as I realized he too was being held prisoner. They continued slowly towards me, and when they were a few feet away, I heard a voice speak. "So, you're awake." I had heard that voice many times before, and I hated it. I looked up to see a normal looking fox, but under the surface he was a cold blooded killer named whose name was Mark. A small grin spread across my muzzle. " So, the boss sends his bitch to do his work." I said in a cool tone. Mark took a step forward, and as I suspected, took a swing at me. I quickly ducked my head, and his punch missed. Then a knee came into view, and connected with the tip of my muzzle. My head flew back, and almost hit the tree. "Bitch" I muttered under my breath, as a bolt of pain jumped from my muzzle to my head, and a small trickle of blood ran from my nose. Mark started to talk as the lion brought Dominic to his knees next to me. " Do you know why you are here? He started. Me and Dom both sat quietly, knowing that he was about to tell us. "Your last contract was failed. You left a witness." he said nonchalantly. I tried to think back to my last job. It was a contract to kill someone political figure, no one up high. Me and Dominic successfully snuck our way to the target. We took him out without a problem. Or did it? My eyes widened in realization. " The kid."I whispered. My mind rewinded to just after we killed him. I turned around, about to make my escape, when I saw her. An arctic fox, not even ten, standing behind me. I froze. I had no idea of what to do. We were supposed to leave no witnesses. I turned to look at Dom, and saw him looking back at me. " What do we do?" I asked. He must have been thinking the same things as me, because he said exactly what I already wanted to do. "We can't." He replied. I nodded in agreement. I sheathed my still dripping knife and stepped forward. The girl looked terrified, and I was surprised she didn't run away. I slowly approached and put my hands on her shoulders. "Go get help" I said to her. She slowly nodded, as if knocked out of a trance, and started to run. I looked back at Dom and he nodded back. We both jogged towards the balcony we used as an entrance, and left. I snapped back to reality, with an anger starting to cook in my stomach. " It was a kid." I said through gritted teeth. " We leave no witnesses" Was his cold reply. " So, how many children have you killed?" I nearly spat through gritted teeth. "I killed as many as was needed to complete my contracts." The words lingered in the air, taking time to register in my head. After a few seconds, something finally broke. " YOU FUCKER!!!" I screamed as my body lunged forward. I nearly made it to him before a boot connected with my jaw, sending me spinning to the left. I landed on my back with my jaw numb and a foot pushing down on my ribcage. " Do you have any morals, any limits to what you will do for money? " I do as the contract says" He replied. " But enough of this. You know the price of failure." With that he started to unsheathe his knife. Moonlight reflected off the ebony blade, making it look even more beautifully deadly. Marks voice broke me out of my trance. " I was ordered to kill you, but that wouldn't be enough." A wicked grin spread across his muzzle. " Although that will happen, I know how to hurt you even more." he motioned towards the lion, who grabbed Dominic by the scruff, and dragged him over to the fox. "You so much as touch him, I swear I will tear you limb from limb." I threatened, without much effect. He stepped beside Dom, dagger still in paw, and started to talk again. " Your brother. Shame he got caught up in this, he had a lot of potential with us. Oh well." The next few seconds happened in slow motion. Mark lowered his hand behind Dom's back, and thrust forward. Dom's eyes widened and muzzle opened in a scream, but it was blotted out by mine. He fell forward onto the ground, revealing the hole in his back, slightly to the left. I scooted towards him as he rolled over. The tears started to flow from my eyes as his pained eyes met mine. His breaths were starting to become erratic. " I'm sorry" I whispered with a wavering voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I failed you, but I promise, I WILL kill that fucker." I punched the ground. A paw landed on my shoulder, but before the figure could do anything, I spun around and bit the wrist. The lion let out a roar of pain, but I wouldn't let go. He spun wildly, trying to get me off. He succeeded when my head connected with the tree with almost enough force to break my skull. I lay motionless on the ground, head spinning and a headache forming on the top of my head. "Time to end this." Said a voice behind me, before a paw latched onto my headfur and pulled me up to my knees. I tried to struggle, but my efforts were in vain. The tip of the dagger connected with my back, barley poking me. " This is the price for betrayal" Mark whispered in my ear before he thrust the dagger forward. The pain shot through my body as he moved away from my body, letting me fall backwards onto the ground. I stare up into the sky, now seeming so beautiful. With the blood flowing freely from the wound in my back, my vision started to blur and the corners of my eyes started to go black. My last thoughts ran loosely through my head. "Killed by the ones I trusted. I'm sorry Dom, I let you down. I couldn't save you, and I can't save myself". A final tear left my eye as the world around me went black

Little did I know, this was just the beginning.