A Dolphins Crush: A Reason To Live On pt 5
the final chapter in this series. please enjoy!
"So, Whats your choice?" Asked Delphina
"Isn't there an alternative? I mean I could never love you like Sara, You Know that. It won't be right.
My daughter will eventually find out you are not her birth mother and that we have been lying to her for all those years. I'd have to explain that for me and her to be here now, I had to choose whether to accept help, or refuse it, that in order for her and myself to live I had to treat You Like my mate. She will Hate me for that!"
" Do not be so sure Tony, I have seen this outcome. Yes, she'll be hurt at first, but she will come to realise that the choices you had were few. Refuse and die as well as her, or accept and live with your sorrow so that you both have a life to live. She'll understand that you had to sacrifice the bond of love for Sara so you could raise a daughter, so you could be a father to her. To be Honest, I'm nervous myself, I should be her Auntie, Not her mother after all."
"Yeah, You are right Delphina. She needs to have a chance at life, to love and be loved. a chance to know that her father had to make an important choice. a chance to live her life how she wants it."
Delphina had put things into perspective for me. She was right. She made a lot of sense. My daughter would come to terms as to why I kept her mother's death quiet. No calf Likes to hear 'your mother died giving birth to you'. It makes it sound like its their fault they have no mother, that they are solely to blame.
No. It's not like that, Sara had made sure that this event was covered. She made sure Delphina was processing milk for her calf when the day finally came round...
"You've Seen the outcome of this if i chose 'yes' then?" I inquired
"I have but I will say I am surprised that i have predicted this. I need to know the individual personally to see their fate. It may well be that you two share such a strong bond for each other, that I see both of you in each other, I don't know how, but it looks like you two were made got each other. The perfect partner ship. Oral on day one, Sex Three Weeks later..."
"Wait, you know about that"? I asked
" Heh... My sister was always a gossip..." Delphina said smiling
I couldn't help but smile too.
"Yeah. She was."
"Now whats your choice. You need to decide now.
my heart was in my thorat. It was time for me to make that important choice. I Thought for a few minutes about all that was said. A few Minutes had passed.
Finally. I made my decision.
"Ok... I'll Do it..." i said. "But just one more question. Do we have to... you Know..."
"That will always be down to you to choose, not me, although if you do choose to, I'd need to be ready too of course. Either way regardless of your choice in that matter, i am not fazed by either doing it or not"
she said assuringly as she gave a slow smile and I couldn't help but giggle when I saw her Smile.
She realy was Sara's Sister, she had that same 'wit' as she did.
"Thank you for helping me thorugh this, Delphina, I really mean it. You really are a fantastic Starseer as well as a great friend to have. Thank you."
"It is No Problem Tony."
I swam over to her and without thinking, layed my melon on her side so it rested on her front left flipper, almost like i was hugging her.
" I think I can see this to the end now. Thank You"
"Tony. You should get back before Sara realises you're gone"
"Yeah. Ok. Thanks again.
I swam of back home and Sara was still sound asleep and none the wiser that i had been gone 2 hours
Speaking to Delphina has really put things into perspective for me. She made me see what was to come after and not to dwell in the misery of what was to happen prior to them. She had given me the strength to see this through. Even though I know what happens to Sara on the day of the Birth, I Could sleep better now, knowing that I will have help to see this through.
The Day Of The Birth
The long awaited day had arrived. This will be the last day spend with Sara, so I wanted to make it memorable.
"Shall we go?" i asked her
"Go?. Go Where?" she inquired
"You'll see!" I said with a smile.
What I had planned was to take her to the spot where we first met, 12 months ago, Coral Forest's Mythic Arch. Its the place where I got my stiffy over her. It has such a strong importance to us. Ir's how we met.
"OK, we're here"
"Tony? is this...!" she gasped
"Yeah. We first met here 12 months ago today. Happy anniversary darling
"Oh Tony!"
She swam up to me and gave me a kiss on the beak
"AAAAAHH!" Sara Cried "Its starting. The calf is coming!. Tony you need to know something, once this calf is born I'll..."
"Its Ok. I already know what will happen. I've asked Delphina to be here today.
"How did you find out? Did you see my sister?" She asked
"Yes, he did Sara" Delphina had appeared right on time. "And I am ready to take on the role as a mother to your daughter"
Sara looked at us both and smiled.
"Thank you, Ahh!
"Just keep pushing Sara! Said Delphina
The tail was now visible
"You can do it" I said
she had pushed out half the torso past the dorsal fin
Sara had stopped pushing, and started to faint
"Tony... Just remember no matter... what your decision was... I will always... Love you...no matter..what.
I will always be.. In your heart. Please take care.. of our..daughter"
Sara had fainted and the birth hadn't been finished.
I swam Closer to Sara and spoke to her.
"Sara, I want you to know that I have never regretted anything you have ever done. I love you with all my heart, to lose you hurts enough but to lose our daughter too, that makes my life not worth living. My Life will be empty. So please if you can hear me, keep pushing, I know you can do it. I Believe in you! Our daughter deserves her chance at life. To love. To be loved. To raise her own family..." I had started to cry.
To my surpise it seemed that Sara was subconciously pushing out our daughter. Delphina quickly took our Daughter, Silver to the surface for her first breath of life giving air.
"Thank you, Sara. Thank You..." I Said
"Mama?" Silver said Looking at Sara
"No, Your Mother is right next to you kiddo" I said
"Mama?" she said now looking at Delphina
"Yes, Dear. I'm you mommy
we all swam off but after a few hundred feet, I looked back at the floating corpse of my mate Sara.
"Thank you Sara... Thank you for giving me the chance to be a father. I will remember you always. Please wait for me in Heaven. Until my time is up, Please rest easy. Your daughter is in safe fins now. Remeber I will still love you even though you are gone, You will remain in my thoughts and my heart Forever. You are no longer in pain my love, Please rest, You've earned it,
Goodbye my love"
"Tony? Whats keeping you?" it was Delphina. She was watching me but I think she knew why i had stopped.
"Yeah, I"m coming" I called backed
Iswam to catch back up and Swam next to her. I looked at her and she looked back and smiled.
We both knew this was going to work out
"Hey Silver, Keep up!" Isaid Jokingly
"But daddy you swim soo quickly! Slow down a tad!"
I had to smile. even though Sara had died just a few moments ago. Tears of joy had welled up in my eyes.
"Daddy? whats Wrong?" asked Silver
"Nothing Kiddo, I'm just happy we are all together. One happy family." I Replied "Right Darling?"
"Right!" Delphina agreeded
we swam off home to see what were the pains and joys of being a parent was all about
Rest In peace Sara. May you forever swim in the seas of Heaven
God Bless you my Love