All For You #7-2 (SFW Inflation-based, for Any)

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#8 of All For You (Second Person View)

Alright, V-Day is upon us again, and I did a couple of things. For those of you who don't know, All For You is a Second Person series mostly involving a 'session' of sorts with one of my characters... Usually me in one form or another >>;;; This V-Day, I've done two for you to choose from:

This version involves a lot of Mostly SFW inflation. The things to kinda take note are:

-"Living Toy" female inflatable fluffy dragoness, and you are the inflator. Honestly this is for any type of character.

-Air pump/compressor mix. If you've read my stuff before, you know I tend to go all over the place in terms of different (often supernatural) devices.

-"Non-Popping" Fullbody Inflation for the most part, buuuuut the 'ending' is opened enough to let you finish how you like. I won't spoil overall size though

And that's mostly it. I can't say it's really 'romantic' but sometimes you just want a living fluffy toy to hug. Bonus points if its sentient and it hugs you back <<;;;

All For You © Our Lady Peace

All For You #7-2

By Bartan Tirix

The large automatic doors opened up the great lobby to the building. A rented hall of sorts for a special occasion, but there was definitely something supernatural about it beneath the walls. Welcoming, but definitely strange, something you could feel inside your core. As if you left the planet, maybe even plane of existence.

Inside were a dozen of 'front desks', all tending to a line of an abundance of people. All on a scale from very shy to excited (perhaps too excited) as they tried to wait patiently in order to get serviced. For a moment, you wonder where you should go. "Welcome, hotstuff." The vocals of a female anthro fox nearly spook you as she looks you over. A nametag on her red dress telling you that 'Kindle' worked here. "Do you have a reservation? Sadly, I think the public wait is a bit long tonight. Lots of lonely people."

You nod and bring out a sign of pre-purchase [Physical receipt, digital one on your phone, VIP pass, Giftcard, etc.], and the white canine nods at you. "Perfect, your Companion has been waiting for you. This way, please~" And you follow her, nearly mesmerized either by the shimmer of that red when it throws away the light, or that white tail and how it seems to sway with her walk. Leading you to almost run into her when she turns about and gestures a door to you, scanning a lock with a card and hearing it release within the fancy door frame.

As she moves around you, gently touching your shoulder with a set of fingers and sliding it across, the fox returns to the front to help aid with the busy evening. Looking back and giving you that smirk, as if to say 'Enjoy Yourself However You Wish', making you slightly wonder if _maaaaaybe_you choose the wrong Companion for the evening.

Regardless, you take a breath and open the door to the dimly lit room. Candles flickering in the darkest of parts without the scent of smoke filling the air. A brighter (but still low) light hovering over the bedding where a white fluffy dragoness rests, and with a single gaze you knew. No, you did not choose wrong.

Those brown eyes of hers open as the door shuts behind you, granting you privacy. The two of you lock eyes and the white wyrm smiles shyly, her name escaping you for a moment, but you do recall the short version when you gaze into those discs. Nukka. An opened wing invites you in from the lonely night, and you feel yourself nearly being pulled to her. Taking the rare opportunity to literally flop into a pile of fluff as you fall into her underside.

A muffled chuckle is barely heard as your muzzle gets buried into that softness, far deeper than you would expect. Though surprisingly light and moldable, as if she was a hollowed out creature. Running your limbs through the fluff as her own embraces you. Rubbing your back softly with dull claws and the large organic tarps create a shelter over you. Giving your [color] body a comforting warmth, and not just physically.

Though you never feel like you're struggling to breathe inside this soft white forest, you do attempt to move out and once again meet those brown discs. Honestly reminding you of molasses cookies with a big chocolate chip in the center. Her glowing smile meeting you as Nukka leans in and gives your snout a small lick, further confirming the unnatural feeling that you've been getting; as if her tongue were made out of vinyl.

Your heart flutters, both from the affection and the excitement of finding such a creature. You find yourself pawing at her strange form, making the wyrm lightly giggle as if ticklish. Coming to the conclusion that she feels slightly... Deflated? Still soft and comfortable, but definitely could use some more volume. Perhaps... A lot more?

Those four ears lightly tint pink as Nukarhu blushes, almost reading your thoughts while smiling. Gesturing with her head over the edge of the mattress, near where you came from, you follow and discover a large handpump by the bed. Nearly giving you shivers as you pick up the large device and hear the dragoness nearly whine shyly in response. However, she does adjust herself and open her hind legs, where a certain gap in the fluff can be spotted... No way.

Upon inspection, buried within the white forest you do find the living pooltoy's valve under her tail. Right where certain other bits would be, meaning whoever designed this either had a sense of humor or a dirty mind. Regardless, that means you can definitely aid the wyrm in her volume issues. Perhaps even more than just a top-off.

You find the other end of the hose is equipped with a special nozzle of sorts. One able to fit neatly inside of a valve and lock itself in place as you test it freely before searching through the fluff. Causing that furry tail to wag and lightly bat your side as the female whines a bit. Gasping when you pull out her plug then sharply whimpering when you release its seal, already starting to hear some of the air hissing out in escape. Slowly deflating the living vinyl toy as you wait a moment, able to actually watch her body sink in real time before attaching the nozzle onto it. Creating another seal to stop the exodus of air.

Though deflated a bit, that tail fluttered with excitement. As does your heart as you take hold of the manual device, trying to pull the plunger only to find it locked. Finding the switch that lets several lights along it illuminate, as well as a LCD screen. Quickly overlooking the lit-up buttons to see what they did, all pretty basic but you decide to stick with the default. Pressing the Ready button, you hear the pump unlock after it does a few things, stating it is ready for input.

A bit high tech for what you were planning to use it for, but interesting nonetheless. You begin pulling up the plunger; tougher than you expected, and look into those hazelnut eyes of Nukarhu's. Still bashful and shy, laying there half deflated with the end of the hose attached to her undertail. Watching you intently as you press the plunger down, once again; a harder task than expected but the machine nearly roars to life.

The pump releases three rapid puffs, creating swells in the hose that travel through it and up to the dragoness' pelvis as she whimpers slightly, then gasps as it enters her hollow body. One by one, restoring Nukka's lost volume by a noticeable amount- no small feat due to how much fluff tends to hide her true shape. Leaving the poor female in pants and her ears painted in a faint red, lowered in a shyness but that tail... Thrashing about over the bed's edge with energy.

Out of curiosity, you test her fullness with a single hand. Feeling her hind paw rest on your arm, the slightly hardened dull claws attempting to grasp you as you test the wyrm's tightness. Your eyes did not deceive; a noticeable difference in her restored volume as you pet the fluff and meet her gaze again. Nodding at you to continue. Using the added foot-rests at the bottom-sides of the device, you attempt to do it with one hand so you can feel the change in real time. Anchoring the machine with your step much how one would operate a bikepump, taking effort to pull up and then push down as expected.

Three more puffs are sent through as you press into her fluff, feeling some pressure add into the dragoness' form as each bulge kisses her valve. Then a significant jump in tightness, making the toy pant and whimper blissfully. Feeling nearly full, perhaps maybe a bit over from when you two first embraced. Getting you curious enough to actually rest over her and give that fluffy body another hug, getting a near coo from the larger wyrm as she returns it. With a thankful strength no less.

Yes, she is definitely fuller, but not by a lot. Feeling her body curl up with yours in an embrace, but you can't help but feel her shy gaze over you again. Giving you a bashful look, and it nearly comes to you. [Any variation of: "Do you want more?"] And she nods eagerly, making you smile as if you just read Nukka's thoughts. One more hug as you bury your face in her chestfluff before slipping down and off the bed.

Looking over the device, you start to understand the options a lot more: The amount of puffs per plunge, the volume of each puff, the added force for those tricky large balloons. You don't want to overdo it (yet), but adding a 4th puff seems like a good start. Pulling the plunger up has felt easier now that you're expecting the resistance, but pushing it down is a bit harder. There's also a bit more of a delay before the set of puffs are sent through, making the white one huff and nearly squirm as it travels up her tail and enters her-!

Causing the dragon's belly to begin rounding upwards, sending her in pants as her fores grab a hold of the change. As if she just swallowed a beachball of her size, making you take a moment to feel it as well. Still quite fluffy and soft, but definitely taut. You share another look with Nukarhu as she once again nods, encouraging you to keep going. That the dragoness could take more, perhaps a lot more.

You move the device a bit closer as you lightly plan something. Doing the pump motion to create the puffs, but as they're traveling through the hose you nearly dive into the inflated belly to feel the swelling for yourself! Squeezing it as it begins to stretch and grow, making her moan in pleasure as her undersize nearly doubles in size! The volume climbing up her body and nearly swelling into her chest as she continues to huff; that tail wagging and lightly batting your leg in the process.

To feel her expand is wonderful, addictive even as you give that swollen belly a few more pets. Asking her ["More?"] and hearing her nearly chirp eagerly as you bring up the plunger again. Sending another set to her undertail and once more feel it for yourself; the thick swellingness of her lower belly, the muffled hisses of the air moving within. Gathering mostly in her chest as you move to see the difference-

Only to double take at the much more boob-like structure that ended in a result. Barely being able to see the dragoness's snout from around them, now absolutely covered in blush. Strange to see such a thing on a feral creature, but they do look really soft. To the point where you climb onto the bed to feel them for yourself; plushy and almost squishy. Leading you into a full on hug for a moment as you feel a paw grab around your [ankle]! Pulling and tripping you to land on the bed as the giant series of fluffy spheres begin to roll on top of you!

Your vision goes completely black but you are absolutely buried in softness. Not even struggling to breathe as you feel the weight of an overinflated dragoness rest on you. Her bust sandwiching your head as Nukka playfully bounces on you, feeling your arms squeeze tightly in a hug before rolling back into her original spot. Allowing you freedom, playfully speaking.

Though, not without another hug against that fluffball. Hearing the wyrm chuckle shyly, and though you cannot quite see it you can almost feel her smile brightly at the affection. The dragoness is definitely big, you're sure of that. But is she 'big enough'? Testing her capacity with your hands, feeling the tender plush of her form, you conclude that Nukarhu could definitely take several more pumps from this device... Hopefully.

One at a time though, as you reach for the device and bring it up on the bed with you. Pressing down on the plunger and giving that gut a hug as you feel the pressure building inside the living toy. Vocally indicated by her whimpers of excitement as the first puff of four reaches her valve. Stuffing that underside significantly fuller with a heavy emphasis on the sides, rounding out her form and turning those chest pillows into much more definitive round spheres. So welcoming-looking that you need to take a moment to stuff your face between her belly and bust.

Though her form is a little tighter, and significantly bigger, it doesn't feel like the dragon's durability decreased much. Making you wonder what exactly this living toy is made out of, let alone what her overall shape looks like from afar. Taking a moment to enjoy the fluffball's softness before getting off the bed to witness her nearly car-sized belly; so large and round that the white one wouldn't be able to stand on her own paws if she was rolled upright. Constantly wobbling a little from that wagging tail, even making you blush a little bit.

You decide to witness the dragoness grow from this point of view, gathering the pump again and pressing that plunger down from off the bed. Watching the four puffs travel through the hose and kiss her undertail where the first went in smoothly, but the second began to struggle! Making you wonder if it was too much for the wyrm-

Only to watch as the air started to plump up her back end! The hind legs, paws, and even her tail get swelled up from the hose's delivery. Though stopping about halfway through the fluffy appendage. Giving the pump another action and sending through another set of puffs into her body, watching that tail thicken quite a bit while her hindquarters begin to get rather plushy. All catching up to her belly's current volume as the female dragoness huffed and held onto herself. Dull 'claws' buried into her fluff out of reflex as her body lightly squirmed.

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment, but you decide to increase the settings on the device. Specifically the actual volume per pump from 2 to 3 while keeping the set at four. Another plunge to see that an extra value of each puff was easily doubled! Making you a little tense as you watch them slowly approach and kiss the space between her tail and belly, squeezing itself inside as the dragoness sharply cries in bliss-!

Nukka's hind legs and paws swelled up greatly in a bubbly-like pulse! Rounding out her rear a little bit more before adding a large focus into that tail! Her belly and bust also increased a little as the volume seemed to travel up her back, swearing you did see a pulse in her arms and shoulders as well. Leaving the dragoness panting heavily as you cautiously test the wyrm's status; dramatically firmer but still so very soft. Like that of a taut balloon, able to shift around with your presses.

Her belly was fine, but how were her paws? The bare pads surprisingly squishy and sticking out from within the fluff. Flexing and attempting to playfully grab your digits as you lightly tickled her foot with your observations before moving down. A soft grope on her rear causing her to yelp a bit in surprise but that tail thrashed with excitement, making it slightly difficult to test the bubbled area as it wobbled with that appendage's movements. Still, soft and plushy with no real call for alarm.

Judging from the bats against your leg and how it bends so easily, the tail is fine. But you decide to test it anyway; grasping the base of it from both sides as it refuses to sit still. Easily showing off its flexibility for being an inflated appendage, and able to swell around your hold when you squeeze it gently. The dragoness was still perfectly able to receive such a drastic intake, making you wonder just how large she could get.

The thought excited you as you once again return to the manual machine. Getting a good view of her body, as well as meeting those large brown eyes. Giving you a nod as if to ask for more, that the curiosity about her size wasn't solely your own. Pulling the plunger up then back down as the device created its four puffs, loving the vocals Nukarhu made as each one slid inside her body and expanded her form.

Surprisingly still having a primary focus on inflating her actual body again, watching intently as her limbs swelled and bubbled up. Even her head and wings were taking in some of it to keep everything relatively proportioned, though the branches looking a tad swollen through the tarp membranes. The dragoness' body taking up easily half of the giant bed now, releasing huffs as she blushed through the haze of excitement.

On a whim, you add another pump to the roster and press the plunger down three times in a row! Instantly making Nukka yelp and whimper as she shifted, as if trying to find a way to stop each puff from traveling through the hose as they made their way up to her valve! Slipping inside her vinyl form one by one, swelling everything in thick pulses as her body began to groan and creak. Expanding across the bed as you watched the dragoness get fuller and fuller, even going so far as to press against her belly and feel the vibrations of the muffled groans!

Her tail broadened greatly into a large cone, reaching up and morphing into two large haunches and swollen paws. The black pads themselves getting a glossy shine while the fluff along her body- though shortened now due to the size increase, still hid nearly her entire vinyl wall underneath it. The dragon's main body was nearly one giant oval hub with two a pair of large domes, making a base for all the other round appendages to connect to it.

But surprisingly the white wyrm endured the barrage, making her big enough to fit a combine in! Each limb positively swollen out but still able to lightly move, looking quite doughy and thick. Even that tail finally lost some flexibility to it, the entire thing hanging off the edge as you take a walk around the bed. Barely able to see the red blankets it was covered with, instead buried under the fluff of a giant dragoness inflatable dragoness.

Reaching Nukka's head, nearly hidden within the fluff of her chest and bust, you still find her blushing deeply. Still able to move and whine with easy, smiling shyly at you as you reach in for a pet and a smooch; now realizing her head is nearly as big as you are at this point. Getting a few licks from the female while you're close, her purrs turning into great rumbles as it echoed through Nukarhu's body. Her bright smile over that bloated muzzle and hidden away under enormous cheeks were infectious, making you do the same as you playfully tap her body. Hearing a large drum from the hollow dragoness, regardless of her fluffy coat.

As a joke, you ask if she wanted more, only to double take when she nodded. Nukka couldn't be serious, could she? The white wyrm could barely move as is, if you added any more then its possible that she might burst. But a soft coo and gentle look from those eyes soothe your concerns. Well... One more puff couldn't hurt, could it?

With a light sigh you nod, watching the excitement ignite in those brown discs as you make your way around the fluffy bundle of spheres. Finding the device somewheres along the bed, now realizing that the hose can extend while still being attached, you carefully climb the 'inflatable snowy mountain' until you reach the peak [or maybe rest in the valley of the twin hills, I'm not judging]. You fiddle with the settings one last time, pull the plunger up and hear the enormous dragoness call in excitement. Making you smile as you take a deep breath...

The dragoness wanted more, so you're giving her more. With some effort, you press down the plunger and begin hearing the supernatural device nearly whine as it gathers or converts air. Resting on the inflatable wyrm's body you can already feel it begin to tighten up before the first puffs begin passing through the hose! Slowly expanding that fluffy blimp while the soccer ball [or Football] sized puffs travel through the black tube, creating a near train from the single pump motion as a good twenty of them are sent through-!

Until the first puff reaches Nukka's valve and enters her hollow body, instantly causing everything to swell out quickly! Enough to actually launch you in the air and lose grip of the device as you prepare to land on the soft whiteness safely, only for it to pulse larger and meet you mid-way through the fall! Nearly dribbling your body as every ball of air enters the wyrm's form and stretches her out again and again!

Blissful whimpers fill the room as you finally make contact with the ceiling; something that must've been over 100ft high! Only to be pinned by that enormous underside very shortly after, pressed up against the thinning fluff as her vinyl walls surround your entire body. Letting you both hear and feel the symphony of stretches, groans, whimpers and blissful whines as Nukka is forced bigger and bigger. Her form crawling along the walls as the living balloon of white reaches for every corner, being absolutely stuffed to the brim before the machine is finally turned off.

However, you can still feel the pressure in her body grow as those last twenty or so puffs are sent through the hose. Knowing that there was no way Nukka could handle all of that volume, you brace yourself against her fluff. Hearing its whines grow in pitch, the walls actually growing so thin that you can faintly see the glow of lights from the pump far down below. Cones from the ceiling lights nearly becoming rays of sun as the white vinyl filter is stretched further. Every deep purr and vocal are like a countdown to the dragon's detonation-!

Only for everything to stop. Only the sounds of your breathing are heard before you start lightly shifting around, knowing that the slightest movement might burst the dragoness. Yet... Nothing? She still actually had some give in her form? After a few moments, you feel Nukarhu attempt to move what very very little she could... But she still could! The female dragoness could still somehow take in more!

Though for now, you feel content at her size basically being (from what you can tell) the entire room. Giving her soft and plushy belly a tight squeeze as you once again test her durability, leaving you surprisingly comfortable for pinned up against the ceiling. Nuzzling against her fluff as it nearly gives you a fullbody hug, some thought does tug at your mind...

Could she take another pump...?

All For You #8 (For Male/Herm)

**All For You #8 (For a male/herm)** By Bartan Tirix The scent of the car fills your head with familiarity while darkness blocks your sight. Until you open your eyes and remove your hand from over them, dismissing it of stress relief and allowing...

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All For You #7-1 (For A Male/Herm)

**All For You #7-1** By Bartan Tirix The large automatic doors opened up the great lobby to the building. A rented hall of sorts for a special occasion, but there was definitely something supernatural about it beneath the walls. Welcoming, but...

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What's The Matter Man 4

**What's The Matter Man 4** By Bartan Tirix The fox flopped on the large couch, landing on her back and nearly bouncing from the extra padding it was equipped with. Staring up at the well lit ceiling to the large but rather empty room, yawning...

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