The Plains- Chapter 3: Half-Truths
The plains- chapter 3: half-truths it has been one week since the invaders from jakk'al's pride were chased out and in that week, things were improving in the pride.
The Half Pin, Chapter 1: The Melody
#1 of the half pin the half pin is a story that follows a polar bear named moshi. a popular pianist at a local piano bar, mo is a prodigy when it comes to music.
Star Hopper chapter 17 (last chapter)
This is the final chapter of my sci-fi furry book, Star Hopper. I am very proud that I was able to acomplish this, after all it did take two years of off and on writing. In a couple days it will be avalible to buy off of under Star Hopper by...
Star Hopper chapter 11
A half-breed!" she marched over to ian. "because of him! my daughter is now impure." she scoffed, "having sex with a half-breed. that's worse than with a wolf!" she moved to colleen and leaned in. "you're not my daughter anymore.
Spryo the Relaxing 2: Chapter three
Chapter 3: a love for everyone just as a reminder, milenko is a half-human half dragon creature. he stands on his hind legs and has two large wings jutting from his back. also for an added description, he has one blue eye and one red eye.
AbortUS strikes back 5
"i figured that with you being half giant, you would come to that conclusion...", the king scolded him, clearly expecting as much from him.
Star Hopper chapter 14
Ian answered half-heartedly, "no, no he's not." for a few seconds ian moped, what was there to do. sure he had his ship back, but where would he go now.
Sorrowed Past- [Prologue] (Scrapped)
so i haven't touched this in months and am probably not going to... sorry anyone who was looking weekly or at all.. i lost my touch on doing well... anything **[PROLOGUE****]** The shadow of Tilrith, it covered the town in darkness, killed...
City of Light: Chapter 14
Lyndis sighed and opened the sliding glass door dividing this section from the rest of the bathroom, a space large enough for a gryphon to half-fold their wings.
The Changes Made
As he stepped into the room no one made any comment on his appearance just simply the normal ragging that is to be expected when showing up almost an hour and a half late for work.
The Changes Made
As he stepped into the room no one made any comment on his appearance just simply the normal ragging that is to be expected when showing up almost an hour and a half late for work.
Chapter 1: A dark start
Chapter 1: A dark start [Chapter 2: Saving the broken](%5C) [Chapter 3: Looking at the pieces](%5C) Cold gripped the dank dungeon, its walls made of eerily black onyx smoothed to perfection. Two figures lay among its inky depths, one standing tall...