The Plains- Chapter 3: Half-Truths

Story by R4wrTiger on SoFurry

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#3 of The Plains

Third Chapter of The Plains. Please start with the first chapter if you just stumbled upon this :) and please comment. I love feedback!

The Plains- Chapter 3: Half-Truths

It has been one week since the invaders from Jakk'al's pride were chased out and in that week, things were improving in the pride. A small herd of antelope have been spotted not too far out into the west, giving Vazari's pride much more food if needed. As for Vazari, he has been struggling to maintain his composure, avoiding contact with the pride most of the time and scouting the borders much more often than usual. He had his regular morning lessons with his son but was quick to end them.

Recently, all this avoiding the pride made Yazmine suspicious, making her question him regularly when he had the chance.

"Vazari, I need to speak to you." Yazmine said, sitting at the mouth of the cave as Vazari walked by.

"Of course, love." He stepped in close, listening to what she needs to say.

"I want you to tell me what is going on. Ever since last week, you have been acting strange and it is worrying myself and your son too." Yazmine said with a frown covering her beautiful features.

"I have just... been more cautious and nervous. I am doing this to protect you." Vazari only partially lied.

"I have known you since we were cubs, Vazari, and I know when you aren't telling me everything." She stepped closer and nuzzled into his mane. "Tell me what's on your mind, hun. I am here for you."

"I guess I am just stressed out. Maybe some time with you can help me." He purred and nuzzled her back, his tail patting the ground while he sat.

"Then I will give you what you wish, love... tonight. But for now, spend some time with your son. "She smiled and stepped back, giving him a bit of space.

"All right. All right." Vazari said and smiled back to his mate before standing to find his son. "And... thank-you, Yazmine."

It was late in the afternoon. Alkosh and Kaisha were playing over in the fields to the east, a very flat and grassy area with it's revealing spots. The two cubs normally came here when they wanted to spend time alone which is what Alkosh and Kaisha have been doing a lot lately. Alkosh followed her everywhere, completely distracted by her every move. Even at a young age, he took an interest in her though still he believes it as just a friendship.

Vazari was normally uncomfortable with the cubs going so far away from the pride but being so occupied with himself, his thoughts have mostly been somewhere else other than the pride.

Kaisha ran in the tall gross, Alkosh on her tail. They often chased each other for fun. A little game of "Catch The Tail" was very popular among the cubs and was Alkosh and Kaisha's favorite game to play. It doesn't take too long to get tired this way as the game consists of constant running and pouncing.

Alkosh leaped, throwing all of his weight in front of him, his eyes fixed on her tail. Having played the game for quite some time, Kaisha got used to the patterns Alkosh used while playing and rolled to the side when she felt that Alkosh was about to get her, making Alkosh tumble to the ground.

"Hahaha!" Kaisha lied on her back, laughing at Alkosh's failed attempt to catch her.

"Hey, that hurt." He stood up and shook his head, shaking the dirt out of his fur.

"You are too predictable, Alkosh! You need to work on that." She stuck her tongue at him which made him growl and run up to her, jumping on top of her.

"I got you now!" He grinned and faked a kill bite to her neck.

"You vicious hunter. Lucky for you that I didn't put up any fight there. Though I didn't want to embarrass you again." She grinned back to him, using her cleverness to push him back into submission again.

"We're all alone. You can't embarrass me here." He licked her cheek, putting the ball back in his court.

"You wanna bet?" She shot her hind feet upwards, kicking Alkosh up and over her onto his back then stood up, showing her dominace over him. "Oh Alkosh... All the things I could teach you."

He stumbled back onto his feet, growling a little to her, debating in his head whether he should continue fighting her or let her win.

"Hey... do you smell that?" Kaisha looked around then got low, Alkosh repeating her actions. "I smell someone, and not someone I know. Be quiet and don't move Alkosh. We are too far away from the pride and I don't think Kazri is near?"

"What?" Alkosh whispered, forgetting how they abandoned the others to get on with their own shenanigans. "Oh no... I will take a look, Kaisha. Maybe there isn't anyone there." He slowly stood up and looked over the tall grass, being tall enough see over it.

"The nose doesn't lie, Alkosh. What do you see?" Kaisha asked, keeping her head low.

"There you are!" The voice of Kazri shouted from nearby, running closer to Alkosh as she seen him in the grass. "Why did you two leave? Do you realize how dangerous it is being out this far without an adult? You father is going to kill me if he finds out I let you out this..." She lowered and started whispering. "Cubs, keep low and close to me. There are two lions from Jakk'al's pride over there and they saw me. They have entered our pridelands again... This is not good. Stay down and don't show yourself." Kazri stood up, revealing herself to the trespassers.

"You two, don't come any closer." Kazri stood and ordered the other two, holding her ground.

"Good evening, dear." One of lionesses approached, the other right behind her.

"I said don't come any closer!" She yelled to the two, not making a move.

"What is your name, dear? I didn't see you last time." She stopped, ten feet in front of Kazri. "You are quite young. What are you doing out here... with two cubs?"

Kazri shook in anxiety, ready to react at any moment if they were to present danger to the cubs, keeping silent and waiting for what seems like a lifetime. She knew she couldn't run and knew she couldn't fight them.

"You look nervous dear. I bet you're wondering why we're here. Aren't you going to ask? Vazari was so much more threatening." She took another step forward, resulting in a roar from Kazri, unsheathing her claws, prepared from what seems inevitable.

"Now that is what a like to see. A little ferocity. You are one of those who would do anything for the cubs right? Admirable, but why risk your own life? It seems so pointless to me." She grinned to Kazri.

"You risk your life by coming here." Alkosh stood up, standing beside Kazri rather than behind her.

Kazri gasped. "You idiot!" She yelled to him, preparing herself for a fight.

"Oh my. This cub has more guts than you." She raised her paw, claws unsheathed. That was enough for Kazri to pounce at her in defense of the cubs. Roars came from both sides as they fought, Kazri having the upper hand for a short few seconds before the other lioness retaliated, cuffing Kazri in the face and stunning her. Jumping down on her, not interested in the kill yet due to Jakk'al's wishes. She continued to throw her paws down Kazri, leaving scratches all over her body.

Alkosh came on him behind the opposing lioness, biting down on her hind leg, causing her to scream in pain as he bit down hard, obviously trying to break her leg. The second lioness jumped in to her defense, swatting Alkosh with one hard hit, sending him flying in the other direction, knocking him out cold. Kaisha lied terrified in the same place she was behind Kazri, watching the madness take place. Kazri took the opportunity Alkosh created in distracting her to cuff her hard, knocking her off of her.

Kazri stood in place, shaking and bleeding hard from multiple cuts throughout her body. The other lioness made another jump at her, easily knocking Kazri once again, attacking her as hard as she was before, bringing Kazri to the thought she was going to die. Kazri was put into survival mode and even though she was exhausted, she put it aside and fought back, biting down on her as she made a swipe for Kazri's face, biting down on the paw and easily crushing the bones inside. She jumped off and screamed in agony unable to stand on her now disabled paw. The other lioness with full energy took her place, cuffing Kazri as hard as she could, sending her down to the ground hard. Kazri at this point was completely out of energy, unable to fight back.

Only just then, from a miracle, Vazari jumped in and used his head to offer a devastating blow to the lioness attacking Kazri, knocking her off and throwing her to the ground with extreme force. He pounced on top of her before she had a chance to react, giving her a strong cuff to the face, breaking her jaw easily and incapaciting her, unable to make another move on Vazari. Through the midst of his rage, he lauched his teeth down on her neck, biting down hard, killing her almost instantly. Before she could completely bleed out, Vazari jumped off and threw himself into the other lioness trying to escape, knocking her to the ground, standing overtop of her.

"Mercy! Mercy!" She begged, already with a broken paw and injured leg.

"Just like you showed Kazri mercy?" He growled, his teeth dripping with blood.

"We weren't going to kill her! I beg of you!" She cried, her life flashing before her eyes.

"I don't believe you. Khyva forgive me." He dropped his head, biting into her neck, a gasp coming from the lioness, her body falling limp after a few seconds, death grasping her.

"Is this what you wanted?" Sandra asked her mate, sitting a distance away, witnessing Vazari's acts from afar with Jakk'al.

"It gone better than expected. But I am not finished yet." Jakk'al smiled, not too phased about the death of two of his lionesses.

"What do you plan to do?" Sandra asked, her eyes on her ruthless mate.

"Well now that Vazari is a witnessed killer, in front of two cubs none-the-less, we can leave this to Ranyon. Vazari will be brought to harsh justice under the eyes of Khyva and I will take leadership of his pride. But first, I want to reveal his secret in front of his whole pride." Jakk'al stood and walked away, Sandra following behind him.

"We need care for Kazri and Alkosh right away, her condition is critical and he may be hurt!" Vazari yelled, still covered in blood.

"You... you did this." Yazmine looked around in horror to the two dead lionesses.

"They were going to kill Kazri and they attacked the cubs. I had no choice." Vazari stood, feeling a little ashamed that we went so far and harsh on the others.

"I just can't believe it... I am speechless, Vazari." Yazmine shook, almost about to burst into tears after looking at Kazri and her still unconscious son.

"Everything will be fine, love. I had to protect the cubs. It was the cubs or them and I chose the cubs." Vazari stood there, trying to assure his mate we wasn't just a savage killer.

"I understand, Vazari. You are right. the cubs are priority and now Jakk'al has gone too far... but so have we... Oh Vazari, what are we going to do?" Yazmine cried, Vazari stepping closer to try to comfort her.

"We killed two lionesses of his pride. We are just going to have to wait for a response. I doubt he will be happy about this but it is now clear he sent those two here. He sent them here to harm our cubs." Vazari once again told only a half-truth.

"Jakk'al isn't going to get away with this. He hurt my Alkosh and if he gets within biting distance, I am going to take that chance." Yazmine's heart filled with rage, unknowing of how it all started.

"Right now, we need to worry about Kazri. Alkosh will be fine. He was knocked out but Kazri is in serious condition. She may not survive." Vazari nose-bumped her cheek.

"Vazari, we are ready to take her back. We got everything prepped. What do you want done with the bodies?" Reesa, one of the hunters asked, also one of the lions bringing Kazri back.

"Leave them to the scavengers. We have our own to deal with." Vazari ordered and they went back to the den, far away from where they could find anymore harm.

Back at the den, things were bloody. Kazri was continuing to lose blood but was losing less than before. She was conscious but too weak to talk or move. Alkosh was awake and sitting in the corner, completely shocked about how everything that happened was his fault. He was about to burst into tears after being told about the lionesses' death and Kazri's critcal condition. Kaisha avoid him and refused to be anywhere near him the whole night. Alkosh felt heartbroken, knowing his father would never forgive him when he found out.

"I have to tell him. I have to take responsibility. This was my fault." He stood and walked towards his father who was looking over Kazri and the treatment she was getting from the other lionesses.

"Father... I need to speak to you. Alone." Alkosh was unable to look into his eyes.

"Of course son." Vazari stood and lead him outside where they couldn't be heard. "All right, Alkosh. Talk to me."

"Dad... This was all my fault. Everything that happened. It was me." Alkosh said, still unable to make eye contact with his father.

"What do you mean, son? Tell me everything. "Vazari stood, keeping a curious glance on Alkosh.

"Kaisha and I... we abandoned Kazri and went off on our own to play without her looking. We have done it before but we never went out that far and it was never difficult to Kazri to find us until now. When she found us, she spotted the two of them and told us to keep down and quiet. She defended us while they approached and that is when they started talking... the others were trying to scare Kazri and I thought it was my duty to step in... so I threatened them." Vazari opened his maw in shock after heaing this. "The other lion raised her paw and that's when Kazri attacked..."

"I have heard enough, Alkosh." Vazari said in a rather angry tone. "I am very disappointed in you. You should have listened to Kazri and stayed down. You provoked them and Kazri attacked before they had a chance to hurt you. And now... Kazri might die tonight."

"Dad... no. She can't! I didn't mean for this all to happen." Alkosh cried and ran past his father and into the den, running till he was by Kazri's side.

"Kazri please. I am so sorry! I should have listened to you! Please don't die. I care for you so much and should have shown it more." Alkosh cried as he looked at the small puddle of blood Kazri was laying upon, her eyes opening a little to look at Alkosh.

"Shh, Alkosh. It's ok. You are still a cub and have lots to learn. Stay strong for me Alkosh. Come closer." Kazri said weakly, Alkosh doing what she said and came closer.

Kazri planted a soft kiss on his face, smiling to him. "I will try my hardest for you, Alkosh. But if I don't make it, promise me you will smarten up."

"I will. I promise." He licked her cheek, giving her a soft nuzzle which hurt her but she didn't show it.

A small crowd gathered around the two, including Kaisha, Vazari, and Yazmine. They all watched as Kazri and Alkosh spoke to each other.

The night seemed to last forever, everyone in the den, watching Kazri's progress and hoping so hard for a miracle. Eventually though, with all the hard work of the hunters to heal her, just before sunrise, Kazri passed onto the stars, Alkosh still standing by her side, with her every step of the way. The hunters comfirmed her passing and Alkosh stood strong, tears leaving his eyes and he gave her once last kiss before stepping away for the hunters to remove her from the den. Vazari followed the hunters, leaving Yazmine, Alkosh and all the others behind.

Kazri was now with Khyva in the heavens.