The Changes Made

Story by Joshuea on SoFurry

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This is the second story in the Changes series. I hope you enjoy and if so please favorite, comment, and tell your friends.

Slowly Joshua opened his eyes from his restful sleep to find that had overslept for work. He quickly threw himself out of bed and bolted for the shower, not even caring about the coldness of his home waiting for him outside of his warm room. Little did he realize that with his newly modified body he was now much quicker than he was before and almost ran into the back wall of his bathroom. Catching himself with his hands he turned on one foot while stepping toward the shower with the other. It was at this point two things came to his mind. The first thing was how was he supposed to bathe himself now that he was covered in all of this fur, and two how was he supposed to explain this strange new form he had unexplainably acquired over night? As he grabbed a clean towel he decided to just figure out the washing situation on the fly.

He turned the water handles on and adjusted them till the water reached a comfortable temperature and stepped in. As the water began cascading down his chest he realized that while he was now covered in fur literally from head to toe, or paw as it were, the fur wasn't so thick that it repelled the water from his skin. He grabbed a washcloth and bar of soap instinctively and then realized that the washcloth would serve no benefit with this fur and decided to just use the bar of soap instead. While soaping his fur up with the bar of soap the second question he had thought of early crawled back into his mind. What am I going to say about all of this when people see me? He soon realized that he was slowing himself down from bathing pondering on the dilemma and ultimately decided he would worry about that later. While soaping his bodies fur with his bar of soap he found that washing a wolf body was quite different than his previous human body. First thing he noticed was that soft bars of soap and sharp claws did not go together considering he had almost managed to carve the bar down to about the size of a quarter. Another thing that proved to be a rather awkward new adjustment was he now had to wash a tail. These were just a few things that proved different not mentioning that the claws on his feet were making small cuts into the shower floor every time he did not pick his foot completely up, his tail almost pulling down the shower curtain every time he turned around, and his ears twitching randomly throwing water over the curtain and onto the floor. He finally managed to get all his fur soaped up and rinsed although the spectacle would have made one think of watching a toddler attempting to bathe itself for the first time by itself. He laid what remained of the soap down and grabbed his shampoo bottle carefully making sure not to puncture it with his claws. He slowly squirted shampoo into his paw to wash his "hair". At least that part was still relatively the same as before with the exception of his ears now being located on the top of his head instead of on the side. He finished soaping his hair and rinsed remaining soap off of his fur and another thought came to his mind; one towel would probably not be enough to dry all this fur.

Deciding it was too late to worry about it now, he dried himself off the best he could and rushed into his bedroom to begin getting his uniform on for work. Just as he thinks the worst has passed he begins to pull his pants on.

"This tail! What do I do with it?!"

Not entirely sure of what to do he did the only thing he could with such a short amount of time and ripped a slit in his pants just below the belt line to accommodate his new tail. The reason he had not noticed this as a problem before was because he had not noticed until then his tail had been running over the top of his underwear which was fine for wearing underwear but would have been a little lower than he would have preferred for his pants. With the new slit in his pants he quickly shoved his tail through, which strangely did not seem as uncomfortable as he had thought it would be, and continued to get ready for work. No problems came from his shirt, belt, or duty belt but then he grabbed his socks and saw his boots sitting in the corner.

"How am I supposed to get these on? I don't exactly have a normal foot anymore. There is no way that these socks or those especially those boots will fit on my feet now!"

Again not having time to search for other solutions to his immediate problem he just decided to test the endurance of his new wolf padded feet and go barefoot. He quickly gathered his food for the night and ran out the door of his house. As he ran out to his truck he nearly missed the door, still not quite used to his new speed. He grabbed the door handle and jumped in, firing up his truck just as he landed on the seat and almost spun his tires trying to get to work before he was any later than he already was.

The trip was short as usual, considering he lived less than 5 miles from the jail. He quickly found himself getting out of his truck speed walking toward the front doors trying to think what he would say about his strange new appearance. All of his fears were suddenly erased when sitting behind the front desk he saw a dark gray colored cat anthromorph where he was sure one of his co-workers should have been sitting.

"Good evening officer Joshua." spoke the cat. And although the appearance was nothing like the lady he had once known, the voice was unmistakable.

"Hello Mrs. Susan."

"Running a little behind today huh?"

"Yes ma'am just a little."

Unsure of her strange calmness and not having time to press the matter any further he quickly proceeded down the halls and on to the back of the facility to start this night of certain uncertainty. As he approached the control room of the jail there he was met with even more changes. Everyone, not just Susan and himself, had been changed into an animal counterpart of their own kind.

Jean now appeared like that of a Dalmatian, Peggy had become a deer of some sort, Abigail had now been changed into a reddish brown colored horse, Kent had become a white and black spotted panther, and Carl now appeared as a large black bear.

As he stepped into the room no one made any comment on his appearance just simply the normal ragging that is to be expected when showing up almost an hour and a half late for work. He walked in and set his things down and continued on about his normal nightly duties. The strangeness was not over yet because every man and woman in the jail had also become an animal. The only thing that kept nagging at him was why he seemed to be the only one that seemed concerned about all of this.

He finally found an opportunity to slip his curiosity into a question to one of his closer co-worker/friends.

"So Carl, have you noticed anything different since we were at work last?"

Carl looked around at the walls and ceiling then turned back to him and answered, "No. Should I have noticed anything Josh?"

He had his answer no one else seemed to have any recollection of what had happened. It seemed he alone knew that they had all been changed. So he went on the rest of his night trying to act as though nothing at all was any different but by his clumsiness of trying to work with his new body that was an impossible feat to accomplish. From attempting to handle pens and write information down to knocking things over with his tail what seemed like every time he turned around everyone knew something seemed odd about him that night.

"Are you feeling ok Josh? You sure seem mighty uncoordinated tonight." asked Abigail.

"I'm fine thanks for asking just got a headache is all." he replied. What was he supposed to say?

He finally finished out his shift and returned to his truck planning to go home and see if he could find any information on the internet to see if anyone else had noticed the change. As he pulled back into his usual parking place he got out of his truck and proceeded into his home to tackle another shower, do some research, and get a few hours of sleep. He grabbed a new bar of soap and completed this new and unusual way of bathing and continued on to his bedroom.

"Now let's see who else has noticed the change."

As he sat down in his chair at his computer and began scouring the internet for anything pertaining to the recent changes and noticed nothing could be found of anyone even mentioning such a thing. He spent a couple of hours searching before finally disappointedly giving up on his failed attempts to find someone that recalled the normal days. Ultimately he decided to just lay down in his bed and try to get a little sleep and try to figure out his next step after he got up in the morning. However just as he slid into the cool embrace of his bed sheets his phone light up on his nightstand with a text message from his best friend Zac saying simply "Dude, what is going on?!"

To be continued...