Scales and Scavs chapter 9, thinking outside the box

He pressed a button on his counter and swept the gadget over the line of money. as he did, the number on the screen rose. "well everyone, it looks like we have enough for a starship, now." "really?" "oh yeah."

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Ileum collision - Betrayals and lies: The ballad of the bounty hunter

Relying on gadgets and knickknacks, not knowing how to really handle yourself without your gizmos. as a bounty hunter, i've been in situation you wouldn't believe, having to fight for dear life with a knife and a rock for days on end.

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Rose- The Assessment

He half shoves me into a smaller part of the room, surrounded by various runes and gadgets as he rushes over to the console.

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A New Job - Part 2

He'd counted over a hundred different automata at work down there using a variety of high tech gadgets and tools to pour concrete, lay wires, move structural girders and a hundred other tasks.

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What Is Left? Part 5

"hey, i may look like a hick horse but i'm no stranger to gadgets, at home i have my very own entertainment system, complete with 50 inch plasma screen, top of the line desktop pc and a hi-fi system that will blow your ipod into the next century" i giggle

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 3

As consus stared at the weird object he was in, he found it odd how there were several different blinking gadgets. nothing there made sense to him, but he knew that there was a lot he wouldn't understand for a while.

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The Old Adventures of Twilight and Crimson!

"you and your infernal gadgets! perhaps you should have shared more with your ward."

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Star Fox: An Unexpected Mission: Chapter 10

Slippy spoke, while he set down a card board box containing all kinds of gadgets he could mess with. " was pretty much the face of this whole team. i don't know if he ever will come back but...i would hope that he does."

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Bench of Nightmares

He stretched out his paws, the world slowing to a halt around him as he wished with all his might that his arms would grow go-go gadget style._ _ 'oomph!'

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Chapter Nine Operation Evacuation

Kreg went over to a storage closet and opened it, inside where gadgets of every kind. kreg pulled out one gadget and put in on his wrist. it was a pod tracker.

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Hero Academy 1 Rewrite

There still were people who thought they could take the heros of course, some with their own superpowers, some just equipped with gadgets or other hightech devices.

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Are YOU Prepared When The Power Goes Out? (PSA)

**auxiliary power** ** ** ** ** ** ** how about your gadgets?