The Old Adventures of Twilight and Crimson!

Story by Fawks Silverwind on SoFurry

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So like... I went off and started writing this. I don't see myself writing too much for this particular story, but I'll probably break off and do Twilight and Crimson stories every now and then. I have yet to really start writing the next episode to either series, so we'll see what happens XD

Side note to clarify the type or world these guys live in... Take our world, make it furry and add a bunch more crazy stuff. TV shows and comics for us are pretty much the same for them. x3

All characters are mine~

Though the two mains are based somewhat on Batman and Robin if we wanna get technical.

Holy flashbacks, Bat- errr.. Twilight Hound!

Fawks fixed the fake fur on his chest as he stood out on patrol. It was an odd fashion choice that Conner poked fun of sometimes; calling the fur on his upper body almost condor-like, but the kid thought it looked cool! They were doing a stake-out to bust up a drug deal that night. Seemed an old foe called the Dream Master had developed this new drug that would knock you out and give you wild dreams, but what the general public didn't know was that it would give you terrible nightmares that you can't wake from normally. He was planning to distribute this stuff and introduce a new terror to the world all so he could study brain patterns or something. What a loon!

The kit was supposed to stay on the look-out while Twilight "Interrogated" some henchmen for more information. Which pretty much meant scare them until they say something useful. Word must have gotten out that Twilight had been seen doing this though as the bad guys he was watching started to look frightened. "Dammit..." And then he saw him. Dream Master! "Screw waiting. I've gotta move!" The young vulpine jumped from the top of the warehouse and swooped down to crash into some guy's back to take him out, bouncing to his feet again to prance a little like a character would in a fighting game when they idle.

"Gotcha now, villain! Umm... urr... AH! Time to put you to rest, Dream Master!"

"...A little slow on the delivery, Crimson whelp. Boys?" The crane backed away slowly, waving on his men to block the path.

"Oh come on!" The fox frowned a bit cause he hated fighting goons. Such a time waster! He spun around to slug one guy in the gut, then he grabbed the arm of another guy and dove between his legs to flip him onto his back. He tossed a smoke bomb in someone's face while trying to chase after the guy in charge. The crane just cackled as his men surrounded the little fox who kept trying to dodge out of the way. He threw pawmerangs to disarm the guys with guns before he finally got slammed with a club in the chest and was sent tumbling back. He groaned in pain when a familiar figure came flying in to crumple the thug.

"As patient as ever, I see." He scowled at the kit before kicking someone in the back of the head with a spinning sweep. His cape flowing to confuse others to his actual position. A glorified bullet protection, but to a kid it looked pretty awesome. Twilight helped his partner up and they both started to clean house.

"Pffft, I could have had them." He grabbed a lion's arm in mid swing and used it to fling him into a meerkat and warthog which Twilight ran at to smack their heads together. Allowing the kit to pause for a moment. "Uhhh.... I guess we must have hurt that lion's... pride~" He looked proud of himself as he had gotten a lot better at this than when he first started. Recalling a time when he was fighting against Double Trouble and could only think of the Team Rocket motto.

"You done?" The shepherd ran ahead towards the building the crane had ducked into. Crimson stuck his tongue out at his big brother and then quickly ran after him. He was held back behind Twilight as they crept slowly into the dark room of the warehouse. The lights came on suddenly after they had made their way to the middle of the room to reveal it was full of parade floats for the festival that was happening tomorrow morning. Ahead was the crane dressed up like you'd expect the sandman to look. If the sandman came out of nightmare that is, or perhaps out of Alice In Wonderland. If you haven't read it, that's some fucked up shit.

"You and your whelp have interfered with my plans far too many times, Twilight! Now... let the good doctor study your nightmares!" His arms extended and sparkly sand came wooshing out, forcing the shep and fox to dive out of the way behind a float. Just then the vulpine noticed that there were odd canisters attached to every one of them. They had been rigged!

"Twilight! He's gonna use the parade for his demented dream dealings!"

"I noticed that too, Kit." He motioned to the boy to go around and flank before putting a gas mask on to go in for a frontal assault. He took a long stride from the shadows to confront the professor. "Give it up. You know how this always ends, Dream Master."

"You and your infernal gadgets! Perhaps you should have shared more with your ward." Just then there was an explosion of the sleeping dust behind the crane to coat the room as the bird cackled and spun his scythe around to try and catch Twilight in the surprise of the moment. The blade just barely nicked the tips of the ears on his mask before the shep could shove the weapon into the air and push the villain back against the hood of a car. Tearing the scythe away with one hand only to have to dodge a beak peck right after. With a swift chop at the crane's throat he was finally down and the smoke began to dissipate in the room.

"Crimson?" The shep quickly checked behind the unconscious body of Professor Avion, "Kit!" He shouted gruffly. Behind him was Fawks who looked like he was about to jump on the villain from behind when the trap was sprung. He was unconscious and unresponsive as the dark avenger cursed under his breath. In a rush he cuffed the crane and called in the cops, leaving them a little note and a gift wrapped bad guy before storming to his car and blazing down the city streets back to his hideout.

The sidelines

It was a few days later. Conner had come up with an antitoxin to weed out the new form of sleep powder that Fawks had been exposed to, but let's just say the effects have yet to fully pass. Fawks has not been allowed to go on patrol since recovering.

"It isn't fair!"

"I'm sure Master Conner has your best interests at heart, young Master Fawks" The kid sat at the Lounge's computer terminal. Possibly one of the most advance computers in the world that even had its own AI system that the fox would often talk with. Affectionately calling him Jeeves because of his programed British accent, and just so he can say he "Asked Jeeves" for some school projects when he needed to give his sources.

"But I need to get out! Being cooped up here is not helping me get over things... Overprotective jerk." He huffed, crossing his arms and slouching in the big chair in front of the computer.

"Sit up straight, young Master. Bad posture is very unbecoming. I'm sure he will reconsider letting you go out soon. He really does care for you."

"Like, what you went through isn't exactly something that you just get over right away." The ethereal otter girl floated down near the fox with a look of concern. She was dressed in her tight fitting "super" outfit, though the fox figured that's all she had to wear considering. It was sleeveless and almost looked like the night sky. Fawks sometimes joked to himself that she totally stole that from Donna Troy from the comics.

Fawks shrugged, "But I'm fine, Aether. You did your little mind thingy... which was a bit of an invasion, but it kept me from losing my head. If anything I'll be haunted by otter ghosts in my dreams. Hehe"

"Whatever! FYI, if I hadn't helped you you'd be all still mopey." She stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms as she looked away. "But... I saw bits of what you saw. I felt it..."

"Yeah but... I'm alright now! I've dealt with those thoughts before, Aether."

"As if! You buried them, bonehead"

"And? That's dealing them them! Maybe I should just go out there on my own for a change." He leaned forward and rested his head in his palm, looking disgruntled.

"I do believe that would only make matters worse, Master Fawks. I hate to interrupt this lover's spat, but I'm picking up alert from my scanners. It would appear Micro Industries downtown has had its alarm system tripped."

Both the otter and the fox looked flustered for a moment, "Lover's spat? She's like... a bunch of years older than me!"

"As if, pipsqueak!" They growled at each other. "Like, I'd so mess you up if I had a body."

"I wouldn't want you to bust your hip, grandma. Oooooo, snap~"

"Don't go there! Like, I can totally still go into your mind and make you dress up like a little girl. Thigh high boots? That's a little gay~" She grinned smugly, wriggling her fingers all threateningly.

"S-shut up! They're cool!"

"Ahem.. the alarm, sir."

"Huh... oh right! Hey wait... that's that computer hardware company! Our school's computers run that Microtech... the old stuff from the 90's though. That stuff is sooooo terrible."

"Hey, I remember when that stuff was top of the line. It's like totally retro now. Hehe"

"Pssst..." The fox leaned in towards Jeeves. "I told you she was old.." The otter gave so many terrible faces and rude gestures to the fox from behind and quickly stopped when he turned out to look at her. "You know... that's the third tech company this week! He neeeeds me out there to help investigate this stuff!"

"I have audio from one of the monitoring station I have hacked into, Young Master"

~"ZZZZZP-at is that thing! Stop it! It's gonna break into the va-AAAHH"~ There was a crack like thunder and gunfire in the speakers always with loud sounding metal foot steps before the feed was lost.

"What the heck was that!? Jeeves, can't you pull up anything else?"

"I'm afraid not Sir. The power in the building was just lost and I am unable to initiate their back-up generators."

"That was SO not even a good sound. I'm gonna jet. Jeeves, let Conner know I'm heading down there!"

"Hey wait! I wanna come too!"

"Like, as if! I'm a ghost and I know Conner would totally kill me. Later!" She flew off and passed through the ceiling of the Lounge, leaving the fox all pouty.

Happy Birthday

"You can't save anyone, runt~" "Your mother is dead, and you're nothing but a weakling~" "No one will ever truly accept you. You're worthless!" "All you do it get others into trouble!" "Tell the good Doctor what your nightmares arrrre~ WAHAHAHA"

"YIPE!" He felt like he just fell a thousand feet and he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The fox was sweating and panting softly as he looked around the room. It was another sunny summer morning and he was still safe in his room. He shook his head and growled, muttering under his breath, "Dammit... just stay buried already..." He buried in face in his pillow as the intercom chimed.

"Good morning, Master Fawks. It's another school day for you, young Sir. Breakfast will be ready for you when you're done getting dressed. Though please don't doddle. The gardens could have been watered with the amount you used the last time."

"Good morning to you too, Jeeves." He stuck his tongue out and rolled out of bed to take care of his normal routine. Brush teeth, shower, get dressed, eat and go to school for a few hours of the day. The days dragged on like they normally did. Well, the work part that is. He had made some really awesome friends, so the lunch periods and breaks were always the best.

"Watcha doing, Fawks?" A kinda shaggy looking wolf dressed in pants with a lot of zippers and a shirt with a rock band on it plopped down on the bench to sit next to his friend. It was lunch the group known as the "Tree furries" were all chatting, relaxing and joking around under the big tree in the courtyard.

"Hey, Eric.." He blushed a bit and pulled his sketch pad against his chest. "Just drawing is all. Eheh.."

"Well can't I see? I let you hear me practice on my guitar."

"...You do that in front of everyone, Eric." He chuckled, closing up the notebook.

"Ah come on!"

"It's just geeky stuff anyway!"


"EEP!" Another fox dropped down from the trees and pounced Fawks to the ground. She smiled, and held him down. "L-Leah!?"

"Don't think you're gonna weasel your way out of things this time, mister~ Everybody! It's Fawks' birthday!"

"What really?" "Dude! Happy Birthday!" "Are... are you alright, Fawks?" "We gotta party!" The group around the tree quickly surrounded the foxes and brought out a look of worry to the young hero.

"For too long have you evaded your fate~" She giggled, rolling the fox on his back. "Spanking time!"

"What!?" Fawks blushed hard and squirmed about, getting 14 hard slaps on his ass while everyone else cheered and laughed. Why was he friends with them again?


Despite the embarrassment he felt, they did treat him to icecream and at the end of the day he still enjoyed their company. More than he was enjoying his brother at the moment.

"Can I go out tonight nooooow?" He put his paws up like he was begging.

"Sorry pup... I don't know if you're ready for it." He ruffled the fox's hair with a smile and stepped into the changing room.

"It's been a week since then!"

Conner stepped out in full gear, speaking like he had strep throat or something. "You're still having those dreams."

"Wha... you've been spying on me!?" He blushed

"I make it my business to know."

"Gee, nothing escapes you bro..."

"You'll go out when I say. Not before, pup" He said as he walked towards the Twilight Car.

"But I won't get over things if you keep me locked aw-"

"End of discussion. And... Happy Birthday." He slammed the door and revved the engine before driving off.

"Do try to understand, Young Sir... It is my belief that he is simply afraid for you."

"Afraid? Him? And I thought -he- was the crazy one." He flomped down at the computer seat with his arms crossed, spinning around in the chair. "Say Jeeves... pull up all the information you can on recent robberies involving the major technological companies in this town. Maybe we can find a connection!" He smiled, thinking -this- was sure to get into Conner's good graces again. The young hero spent a lot of time at the computer looking up reports of stolen technology. All very advanced hardware and items that could be used for robotics. The scary sci-fi stuff that the kit had a huge hardon for.

He couldn't find much of a connection outside them all being rather similar items. Some of them put together would make rather effective EMP shielding, and other stuff could possibly be used to make computers capable of supporting AI similar to Jeeves. There was one company that didn't seem to be on the list of hits though. Decker Tech. Possibly because they have an island for their headquarters just outside the city. It was a weird place to build because of the electronic interference that surrounds the place. Only way to it is by boat, but the company shot up quickly and became one of the leading specialists in robotics. Fawks speculated that they had to be next on the hit list.

"It would seem another alarm has just been tripped, Sir. This time at Silvarin Industries."

"What!?" He hit a button for the intercom. "Twilight! Are you getting this?"

~"If it's about the break in, I'm already on it."~

"You need help? I can suit up and be there in a few minutes!"

~"No. Stay at the Lounge and run another training mission"~

"Awwww! But I've been doing those simulations every day!"

~"You got shot in the last one."~

"But I beat my high score!"

~"To quote Batman... Dead is dead. Twilight out."~

"Rrrrr! What do I have to do to prove to this guy that I'm just fine?" Fawks rubbed his head and suited up, setting the training room to level 20 this time.

"Isn't that a little higher than you can handle, Sir?"

"Nah, I'll be fine! Been fighting crime for a year now, remember?"

"Your confidence is reassuring, Sir. I'll have a doctor ready for you when you get out."

"Har har, Jeeves." The training room had been created rather recently using mechanical dummies and light projections to create a simulation similar to what you could face out on the field. It was riddled with traps and fake thugs with guns. It was like this big, ever changing labyrinth or obstacle course that you had to find your way through and make it to the other side. It even featured replicas of well known criminals and what they would typically bring to a fight. The kit was panting and sweating as he fought his way through it, looking bruised and beaten before he was finally halted by the Dream Master. The crane was always oddly very quick to notice when he was being crept up on, but it wasn't just that. The fox hesitated and the moment he was hit by his sleep sand the simulation ended. "Dammit! Dammit dammit!"

"Do cheer up, Sir. You're still performing better than Master Conner when he was your age. Erm.. I would appreciate it if you did not repeat that. I would not enjoy having my hard drive wiped, Sir."

"Heh... it's alright, Jeeves." The speakers cracked on again to the sound of an explosion and cracked glass. Making the fox's head shoot up in surprise.

~Jeeves, I'll be heading back to the lounge soon. There are robots running around in my city. I'm gonna find out from where."~ The shepherd had just finished a fight with one that looked like it was out of an old b-movie. It's programing was simple, but it was clearly able to protect itself as he looked over the damage to his company's lobby with a growl. He nearly managed to stop its theft of experimental equipment, but it managed to launch the smaller pieces out of the building in a little rocket.

"..Robots? Cool!"


He coughed and blushed a bit, "I mean... that sounds like trouble!"

"Nice recovery, Sir"

"Pffffft! Oh! Conner, there is still one company that hasn't been hit yet. I think we should try there next."

~"Did you finish your training exercise?"~

"Oh I.. Uhhh.."

"He passed with flying colors, Sir. I have it in my records." The fox looked surprised for a moment at the computer's response, but he tail began to wag quickly.

"Yup! I told ya I could handle this."

~"Fine. We'll make preparations. Twilight out."~

"Thanks, Jeeves! I'd hug you if I could."

"Please Sir, too much affection might overload my systems. I suggest you shower. I'll have a new suit all prepped for you when you're done. And, happy birthday"

"You're a lifesaver! Heck, after all these simulations I should have first paw knowledge on how to fight -any- robot. Heheh... Wonder if the guy in charge is named Dr Wiley..." He pranced off to go get cleaned up. Some kids got cake for their birthdays. He got to kick some criminal ass!

"Surely you jest, Sir."