Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two

Inside the crate was a small treasure trove of electronic goodies, most of which had been designed to conceal the objects' true purpose.

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Ferret's Five - Forming the Five

Alkali, draggor, and xander were all huddled around the table that they had set up, one with an electronic screen in the middle of it that had all their digitized plans on it.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 5.5

Bayne holds up dexter at the pokemon, and it responds in an electronic voice. "zorua, dark type pokemon. ability to cause illusion. no further data." bayne realizes that this pokemon was the one causing all of this trouble.

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(Dream Journal) I Remember

With a quick glance at the elaborate menu on the electronic display system behind the counter, i told the cashier that i wanted one of their specials. that's when my ignorance began to deflower.

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Recursive Cycles

Somewhere along the way you forgot to appreciate the sensation of looking into the eyes of another conscious being or the sight of water running downstream, the sound of modern electronics and morning alarms, the smell a new gadget or a new car, the breeze

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(Story.NoHeros.Chapter1) A Network

"we do have a way to connect to just about any electronic device that exists. so putting that into your arm should be easy. at least it should." "just do it." --- "he could cut the power, making it easier to get in." "but it would be noticed."

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The xo nodded, and activated his connection to the shipwide band after a sharp electronic cadence. "exec to all personnel. we are underway. gravity will be building up," then he gave an amused smile, "so that means no skylarking."

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Screens of Wonder

Inside the comfortable hive of the pyro squirrel, burnell was busy setting up his bed and electronic devices for him to entertain himself with for the next few hours until he is assigned for another task... if he ever gets one.

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He spat "i know your awake you barstard", and upon receiving no recognition he pressed a button on the small electronic device in his black gloved hand.


The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion (part 3)

He got up and started to panic. he jumped behind a electronic kit in his bed room. his dad just stood in the door way whimpering as he started hammering out blast beats trying to take the pain away. the older shep just turned, and walked away._ _**you never

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A simple story I ( 16/22 )

electronic music was at its most powerful volume, the speakers spit decibels by which throbbed windows and doors to the delight of the audience who left be trained by the syncopated rhythm. _« work it harder _ _make it better _ _do it faster 

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Bio-electricity chapter 1

The door is electronically locked from this side of the door" andy said when we reached my father's lab, "give me a second to find the right key and... there".

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