A little story I had bouncing around for a while. Really a scene from a movie if it were to be made.
I hope you enjoy this
At an unknown military research center was a cell. Its occupant lay on the bed, eyes closed and face restful. He was middle aged, white hair and beard, and if one was kind you could say he resembled a leaner version of Kris Kringle. He was shirtless and his fuzzy chest was only marred by a set of inflamed welts over his left pectoral.
A door slammed nearby followed by a staccato of sharp steps echoing on the concrete floor. There was silence between the occupant and the person outside - who was the opposite in looks and demeanor. Black leather calf boots, black trousers, black military jacket with the rank indicating high status. Lean sharp features framed lips pressed tightly together.
He spat "I know your awake you barstard", and upon receiving no recognition he pressed a button on the small electronic device in his black gloved hand.
The results were instantaneous as the older man's eyes shot open - a deep startling blue - and he clutched his scarred chest in pain and rolled on to the floor where he withered in agony. When the onslaught ceased he grimaced "Temper.. Temper.. Mon General. I take it you have had another failure"
The general started to pace "Paxton, top in his class, decorated soldier with multiple kills. Deep infiltration. Physically almost perfect and one of my most loyal men. Everything went perfectly - we injected the serum and he changed. He was Magnificent!!!. Then we took him out to check his responses, his training."
"And he ran off. Didn't he" the old man chuckled.
"Yes" the General screeched in rage "He stripped off his uniform, his weapons, and walked away. I yelled.. ordered him to return but he just looked at me and Walked Away!! He was the fifth man we have lost so far."
The General punctuated his rage by pressing the button again causing the old man to collapse again with a groan.
"Careful General" he gasped "You don't want to kill off your only source of the serum do you. You know those who are changed cannot change others."
"I know that - but I cannot kill you but I can make you suffer. Those wires we put in your heart are silver so you cannot change so you are locked.. in here.. with me."
Then they both heard it. A faint howl then another closer and louder. The back wall of the cell exploded in as five tall furred werewolves broke in. Stepping over the rubble they seemed to attack the old man with deft claws ripping open the ribcage, nimble fingers teasing blackened strands of wire from pulsing muscle. A small silver coated box was discarded - flying through the bars to land at the feet of the stunned general.
The werewolves stood back from the old man who seemed to be growing fur as his chest healed up. Limbs lengthen and a muzzle grew, followed by pointed ears. A tail snaked down long digigrade legs and in a few moments the new werewolf stood. Taller, more refined in features than the others with intelligent blue eyes gazing from underneath a furred brow.
He walked over to the bars and looked down upon the sprawled General and seemed to smile. "General - you were right in choosing your most loyal soldiers to make my kind.. But you were wrong in one aspect - Loyalty"
"How So" the General gasped..
"Loyalty to Who and What. You thought that loyalty was bound to your own kind, their service to you - but genetically we are bound to a higher loyalty - Ourselves and that of our Pack. It is and has always been our way"
The werewolf held out an arm and slashed one of his wrists with a sharp claw getting blood drip down on to the floor "I give you the serum freely. Please continue your experiments, but I can assure you the result will Always. Be. The. Same"
And at that the six werewolves turned and walked out into the night.
His uniform torn and dusty the General staggered back to the laboratory. Walking slowly over to a steel cabinet he entered a long and complex code into the keypad there. After the cold mist parted he reached in and pulled out a small vial - less that 10ml remained in its bottom.
He looked at it. Ever since he found out that werewolves existed, he had dreamed. Dreamed of commanding an army of undefeatable warriors loyal to him! To conquer any foe and rise up - possibly even to take over the country and rid it of the weak men who ruled at the top.
Then slowly he turned to a sink and opened the vial, letting the last of it's precious contents go down the drain. Very much like his hopes and dreams.