The Ghost of Toronto part 3
"if this was always a risk, why did the police act now?
The Lightnings: Unity Falls
Turn off the police car's sirens and start playing 'time to say goodbye' at full volume." "police car sirens disabled.
Just Another Night's Job....
The local police wanted him dead, but for the past few years, ihardo had successfully evaded them while still carrying out his business. he had been a lucky man; that was until the police hired a freelance mercenary that went by the alias of "guardian".
Gateway to Hell - Prologue
The nypd are working with the police in his hometown of tokyo, japan to help find him and put an end to this investigation.
Classroom 4b: Menno
The police had interrogated him three times. he also told them about the sweater of the girl who was discolored, but the police had declared that she with that color sweater had gone home.
Family Ties: Heavy In Your Arms
Once we get this all settled - and we will get it settled - you'll never have to worry about the police again." he said, pressing his lips to his son's forehead.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (3/??) -- {Authority}
That's why i'm police chief." the female reassured, a beam showing on her face.
Against All Odds: Part 27 - ...Relapse
"call the police." the little husky whined, reaching out for alexei shortly before he turned to tread delicately away from the bed and across the room.
Venturing: Siren’s Cal
We had the three realms joining us: chaos's r7, neither's winter wolves, sand police dragons and cyber dragons. the party had last for hours. upon the midnight was when the numbers of invitees had deceased until it was just us, vaster police.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 4
"she called the police saying that a tiger-striped female fox was trying to break into houses in our neighborhood. she gave the police a perfect description of me." "i see. and?" "the police arrived and handcuffed me.
Dystopian New York.
The sky had been filled with cybernetic drones and police helicopters which flew around the city skylines and scanned and monitored every man and fur of the city. nothing was unknown from the police. nothing was hidden from the government.
Fear and Loathing - Prologue
And with that, he left quickly, running down the street to get the police.