First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (3/??) -- {Authority}

Story by BridgeToPeace on SoFurry


[PAPER MOON - Bar - Shinzuku City Commerical District]

+"Nujabes - Who's Theme" being played by the bar's band+

The sky was covered with slightly gray clouds: the rain's pitter patter being heard from the inside as the flow of smooth and authentic Japanese jazz filled the bar's ambiance. The people inside the bar were happily conversing their day with each other; smiles on their faces as they took sips from their beverages. A hooded male entered the bar, a black trench coat protecting him from the drenching rain. The bar's guard spotted him and recognized him quickly.

"Raiki-sama, may I take your coat for you?" the cheery guard donned in a black tuxedo said as he came and took the wet coat from the teen. It was quite surprising for a teenager such as Raiki to have access to an adult club, but it seems the people inside did not seem to mind his presence. But some had a condescending look to the young boy. It was to be expected, since he was in this place after all, despite being only 17.

"Um, Raiki-sama," the guard continued on. "Your uncles are in the vicinty, inside the casino and VIP areas of the Paper Moon. Shall I call them for you?"

"No." Raiki said, a blank expression on his face. "I'd rather not deal with them for awhile." Raiki then gazed at the band up in the high platforms, noticeable from the entrance. "Hikaru is singing tonight?"

"Yes, sir. She does have a wondrous and icy voice. The customers have been keen to listen to her tonight. But she is due after this song. The one singing for this number is Guren-chan." the guard explained.

"Guren..?" Raiki said as he eyed the slender looking figure singing atop the stage. He then looked back at the guard and nodded.

"Enjoy your night, sir." The guard then headed back to his post.


Raiki then headed towards the backstage of the bar, hoping to see some familiar faces. A hand then flicked his shoulder, looking back he did saw a very familiar face. With a cigarette holder laced around her index and middle fingers, the female puffed a cloud of smoke towards the shorter male. Raiki waved the cloud away with his gloved hands, his eyes furrowing, demanding an explanation for that.

"Hey there, kiddo." the female said, her eyes looking very sleepy, her eyes bloodshot. "What're you doing in a grown up's hangout? Aren't you supposed to be at home?"

Raiki's anger retreated back into his head, shaking off any apparent altercations that could've happened due to his short temper. "I'm a Kizu. That's not much of an explanation, but it should drive the point."

"Ah, right." Fumiko said, puffing another smoke from her mouth. "The Kizus did build this out of luxury. As if bars and casinos weren't already a thing in the commercial prefecture." the police chief rolled her eyes as she looked back at her little brother. "Anyways, what're you here for?"

"I'm asked to fetch Hikaru for an employee's birthday celebration back at the Bureau." he said. "Kiyoshi-senpai's orders."

"Oh, well I saw her a while ago." she answered back. "She's in that room, I believe. Since you are authorized personnel, you'll have no problem passing the security."

"You should come to the celebration, nee-chan." Raiki said with a face full of hope; quite unusual. It seems that Raiki did hold his half-sister in very high regard. "I'm sure father would be happy to see you."

"Heh," Fumiko smirked, shaking her head and taking another hit of her cigarette. "Maybe to both of you. But I'm not too keen on seeing someone there."

Raiki was perplexed. He did only just meet his sister, but there have been occasions when they've spoken before her reveal. "Are you afraid of meeting that someone?"

"Hell no." Fumiko retorted quickly, laughing quite condescendingly. "I'm not afraid of anyone, little brother. That's why I'm police chief." the female reassured, a beam showing on her face. She then turned to look at the hallway to her left and saw a group of burly men, some fat, some very muscular in various expensive suits make their way down to the hallway where the two siblings conversed. A man with an eyepatch, donning a cigarette in his mouth as well eyed the two with a very patronizing look on his face.

"Raiki, good to see you." the male spoke, a lush, baritone voice echoed from his mouth. "And what's this?" the took his cigarette and flicked it towards the police chief in sheer disrespect.

Fumiko caught the butt and disintegrated the cigarette with her lightning abilities. "That's a waste of a good smoke, there, buddy. It isn't even burned halfway through."

The one-eyed male then took a silver casing from his pocket and took out another expensive-looking brand of cigarette. He flicked his thumb and lightning lit the end of the cigarette effortlessly, just like a lighter would. "Some talk coming from Raiji's bastard." the male scoffed as the company he had also laughed in unison. Fumiko just kept a blank expression.

"Y'know, contempt of law enforcement officials is a grave offense here in Shinzuku City." the police chief said quite sarcastically.

"Heh," the male scoffed once more, looking back at his companions and gesturing at all of them as if he was presenting them. "We're Kizu. We're the law of this city." With that, Fumiko was left irritated as she could only stare at the correctness of the conceited man before him; it was true, the name Kizu does hold power above her jursidiction. And she hated it with every fiber of her being.

"Yet you let a lady do your job and not a Kizu?" A snarky comment, coming from the police chief. "Might as well give me the name Kizu then."

Raiden snapped releasing a wave of electrical force to pin the female to the wall she was leaning on. A bearded mouth leaned in closer to her ear as he gently whispered, "You will never be, in any circumstance, hold that privilege, you misborn illegitimate."

"Raiden-ojisama, it's been a pleasure that we meet again after a long absence." Raiki said as he quickly placed a hand to restrain him, in hopes that his uncle would stop this tension with his sister. Raiden then backed off, and turned to his nephew.

Raiden turned to Raiki as he released his grip on Fumiko. "....You're a good boy," Raiden ruffled the hair of his nephew, as he gestured for his companions; clearly more of Raiki's relatives to leave the club. "Tell your father I send my regards. Let's leave, the smell of impurity clings to your suits for weeks, I've heard." the group laughed as they followed Raiden towards the club's exit; many of Raiden's companions patting Raiki's shoulder in respect on their way out.

"That's a very.. loving family you got there, huh, kid.." Fumiko said, completely demoralized, looking at the crowd beyond Raiki. She wiped a bit of her saliva driping from her mouth; caused from the impact presumably.

"Nee-chan.." Raiki said, feeling worry for his sister's inner thoughts. He was shocked at how his uncle Raiden treated her. He knew that the Kizus were notorious for being power hungry in the city, but to treat the citizens like these. "..Hn."

"You don't need to worry about me, this is a normal thing. You're Kizus, the most prestigious clan in Shinzuku, you do deserve respect." Fumiko said, puffing yet another cloud of smoke.

"This isn't right, no Kizu should ever stray away from our edict." Raiki said, "A Kizu must never wish hatred on their comrades."

"We're not comrades, Raiki. Just like how you see Jason. That's an exception to him, and to you as well. I'm just merely a tool under his wing. He is my super-intendent and oversees the military dispositions of the city." Fumiko said, a nonchalant expression prevalent on her face.

"I thought father headed that department." Raiki rebutted.

"Raiji-dono oversees a general scope. Politics, economy, military and the like. Something Byakurai-sama should be doing, but as we know, he handles the international affairs; the Bureau being a worldwide organization also monopolized by the Kizu family. Raiden is specifically handling the provisions, keeping up with the technological intricacies that keep the city safe. I just enforce the laws." Fumiko puffed another smoke. "You should know by now why your organization is called the Bureau. It's a bureacracy; a hierarchy. Those lower in status have no right in speaking out to their superior."

Fumiko sighed and smiled sheepishly towards Raiki, "I was in the wrong there."

"No, you weren't." Raiki insisted, a serious face coming into view. "He was just as wrong. He was disrespecting the main authority of the city, you, the police chief."

"Even if I used the law against him, what could I do? I'm just a government employee. I could never win in court against a Kizu. The judge would be executed if I somehow magically won the hearing. I don't want to cause more problems. Sometimes you oughta know when to control yourself."

Raiki shook his head, but inevitably agreed with the chief said. The Kizus did hold most of Shinzuku city's authoritative power. There was no mistaking that this power is abused, however. The poverty districts of the cities have managed to come riot after riot. The whole city has closed off barriers towards the district known as the 30th Ward; a place no mainland citizen would ever go to.

"..--oh." Fumiko's ear piece was ringing suddenly. "Uh-huh.. two SCEPTRE agents dead? Where?.. Uh-huh.. I'll be there." Hanging up, Fumiko sighed. "30th Ward, huh.. as expected. Damn Kuroshingons."

"..." Raiki looked down and fell silent. "What're you going to do?"

"I'm bringing those odd balls in, of course. They threaten all 38 Wards after all." Fumiko chimed. "Besides, what they try to live off, it's killing people. You know our organization and the Bureau works together in line with the government to pacify them."

"Not all of them are evil." Raiki protested, his tone a bit sullen. Fumiko just gave Raiki a concerned look.

"Maybe." she said. "Evil or not, their way of life threatens us. You need to understand, little brother." she ended and shook her head before turning to leave. "Well, I'll catch you later. I have more investigations to conduct." Both siblings waved goodbye at each other as Raiki approached the backstage room and came to complete the task he was given.

"Oi, Guren, Hikaru-- you need to cut your performances short tonight.."